Your download may have had a folder called "UI". After you have your files ready, just drop it straight into your respective folder and merge. However, we're going to shut down once again and venture onto the PC/Phone/FTP portion of the tutorial. If that happens, it sucks for you. These aren't any different from a standalone UI mod. GameBanana is probably your biggest bet whenever it comes to getting mods. You can have an only music modpack and a music and model modpack; both of which can be accessed easily through Smash Selector, along with live hitbox visualization and enhanced control editing. We also need to quickly add a folder named "stage". Now, remember when I said you needed the .cia earlier on in the Downloads section? Make sure that the name is unchanged! Inside this folder, place the .IPS and make sure it is named "code.ips". Smash Selector is a great tool that works side-by-side with SaltySD in order to have a clean modding experience, so let's jump in and install it! You've been playing Smash 3DS for three years now. Inside of the SaltySD folder, create a new folder named plugins, and inside of that a new folder named 01006A800016E000. The mods can be hosted on a variety of things. SaltySD is now on your 3DS. However, the 3DS voice mod scene is pretty small and limited. The world of Smash 4 mods! Most of the time, you find UI mods in other mods. Because of this lack of depth, I wanted to make a really detailed guide so it could be the guide to end all guides, and I think I did just that. This is SaltySD. Sound effect mods and the other sound mods were meant to be as simple as possible. There's other SaltySDs for Pokemon games, but we want the one clearly labeled Smash. For this tutorial, I'm going to be replacing Rosalina's voices with Lillie's from the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime. Alright. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. It'll even cover all the different types of mods you can get individually, along with Smash Selector as an optional chapter. They can even change the opening title screen! This will boot into the Luma3DS settings screen. These mods add additional physics to the source stages. On the right, click Download As. And yes, grab the latest version. Inside the mod, there are two folders. I personally have a SanDisk 16gb Micro SD card, but yours will work. since this release, code.bin patch for v1.1, v1.2 of Pokemon Sun and Moon. Yep! These may include new platforms or walls. So, we are going to download the .zip. The newer versions have a pretty banner, so I recommend those. We get tired of the same graphics in the background all the time. It's what makes 3DS modding possible, for Smash, Pokemon, and more! Voices still need to be a .nus3bank file, which means you're going to need to make one yourself. GameBanana however has an entire section for it though, and ohhhh boy, there is definitely some variety. You can play these online without a fear of getting banned. Apprehensive loser. Are you good? Now, here's the thing. Ultimate is composed of the cutscenes from World of Light and gameplay footage from the game set to the tune of Lifelight, featuring all the characters in the game not including DLC. Well, fear not friend. ...What? However, for this tutorial, we're going to select Fire Emblem. We'll choose Together We Ride. Next, if you're interested, also pick up the .cia for Smash Selector. You need to do this in order for your Smash Selector mods to load! After you have your settings correct, you can simply launch the game! GameBanana is probably your biggest bet whenever it comes to getting mods. It'll load, obviously needing internet connection, and it will then show a long list of options for you to download. That's where stage mods come in! Model Import: Shovel Knight over Toon Link, Interface: Snow Halation over Menu Background, everyone who made the mods I used as examples, wayyy too many individual authors to list here. I plan to update this guide regularly, as shown by the changelog present at the beginning of the guide. And it's yet again that simple! So, let us quickly summarize what each are and the differences. Now, we're going to grab the mods that we're going to be using. If you're planning on doing Smash Selector, skip the next section, do Part V, and then skip ahead to the next chapter. This is TRULY the ultimate guide for modding your Smash game. to master It allows you to select modpacks based on the number you specify in the folder name. Assets 3. You'll need a computer for this, sorry! You signed in with another tab or window. Prepare to make a lot of folders! Don't worry, you'll still be able to follow the directions either way. This type of mod's simplicity rivals that of sound mods. You'll need a computer for this, sorry! I've been working on this for a while, and I really hope it shows. In the future, when I have better equipment, I'll change the pictures to better versions. There are c## and h##. The mod is Wi-Fi safe, since it only changes the background and graphics. In short, a file loader that will make it easier to play Smash Ultimate mods. Ah, voice mods. Don't worry! SaltySD SaltySD is a collection of modifications for 3DS ROMs which allows them to load various resources from the SD card rather than from romFS. If you're doing this, you'll also need a .cia installer, like FBI. So my folder is called 00040000000EDF00. If you want to see this Shovel Knight mod, the next section has pictures of the mod ingame, along with others that I've installed. It should now fix bug introduced from 0.3.0a with crashing plugins in Smash Bros and other games while using title specific plugins. Be careful! I still want to help you mod! This goes for all characters. Here's some fighter model imports in action! Image URL HTML embed code Then we'll simply extract and merge. What's wrong? Go to your sound folder on your appropriate version you followed back in the folder creation section, then bgm, and put the file there. Get ready for the Ultimate fighting experience. To begin, we need to select our mod. Make sure that the name is unchanged! This guide will tell you every step on how to mod your Smash 3DS games, cartridge