Hopefully not a huge re-work required, but I think if you reduced the frame rate of hitbox active frames that would really help me (and likely others) in visualization.

Le 16 février 2019 à 23:45:44 NerfLucian a écrit : Yes, very. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIOUC6OJaW4, Back air dans la tête ça touche pour ta video, Sinon au moins vous voyez les hitbox plus large que leur animation, Samus c est l inverse

Ultimate Edition , Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Mobile-friendly Frame Data for Samus in Super Smash Bros. Samus (SSBU)/Hitboxes. Or just a certain duration of the arm's hitbox. Lookin at these gifs, most of her moves look to have surprisingly good hitboxes actually, not seeing too many tiny hitboxes or deadzones looking through these gifs.

Chrom and Dark Samus are great, but I was really hoping for more on that level. Ultimate. You are currently viewing our boards as a visitor. This is amazing!!! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Copyright © 1997-2020 Webedia. DK fait une fente, donne un gros coup de crâne, il met pas un coup de pummel non plus, et c'est plus lent que le shield break de Lucina, même si c'est Armor aux premières frames.

Cookies help us deliver our Services.

This site uses cookies. Flip Kick's hitbox is active for so long it's alsmost ridiculous. Zero Suit Samus is deadlier than ever in Smash Ultimate.

Rien à rajouté à part que sa était fait passé des stagiaires de 3 ème. Ultimate, GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Edition - Switch or a Poké Ball Plus.

Use Smashboards links to get your gaming stuff and support the site, Super Smash Bros. Zero Suit has a ton of strong options at her fingertips. Additionally, all of his attacks- shield breaker aside, have sweeping movements, covering most of his body when used.

Après j'ai jamais été choqué par ça en match, perso.

Just so people know, you don't have to open these gifs in new tabs or even right-click to show controls. Les seuls trucs qui me dérangent un brin perso, c'est les petits bouts de hitbox qui sont là pour aider, genre le Up-Smash de Captain Falcon. Thank you so much! Super Smash Bros. As much as it pains me to say it, Samus won't be leaving low tier until her hitboxes get larger, and last longer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

She has too many small hitboxes and too many exposed limbs.

Ground Attacks; Aerial Attacks; Special Attacks; Grabs / Throws; Dodges / Rolls; Misc Info; Hitbox Images: Choose Another Character; Ground Attacks. Faites gaffe desfois on dirait que ça ne devrait pas toucher, mais c'est parce que l'animation quand on prend un coup ne met pas le perso dans la même position que quand il fait rien.

Après ya quelques hitboxes bien foireuse genre le sideB de Donkey Kong For example her fsamsh hitboxes look pretty good, but they only last two frames and leave her arm there hanging for awhile after with no active frames. Find counterpicks, good matchups, and bad matchups. Because that really makes me feel dumb right now :/.

Faites gaffe desfois on dirait que ça ne devrait pas toucher, mais c'est parce que l'animation quand on prend un coup ne met pas le perso dans la même position que quand il fait rien.

This is great--thanks! Nan désolé mais tu peux pas défendre ce move, le perso met un ptit coup de tête avec une hitbox minuscule dans les airs, mais au sol ça va plus loin que le shield break de Lucina. [Tuto] Comment rejoindre la scène Smash Ultimate .

Is this for the current patch, or 1.1.4? I admit this is comparing a swordsman to a body fighter, but the point is still there.

Ultimate matchup select for heroes, champions, and characters. Ultimate Edition Pro Controller - Switch, a Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Credit to Furil over at Smashboards, thank you. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In addition, yellow hitboxes are vulnerable hurtboxes (hurt by red and grabbed by yellow), red hitboxes are damaging hitboxes (hurt yellow, clank with most other reds), purple hitboxes are grabboxes (grab yellow), and blue hitboxes are invincible areas. Any idea how to do edit moves to do this? et quelques hurtboxes difficile à voir genre la queue de Mewtwo. zero suit samus Menu. oui les hitbox sont à la zob mais ça concerne absolument tout le jeu donc bon à la limite ça passe.

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PS5 : sortie, prix, jeux, puissance, manette, design. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIOUC6OJaW4. GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. It looks like another visual hitbox researcher has cracked the code on lighting up articles! From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki < Zero Suit Samus (SSBU) Jump to:navigation, search.

Et je parle pas du super missile nerf comme jamais (je jouais souvent dracaufeu contre samus et dans sm4sh si tu tapais le missile en l air tu prenais l explosion) From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki < … Jab 1 3 17 -- Transitions to Jab 2 as early as frame 15.

lol. Ultimate. Donc bon on est pas tous a la même enseigne^^. Ultimate , GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. Rien à rajouté à part que sa était fait passé des stagiaires de 3 ème. You must log in or register to reply here. Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Smash community! This is one of the fun parts of looking at data tbh. There's hard to see controls that look almost grayed-out on the bottom right of each gif. However, in Smash there is Shield Drop which takes 11 frames in Ultimate. Zero Suit Samus (SSBU)/Hitboxes. A l'occasion de la sortie de la nouvelle extension Renaissance de Zendikar de Magic : The Gathering, remontez le temps et explorez avec nous le passé des mythiques contrées de Zendikar, le tout en vidéo ! 2nd half is bad though yea. Can't wait for the other characters! JavaScript is disabled. Go vers 15:10

Ultimate, officially confirmed on June 12th, 2018.Once again, Zero Suit Samus is unconnected to the standard playable Samus, although she temporarily transforms into the latter during her Final Smash.Zero Suit Samus is classified as fighter #29. L explosion du smash est sur toi mais ça touche pas They would be really nice to include in my data thread.

Zero Suit Samus (ゼロスーツサムス, Zero Suit Samus) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Alternatively, this ad may have just failed to load. Sans rage aucune, c'est vrai que certaines hitbox sont complètement débile.

HUGE EXCEPTION:Jump, Up B, and Up Smash out of shield ignore Shield Drop frames.

Ultimate Edition, Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Dans la Wootbox du mois de Septembre, retrouvez des ligues de héros inséparables! Ultimate Edition - Switch or a Poké Ball … I hate it so so much. Ryu main here =D!