The lightly-colored green ridged body features red or orange spots, some of which sprout small fine black spines. In general, smaller and more translucent-winged moths are observed in central Maine and larger and darker moths are observed in southern Massachusetts. With wingspans of four to six inches and more, Cecropias are the largest moth in North America. The caterpillars of The Drinker Moth, The Fox Moth, The lackey and The Oak Eggar are three of the most frequently sighted caterpillars in the British Isles. An Emperor moth Caterpillar (Saturnia pavonia) feeding on a bramble leaf. [5] Similarly, ichneumonid wasps do not only parasitize on H. lucina as there are reported incidents of H. maia getting parasitized.,,, Kleines Nachtpfauenauge, Raupe frisst an Schlehe, Saturnia pavonia, Eudia pavonia, Pavonia pavonia, Small Emperor Moth, caterpillar, Le Petit paon de, Saturnids are distantly related to the Oriental moth that is used in silk production; some Asian and South American Saturnids are semi-domesticated and the silk spun by their larvae is harvested. Think of a moth with a 4 to 6 inch wingspan pumping up and flapping its wings inside (the BugLady has seen unfortunate butterflies and moths with crinkled wings, unable to fly because they did not have enough room to stretch as their wings solidified). Buck moth and Io moth caterpillars have sharp, stinging hairs. Copyright complaints  ~   [3], There are few notable parasites of Hemileuca lucina caterpillars including tachinid fly (Compsilura concinnata) and ichneumonid wasp (Ichneumonidae - Hyposoter fugitivus), both of which are not H. lucina specific parasites. Tipperary, Ireland,, giant peacock moth (Saturnia pyri), caterpillar on twig, Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate,, Emperor moth third instar caterpillar (Saturnia pavonia) at rest on plant stem. [3] Flight season is about two weeks long for adult moths. Some are essential and some improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is used. Ultimately, a single caterpillar remained, and it spun a cocoon. [1], Adult female moths are known to not feed on anything, but the general pattern of adult feeding needs more exploration. An alarmed Cecropia caterpillar may thrash about, releasing droplets of its poisonous “blood,” which may cause topical irritation and a runny nose and eyes. This site uses cookies. [7] For adult moths, H. maia is darker than H. lucina and also has narrower white forewing bands with circular spots. Image Credit: John from Tennessee. Emperor Moth caterpillars of the silk worm Saturniidae family. Sexual dimorphism exists in both adults and pupae, where females may be larger. [4] It was observed that C. concinnata attacks each H. lucina caterpillar aggregation and ultimately lays live larvae in the host. Larvae are usually very fleshy, with clumps of raised bristles. This question is understandably often asked. 2/4. History. In the Ecuadorian Amazon,,,,, Larva of a moth, family Saturniidae with venomous stinging hairs in the rainforest, Ecuador,,,,,, Close up of Emperor Moth caterpillar (Saturnia pavonia). Distribution of this species is not fully understood yet due to the species' restricted habitat range compared to its host plants' range. Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Maharashtra, India,, Close-up of emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) caterpillar or larva being harassed by a wood ant in Surrey, UK,, Close up of Emperor moth third instar caterpillar (Saturnia pavonia). You can opt-out if you wish. Some of these variations may be included in the species life-cycle information. [5], Defense mechanisms refer to ways in which an organism protects itself from dangers caused by enemies. Specifically, vespid wasps (Polistes dominula and Polistes fuscatus) have shown to prey upon H. lucina caterpillars that are masticated and given to wasp larvae as nutritional sources. Endromidae, Drepanidae and Thyatiridae Image Credit: Joyce L. from Brownington, Vermont. Females secrete a pheromone to attract the males and once they pair up, they copulate for about one to two hours. Flight usually occurs in September but, depending on weather conditions, it often occurs in October. Not all chemical components of the venom have been identified but it is currently known that histamine or histamine-like substances are parts of the venom. All Rights Reserved. You never know it may be one that’s not on the site and with your permission we would welcome adding a photo of it to the site and include it in a latest sightings report. [1] It was also observed that females preferred the periphery of the twig for their oviposition location as sunlight was more abundant compared to the inner side. shadulla, saturniid, caterpillar, Saturniidae, Pfauenspinner, Saturniin,, Emperor Moth caterpillar (Saturnia pavonia) at rest on heather. There is still much to learn about the early stages of many moths. [11] Larvae are black and have spines on their back that are black and orange. Tipperary, Ireland,,, Larva of an Automeris moth (Saturniidae) with poisonous stinging spines, eating a leaf in the rainforest, Ecuador,, autumn emperor moth (Perisomena caecigena, Saturnia caecigena), caterpillar feeding at an oak, side view, Germany,, Caterpillar of the peacock moth with Stalk eyes,, Close-up of emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) caterpillar or larva,, All of the maia group species reside on the east of Mississippi River and also exhibit similar appearances, making them sister species. [9] Larvae in the early instars primarily feed on meadow-sweet but larvae in later instars were also seen consuming blackberry (Rubus species), cinquefoil (Potentilla species) and black cherry. In the British Isles the magnificent Emperor moth, Saturnia pavonia, is the only species of Saturniidae found. Tipperary, Ireland,, Caterpillar of Small Emperor moth on a leaf,,, Large Emperor Moth (Saturnia pyri), Caterpillar, National Park Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria,, Automeris bilinea caterpillar eating leaves on tree branch,,, The bizarre reddish caterpillar in the netting is the normally-chartreuse caterpillar of the exquisite Luna Moth.