Enjoy the fact that you got to stand in the ring with Le Champion. Cage wobbles so Moxley knees him again! Fenix wheelbarrows, Dax blocks the rest, and then alley-oop bombs Dax into buckles!

Into a CROSSFACE! Welcome to the TJRWrestling review of WrestleMania 35. Omega fires up and the Terminator drums begin! Cody’s entourage left except for Arn and Brandi. This isn’t like how Cody’s competed lately. Taz tries to get Cage to head out, not wanting another brutal fight so soon. The women’s division is also growing stronger with Diamante moving up from Dark and Ivelisse joining the roster! I should have felt Vickie Guerrero becoming that manager, she is too good to pass up. Stunt frustrated Omega early as Chris Jericho, on commentary, mentioned his longtime rival taking his smaller opponent lightly by wearing a T-shirt. Matt then hits Stunt and Luchasaurus to go corner to corner, CANNONBALL enziguri combo!

Anderson said that RNR are still in it today while saying they were the tag team of the century. Matt was on the apron, so Stu hit a senton bomb over the top onto Matt on the apron. Grayson jumped in the air like a dumbass, so Nick hit him with a superkick too. Analysis: ***1/4 This was good although their first match was better with more nearfalls and a better finish. Dark Order’s Reynolds, Angels and Silver. Stunt leaps in, to get a SNAP DRAGON!

The crowd boos but Jericho shouts, “Get the hell out of my arena, you piece of sh*t!” Cassidy gives a thumbs up, to make it a thumbs down! (9/7/20), Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! CHOPS all around, and a lariat for Matt! Just wait and see what happens to Cassidy, Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy “and that little puke” later! Lee did a promo saying that on Saturday, August 22, Cody will put some respect on Brodie Lee and the Dark Order’s name. The ref reprimands, Dax tags Cash and FTR mugs Fenix in the corner! The crowed cheers as Allie runs, Brandi tags in and Allie knee lifts Kenzie for Brandi to SUPERKICK! Matt walked upto a guy who was backing and slammed him into a garage door. Cover, Nightmare Sisters win! The announcers went over the card saying that Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy will be the main event. There might be a title change here.

Cash catches Pentagon for a spinning powerslam! What will it take for someone to take #BigPlatinum from Moxley? Friends, loved ones, heroes, the people we care about. The crowd rallies again as Moxley endures. He blocks one, but not the third V-TRIGGER!

Fenix throws more forearms on Cash, then runs to basement dropkick!


Boy jumped back into the ring with a DDT on Page. Will someone step up to this open challenge? Will the Concrete Rose be golden in the summer heat? Matches announced for Wednesday's blockbuster broadcast included: Beyond the war between Jon Moxley and Brian Cage, the battle between FTR and Lucha Bros appeared to be the most interesting. I get the story, but it made it less interesting. They did this cool spot where Grayson went off the top with a hurricanrana after walking across Nick’s shoulders. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Allie runs to sliding lariat! Cody cranks back, Kiss endures and moves around, to get a ropebreak with a foot! But Cage LARIATS right back! Private Party.

The Bucks brawl with JB and Stunt, drag them out, and bump them off the apron. “Who better than Cage? Will this only fire up The Cleaner to take it out on Jurassic Express? (8/30/20), Andrew’s SummerSlam Results & Match Ratings 8.23.2020, Mathew’s G1 Climax 28 B Block Results & Review: Day 18, Andrew’s G1 Climax 28 A Block Ratings & Review: Day 17, Mathew’s G1 Climax 28 B Block Results & Review: Day 16, Andrew’s G1 Climax 28 A Block Ratings & Review: Day 15.

Dax said he’s got a wife and perfect daughter at home, so he’s indebted them forever.

