Importance of skill assessment tests. The questions and replies will give you a realistic overview of the work environment in the EU institutions. Comment choisir son métier idéal Quiz IT – Découvrez notre plateforme de tests IT & évaluez vos compétences techniques en choisissant parmi une liste de +300 tests. Lire aussi : 52% des français ont un niveau d’anxiété élevé. Exemple: l’énergie vous portez en vous contribue à la réussite de l’entreprise. For details on the tests included in a specific selection procedure, please check the Notice of Competition (or Call for Expression of Interest). The literacy professional skills test. Candidates who succeed at the computer-based multiple-choice tests and/or the selection based on qualifications, and whose online application forms show that they meet all general and specific eligibility conditions of their competition, are invited to an assessment centre. Vous devez être capable d’identifier vos émotions, celles des autres, et d’agir en conséquence. CQFD : Prêt à retravailler votre CV ? Imaginer les possibilités et voir au delà des évidences pour innover et anticiper. Exemple : le mépris, la méchanceté, la misanthropie sont à bannir…psychopathes s’abstenir ! Exemple: prévoir une to-do list et s’y tenir. Use these online sample tests to familiarise yourself with the types of questions used on Linguaskill. Office 2016 skills test. Il vous est demandé d’être assez confiant pour donner de la confiance aux autres. Elle reflète l’envie d’avancer et de réaliser des projets. 7,599,930 B1; 7,827,125 and 7,836,060, utilisation des réseaux sociaux en recrutement, nous renvoyons à la charte d’À compétence égale. The Speaking sample test requires a headphone set and microphone. Surtout, vous risquez de vous battre avec l’un de vos collègues, ce qui sera préjudiciable à votre carrière (et à votre santé surtout si votre adversaire est plus costaud que vous). The first round of tests that most candidates will be asked to take are computer-based multiple-choice tests, unless they are applying for specialist roles in which case the initial selection procedure may be judged on qualifications only. Exemple: s’inspirer de Dick Fosbury qui a révolutionné le saut en hauteur. Liée à la curiosité, il s’agit ici d’oser de nouvelles techniques, organisations et porter des idées neuves. 4. Please note that the number and type of tests candidates take vary according to the competition type and level for which they apply. EPSO does not provide any preparatory courses or material apart from these sample tests, neither does it endorse any other organisations' publications or training courses. Revision test: sample - Revision of a text that has been translated from Language 2 into Language 1. assesses candidates' ability to think logically and understand the relations between concepts involving no linguistic, spatial or numerical elements, generally a computer-based test based on a relevant scenario, in which candidates are faced with various problems that they are asked to solve or to which they must react, relying solely on the material provided, a computer-based test in which candidates are asked to answer a number of questions using the documentation provided in an e-mail inbox, after absorbing a certain amount of information on their own, candidates are put in a group with several other participants to discuss their conclusions and reach a collective decision, assesses candidates' ability to think logically and understand numerical information, an individual test of analysis and presentation, in which candidates are asked to come up with a proposal concerning a fictitious work-related problem. Note: The Reading and Listening sample test is not adaptive and is shorter than a real test. Linguaskill General . 1. Exemple: « think different » comme Steeve Jobs. Windows and Unix) and network and telecommunications management.Child care staff: questions on childcare in after-school facilities and outdoors (children aged 3.5-14), kindergarten teaching and nursery/nurses and childcare work for children aged 0-3 in crèches.Educational Psychologists: questions covering different aspects such as the coordination of work of a nursery or after-school centre and its staff,  the quality of life of the children and interaction with the parents, the development and monitoring of the educational mission statement (including training). Sample tests for these two rounds of tests are given in the following pages. All these tests will be computer-based and you will take them at the same time in a test centre of your choice (to be selected from those available). Candidates have 25 minutes to finish the test. Each question comprises 4 options, out of which only one (A, B, C or D) is the correct answer. Hors de question de vous ... 52% des français ont un niveau d’anxiété élevé. Si vous êtes fébrile, c’est moins évident…. You can test your Microsoft Office skills (or those of employees, interview candidates, family members, friends or pets) by doing any of the tests shown below (there's a guide to how they work here). Streamline your hiring process by combining a video interview with skills and behavioral assessments. S’il n’arrive pas à utiliser un logiciel, au lieu de lui jeter des tomates, proposez votre aide. In french, il s’agit de posséder des compétences humaines, qui n’ont donc rien à voir avec votre formation. Alors montrez que vous êtes ultra-motivée (n’en faites pas trop non plus) ! Exemple : travailler en étant sûr de soi favorise l’écoute et l’échange avec ses collaborateurs. This type of test is applicable to the following profiles: © 2020 European Personnel Selection Office, Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Et peut-être que vous inventerez l’I-Banane ?! Basic knowledge of MS Office software products is also tested.Administration / Human Resources: questions mostly related to personnel management and professional training.Communication: questions on practical tools such as, but not limited to, briefings, factsheets, online communication, social media as well as on pertinent project management aspects related to e.g. These sample tests do not provide a result or save your answers. Main language skills test: sample - The main language skills test is a multiple-choice test made up of 25 independent questions. In french, il s’agit de posséder des compétences humaines, qui n’ont donc rien à voir  avec votre formation. Some EU member states offer training and support for EU nationals, through the following contacts or via their Permanent Representation to the EU (consult the official directory of the European Union). Test content . Résoudre des problèmes Cette qualité est […] questionnaire will help you to determine whether a career in the EU institutions is for you and if you are likely to meet the standards required of an EU official. As part of the selection procedure for each open competition published on the EPSO website, candidates will be expected to take a series of tests to assess both their general and professional skills and competencies. Exemple : cerner les difficultés d’autrui, savoir ce qu’il veut exprimer et tout cela, sans le juger ! Exemple: si vous allez au travail la boule au ventre, changez de travail, vous ne méritez pas cet état. Exemple : éviter de vous moquer d’une personne que vous savez susceptible ou de crier sur les toits que vous êtes heureux en couple alors que votre collègue divorce. En savoir plus ! Il s’agit ici de la base pour intéragir correctement avec ses collaborateurs ! The assessment centre is normally held in Brussels or Luxembourg, and may take place over one or more days. Patents No. Finance: questions on financial procedures, accounting management, analysis and advice (audits and controls), which may also cover economic theories and tools to monitor and analyse economic and financial trends, developments and data.Project / Programme Management: questions on knowledge of project/programme management (planning, monitoring, evaluation, etc.) which also cover relevant financial aspects, communication and quality assurance.Secretaries/Clerks: questions on a range of secretarial tasks/clerical duties such as organising meetings, preparing missions, filing documents and mail, sorting post, maintaining appointment diaries, etc. Details about access arrangements are on the Process for taking the professional skills test page. Free online sample tests. Cela est liée à l’organisation : savoir identifier ses priorités et minimiser les tâches chronophages. The list of available test centres will be accessible to candidates in their invitation letter. es, une obligation légale et un confort de travail, U.S. Comme on sait que les candidats souhaitent se mettre en valeur, il s’agit aussi de prendre du recul par rapport à leurs résultats. Efficace pour ne pas mettre 10 heures pour taper un mail de 4 lignes ! », évitez de répondre « je fais appel à mon n+1. Comprendre l’autre pour savoir avancer ensemble.