The ground version will chain into itself for up to 3 tears with additional K inputs. Fueron vistas por última vez en una lección de esgrima. TM & © 2015 Autumn Games LLC. Napalm Shot can't be done if you still have another traveling Napalm Shot on the screen.

Amount of time it takes for the character to turn invulnerable after they finish performing their assist action. Longer than usual recovery for an air throw. Krieg es una reliquia de la familia Renoir. Making contact with certain moves. Finales alternativos de los Modos Historia en los Datos del Juego, Foros Skull Heart. Must be hit with a physical hit to be destroyed. Doesn't have a hitbox or have any effect, but has a low number of total frames. Hold 7 when inputting 5HK during your chain to keep backwards charge. Su Arma Viviente Krieg es capaz de derramar lágrimas Napalm que se pueden colocar alrededor del escenario cuando Parasoul dispara con su luger o da vueltas a su alrededor. Parasoul's gameplay style also stands out as "cool" and pretty original among the other (more bizarre) characters in the game. With a DHC, it may be better to use sniper instead. Después de derrotar a la Skullgirl, para salvar a Umbrella que se acercó demasiado al Skull Heart y moriría en su explosión si Parasoul lo destruía, Parasoul desea que su hermana nunca se convierta en la Skullgirl. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Sort By: Title Start Date Replies Views ... Skullgirls Mobile Forums. Parasoul is a charge character with excellent space control tools in her air normals and tears. Resulting from a "bug turned feature", Parasoul's taunt will make Robo-Fortune explode early during her level 3 when called as an assist. jLP, jHP - Disjointed jump ins with great reach that ignite tears, so they're good to use with Napalm Toss. These moves will have 'ignites tears' listed in the properties section. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict. An Egret travels across the screen on a bike with an active hit grab. El diseño de la cuarta y onceava paletas de colores alternativas se cambiaron en un parche aplicado el 13 de mayo de 2014, el cambio de la coloración de las cruces rojas en su collar ahora son plata y blanco respectivamente. Parasoul launches herself a little higher when used during a jump or super jump.

This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict. Can only combo off the ground bounce of this move if it is chained into. Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. Holding jMK holds the pose after the attack to float to the ground. Under her command are the Black Egrets. Wielding the living umbrella, Krieg, she fights with grace, poise and cunning to defend her family honor and destroy the Skull Heart so no one can repeat her mother’s terrible mistake. If the tear was placed in a combo and detonated by jLP in the same combo, this exception is ignored. Parasoul shoots a projectile that leaves a tear on hit or block, identical to the tears created by Napalm Toss but with a shorter detonation time.

2MP - Horizontal poke with disjointed hurtbox, and reels Parasoul's hurtboxes back. Skullgirls Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en Juegos.

Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world.
Can absorb multiple projectiles on the same frame, but meter is only gained from one projectile per frame. Any hit after the first adds 3f of hit stop to attacks hitting the Egret. Ella también tiene la opción para detonar una o todas ellas. This float also puts Parasoul in control of her left/right falling momentum. 2 frames less startup after the flash if used as a DHC. Ignites tears despite lacking a flame animation visual. Shoots a slow moving horizontal projectile. Parasoul's most advantageous normal on block, and tied for fastest normal with 5LP. Parasoul has 3 different intro poses that can be selected by holding a light, medium or heavy button during the loading screen before a match. Por ejemplo, cuando Double y a Valentine secuestraron a Umbrella después de darse cuenta de que Umbrella tiene un vínculo especial con la Skullgirl, Parasoul estaba muy decidida a rescatarla. Parasoul se disculpa con tristeza a su hermana, diciendo que era la única manera de salvar el reino, y Umbrella le asegura que "siempre hace lo correcto" antes de suponer su muerte. Parasoul es ahora la princesa heredera del Reino Canopy y líder de su escuadrón militar de élite, Garzas Negras. A pesar de que mantiene una actitud solemne, ella tiende a ser furiosa cada vez que alguien pone a sus seres queridos en peligro. Explodes when hit by a projectile. Ricochets off the floor and travels at an upward angle. Sólo unos pocos saben de los horrores de la Skullgirl como Parasoul: hace siete años su madre se convirtió en una Skullgirl y casi destruyó el mundo. Debajo de su personalidad grave es una líder noble que está pensando en lo que es mejor para su reino y su familia. Parasoul's meterless invulnerable reversal. Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict. Tapping the button will leave the tear at a predetermined spot along the trajectory, as pictured.

