This active fund is much cheaper than some of its competitors like Lindsell Train Global Equity or Fundsmith Equity. The benefit is that unlisted companies, being small, have potentially greater upside if they are successful. The first advantage is the very fact that they are a company. What kind of rescue could trigger a stock market bounce back? Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust review Before I look at the investment case for SMT, it’s worth recapping what this trust actually does, because its name is a little confusing. Right now the OCF is 0.37%. Also, by not being accountable to shareholder scrutiny of quarterly accounts the management of the company can focus on long-term growth. AL.

Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust is popular because it has performed extremely well for the last decade. The fund depends heavily on the expertise of James Anderson, who has been at the helm since 2000.

They have a number of advantages and disadvantages when compared to other types of funds such as Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or Mutual Funds (often called Open Ended Investment Companies [OEICs] or Unit Trusts in the UK) . On the other hand, they may not. And why does that give them an edge? Marwyn Value Investors – Taking Private Equity Public. So far so good, but as with anything in life, there are drawbacks. The first is concentration, geographic, company and sector concentrations all have their issues. Anderson and Slater are at pains to point out that they are not a technology fund.

Capital at risk. Right now, the valuations on a lot of tech stocks do look a little stretched. If BEM is popular the shares are likely to cost more than £500, but if it is unpopular the shares are likely to cost less than £500. The dashed line shows the returns one would expect if the returns varied an average of one-to-one with the benchmark. That’s not to say they don’t have any charges.

Please remember that the value of a stock market investment and any income from it can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested. Investment trusts are listed on the London Stock Exchange and are not authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. If you click on them we may earn a small commission. The bottom line is these kinds of companies have the potential for much bigger and faster growth. “I’m backing it to continue outperforming in the years ahead,” I wrote at the time. There are also some relatively disappointing results, for example Home24 (online furniture sales), HelloFresh (meal kits) and Unity Biotechnology (develops medicines that potentially halt, slow or reverse age-associated diseases). This material is intended to be for information purposes only and is not intended as promotional material in any respect. Another manifestation of the increased risk of the fund is its high typical daily percentage price movement, or volatility. Another important characteristic of investment trusts is that they can borrow money. All rights reserved. Unlisted companies have less transparency and require more research.

Stocks for the Long Run contains a comparison of developing countries between 1988 and 2012. Scottish Mortgage is a low-cost equity fund which invests on a global basis.

A lot of people like to see investment trusts with a management team in place from the beginning. As an example, let’s assume an investment trust called BEM contains a single share in Apple. Ant Financial is a private online payments business that started life as part of the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba. Investment Trusts don’t do this. In fact, the better they’ve done and the longer the period of doing well, the more likely a period of underperformance is just around the corner. Amazon for example, currently takes up about 10% of the fund.

Since then, the investment trust has certainly outperformed. Complacent executives would get short shrift from Anderson and Slater, and they are themselves careful not to get comfortable. Today that investment trust, now known as Scottish Mortgage, is the world’s biggest and one of the most successful.

The Motley Fool Ltd is an appointed representative of Richdale Brokers & Financial Services Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the FCA (FRN: 422737). Click here to claim your copy of this special report now — and we’ll tell you the name of this Top Growth Share… free of charge! Over the same period the Association of Investment Companies Global sector’s average return was 71.9 per cent, while the FTSE All World index rose 88.5 per cent. How to invest for high income and avoid dividend traps, How to find shares with dividends that can grow: Troy Income and Growth manager, Blue Whale manager: 'We want companies that grow whatever happens', How biotechnology investors can profit from an ageing population and the future of medicine. Why is an activist investor targeting the top performing Electra Private Equity? It’s this technology focus that explains why the trust’s share price has soared recently. Amazon is up about 40%.

Before I look at the investment case for SMT, it’s worth recapping what this trust actually does, because its name is a little confusing. Any performance statistics that do not adjust for exchange rate changes are likely to result in inaccurate real returns for sterling-based UK investors. SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST: How backing the stars of the future has paid off handsomely. The largest 30 holdings accounted for 80% of total assets, with Amazon alone accounting for more than 10% of the assets, and the total number of holdings was 79 as of October 2018.

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Scottish Mortgage joint managers James Anderson and Tom Slater discuss some of the key investment lessons they have learnt and how these have impacted the distinctive way in which they invest, James and Tom continue their discussion, moving on to talk through portfolio companies which are at the forefront of profound change in their industries.

The reason is they don’t pay commissions, which in turn means less people write about them or advertise them. Tom Slater runs this investment trust alongside James Anderson with an emphasis on low-cost, high-conviction, long-term investing. Tom was appointed Joint Manager of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust in January 2015 having served as Deputy Manager for the previous five years.