or digital, from fresh off the CFW guide to fully running SaltySD. Hey there! As long as they wouldn't disrupt the sync of the game between two people, it can be considered wifi safe. Version Slot: Picks which folder (Slot_1, Slot_2) to load the mods from. Well, read on. Either way, let's select the Melee shine sound effects, because 20XX is here. However, the one we're focused on is "Enable game patching". Alright, we're going to now install a stage import! If you want to change the alternate that a model mod replaces, you'll want to change the numbers on the folders, and, for UI mods later on, the file name on those as well. The audio quality is bad, but as soon as I have the means, I will update this accordingly, along with the other pictures in the guide. So, we're going to show how to do that, but installing the .cia regularly is also simple. If you have a phone that reads SD/Micro SD cards, you can do that, but it'll get tedious. Now, the reason why Slot_1 is absent from the picture is because Smash Selector basically takes whatever "slot" you have selected and moves it to a "saltysd" folder, where the mods are read and put into your game. Otherwise, you can see how to install Smash Selector. This is needed to transfer the files. GameBanana however has an entire section for it and every individual fighter, or in our case, announcer. Remember that all examples used for the guide will be linked in the Credits section at the end, so if you want to check this out, then you can follow the link there. This needs to be correct! Sometimes, the physics are just too jank for its own good. Kix Fantasma. Installing SaltySD is made to be very simple. We settle all in Smash! Anyways, for music, you'll want to go ahead and open However, we're going to set up for the next section. Your choice! So, you want to add even more flavor to your game? So, here's a special YouTube video just so you can experience the sounds. That's it for the mod installation part of the guide! I tried to be as detailed as possible, and phew, does it show! We'll cover it at the end of the guide. However, we need to establish a couple things first. It needs to go next to fighter, stage, and sound, so it looks like a happy family. Game Type: Pick what type of game your copy of Smash is. You're done with this chapter! This way, you can easily switch between different bunches of mods, effortlessly and efficiently. CROs are stored in the same heirarchy as they are in. We can only use one version at a time though. Go ahead and go on to the type of mod you want to put in your game, and you can continue there. For example, I have an American copy. If you want to set this up, click >>>here<<<, or you can remote install it later on. All default skins are represented by 00. So, we're going to go to the download page, and download the .zip. You now have the entire main folder family. As I said before, you can install this as an application and it can then read the folders you have filled with mods and individually select them. For stage and fighter mods, the most popular places are GBATemp and GameBanana. Simply select it and click Install, wait for it to finish, and it'll appear on your Home Menu! Then, create another folder inside replace folder and name it chr. So, look, I get it. If you want to hold mods AND games, you might want to invest in a bigger SD. So, let's dive in to how to install a UI mod! Using these mods CAN and WILL result in bans, not only on your NNID, but a system ban period. Inside of that folder, make a folder called "smash". They edit 2D graphics, like the fighter portraits or the pictures you see on the menu. First off, you need to grab the integral part of the operation. They can edit fighter portraits and main menu pictures, like previously stated. Folders are very complicated. Some people want an authentic experience, which is why these are there. slissle, for having the only worthwhile guide for smash 3ds modding on here. Are you ready to experience Smash in a whole new way? That's all that you need to do! Make three different folders underneath your slot folders called "sound", "model", "stage", and "ui". Music mods and the other sound mods were meant to be as simple as possible. While most mods will usually have the folders built in, so you can just drop it and have it merge with the "fighter" folder, some mods just have this odd Japanese name. I recommend opening this blog up on the PC version if you're planning to use the computer, just because of simplicity's sake. Not all of them work, though. This is probably one of the coolest stage mods out there on 3DS, atleast in my opinion, so let's get to it! The hitbox and controls options are fairly explainatory. These numbers represent the alternate that the mod replaces. Scroll down to the applications that start with S, and you'll find Smash Selector there. I am not responsible, nor are any modders, if you get banned for being a dink. And once again, you are done! Before we begin, we want to make a "ui" folder, to make merging folders easier. include another exception - abort loading plugins if: ... saltysd_proc.elf from SaltySD folder is not used anymore, you can delete it. But if you're wanting it in the default position the modder suggests... Go to your sound folder on your appropriate version you followed back in the folder creation section, then "vc", and put the file there. Time to see these UI mods perk up Smash 3DS! A collection of SD redirect patches for 3DS games. These are cool, from the GBA logo appearing in Virtual Console to PIN number lock on your entire 3DS from startup. So, here's how to mod them to get a breath of fresh air! You can tell if it doesn't work when you hear a static noise. You'll need this to hold all of the files that are going to hold the mods. However, Smash Selector can also be used to edit controls freely, even being able to turn off the A+B Smash Attack. Thank you for viewing, and therefore, supporting this guide! We're going to once again grab the .zip file. For the guide, we'll actually be using the stage featured in the background of this guide, known as Town Plaza. If you want to see the UI mods in action, that's in the next section.