Its main weakness is a giant deadzone in the hitbox behind Parasoul, which allows for many characters to forward jump over it, even in the corner. The air version's recovery can be canceled into normals.

L Napalm Shot ([4]6LP) - Plus on block fireball and leaves a tear on hit or block. When browsing Skullheart, keep in mind it was most active when the game was on an older patch. On hit, will drag the opponent to the wall for a wall bounce. En encarnaciones anteriores, había una afinidad con el Árbol Negro, desde el concepto hasta posiblemente descartado de las tradiciones de las damas.
This page was last edited on 11 September 2020, at 10:08.

lol. Ella puede flotar en el aire con Krieg y cualquier lágrima que explote mientras ella aún flota le impulsa hacia arriba.

Pocos conocen los terrores de la Skullgirl tan íntimamente como Parasoul. Wielding the living umbrella, Krieg, she fights with grace, poise and cunning to defend her family honor and destroy the Skull Heart so no one can repeat her mother’s terrible mistake. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. If hit with a non-projectile, the dive ends. Can anti-air against IADs from a distance. En un final alternativo sin usar, Parasoul decide disparar a el Skull Heart y Umbrella se ve atrapada en la explosión. Parasoul es una de los personajes jugables en Skullgirls. Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. Only one soldier from Egret Call, Dive, or Charge can be on the screen at once. Parasoul does not attack as she remotely detonates all tears on screen. 1st hit moves Parasoul moves Parasoul forward significantly. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict.

Request an account by joining the, 97 OR 67 (hit, block and whiff) OR 117 (air hit). Ella es la hija del Rey Franz y de la Reina Nancy, la Skullgirl anterior, y ejerce la Arma Viviente, Krieg, en la batalla. Al ver el dolor de los demás, Parasoul muestra tristeza hacia los que sufren.

Napalm Pillar ([2]8HK) - Fully invulnerable and has a good anti air hitbox. Shoots a fast moving horizontal projectile. Krieg en alemán significa "Guerra" y es el arma viviente de la familia real Renoir siendo una alegoría de Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis. Aparece como un Personaje No Jugable en Carpasi no es elegida para jugar como ella. Parasoul Napalm Shot [HP] 'Spam' Tutorial, Avoiding the new Silent Scope wait period, Punishing Parasoul's Napalm Pillar into Bikes,, Want to be an editor? They will detonate on their own after waiting a certain amount of time. Use this for whiff punishing. La pistola que utiliza Parasoul es una Luger P08 una pistola semiautomática de 9mm alemán utilizada durante las dos guerras mundiales, y un reemplazo para la anterior Mauser C96., Lógica, Vino, Ajedrez, Esgrima, Entrenamiento, Tenis, Diplomacia, Filosofía, Tropas de las, Gente demasiado emocional, Confiar en los demás, Los que hablan mal de su familia, La injusticia, La.

Ella se da cuenta de que su cuerpo esta desfigurado y horrible, y le dice "¡Pobre chica... ella no mereció eso!". It behaves like normal if ignited by other tears. Ella ataca con gracia, equilibrio, y la astucia para derrotar a sus oponentes y completar sus misiones. Parasoul es una de los personajes jugables en Skullgirls. Los ataque Napalm de Parasoul llevan el nombre de un agente espesante a menudo se mezcla con los combustibles derivados del petróleo o similares para hacer bombas incendiarias, como los utilizados durante la guerra de Vietnam. Summons six soldiers from the screen behind her. Parasoul also gets meter for any projectile absorbed: 7% for the first projectile and .3% for subsequent projectiles. This soldier remains on screen longer than MK and HK soldiers. Can dash forward with the bike for corner carry. Parasoul can create projectile mines on the screen called tears using her Napalm Toss (214K) and Napalm Shot ([4]6P) special moves. If manually detonated from Parasoul's attacks, the explosion is similar to one as if it detonated automatically. Because this tag is a projectile, it will be canceled out if it comes across another projectile.