It’s Tag Team Appreciation Night, so they asked AEW tag team Champions Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page who their favorite tag team of all time is. Cassidy countered with a small package for two. Cover, Omega breaks it! Kiss is in no mood and he shoves the cameras away! Cash puts Pentagon in, Pentagon enziguris back! TWO, and Stunt back kicks! The undead underdog wants his revenge for Double Or Nothing! He is the Demo God! Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. But then FTR pour it out on Omega’s head?! Cage endures, Taz has a towel… Taz throws in the towel?! Mitchell’s NJPW AXS TV Results: King of Pro-Wrestling 2019 Part 3! Omega has JB in a dead lift gut wrench for a WILY BOMB! A missed splitting leg drop halted the challenger's momentum but Kiss recovered and delivered his own version of Cross Rhodes for a near-fall. Lee said he’ll take that title from Cody and give him the old one back. FTR bailed when Young Bucks went into the ring. Analysis: How did I know it was “bleach” there? Page with a body slam followed by a snap suplex for two. Cage staggers up, Moxley runs to knee Cage again! Morton punched Tully in the jaw.

MJF thinks Jon might not be there because he’s afraid of change and he’s afraid of MJF. Cody BOOTS Kiss right down! “We loved that match! SO he gets the V-Trigger!

JB runs but into Nick’s kick. I just want more selling. Dax catches him, shoves him, Fenix dodges but Cash tags in. Cover, TWO!!

In an unbelievable spot, Stunt delivered a destroyer piledriver off the shoulders of Luchasaurus, onto Matt Jackson for a near-fall. Matt throws JB out, then throws Stunt. Now according to #TechniqueByTaz, Mox won’t be able to hit Cage with the Paradigm Shift because Cage is just too big and strong. “YOU! Jericho is amazing at being dramatic, just saying stuff about Cassidy and Jurassic Express and so on. Those two were hanging out in the crowd so don’t be surprised if they become a duo, too.

Cassidy messed up a dragon screw leg whip twice although maybe that’s how they intended. Cover, TWO!?! Dark Order hit a spinning kick into a brainbuster combo for a two count as Matt broke up the pin. Moxley baits Cage into a corner and POSTS him! Fenix leaps over, he enziguris Dax down and huricanranas, but Cash blocks! Moxley has a hell of a challenger in The Machine, Brian Cage. And that is why there will never be a rematch! Moxley throws forearms and CHOPS back, then puts the arm through the railing gap! The Bucks stop Omega but Omega doesn’t understand what he did wrong. Vickie’s evil laugh returns, but will she be the key to Nyla returning to the top? Dax puts Fenix on the ropes but Fenix body scissors Dax out hard!

He floated over and applied the hold to the other arm, trying to take away Cage’s massive arms. Cash goes to the apron, Pentagon drags him up and wants to end him!

The finish was close with Grayson trying to break it up, but then he was a moment too late. Winners: The Nightmare Sisters, by pinfall. Jericho with a forearm to the face that sent Cassidy to the apron and a springboard dropkick (a signature move for Chris) sent Cassidy to the floor. The next episode of Dynamite will be Saturday, August 22nd at 6pmET or immediately after the NBA Playoffs. Hot tag to Fenix and he dropkicks Dax down! After the match, Cage attacked Moxley with the FTW Championship, only for the lights to go out.

A Cassidy-Jericho rematch seems like a sure thing and given how extraordinary their battle a week ago was, that is a very good thing. I like Omega and Page’s move, but I wish they did something more to build up to it or make it look more impactful. Cody pushes Kiss into the ring, covers, but the ropes are too close. To spinning BUZZSAW!

Jericho reeks of OJ, JR! Mox gets up!? Le Champion has The Inner Circle following him, with jugs of orange juice in hand as reminders of the victory over Orange Cassidy in last week’s Fyter Fest finale. The crowd jeers with “You Scared?” Jericho isn’t scared of some little dweeb with a denim jacket! Roll up, TWO!! Is he disappointed in Cody or impressed by Kiss? Nick slingshots but JB handstands out of the facebuster! Matt said that ten days from now is August 22 when AEW airs on a special day. Cody walked around the ring a bit for a breather. Cassidy slapped on the Ankle Lock submission that didn’t look that devastating at all. Cover, TWO!

That Six Man was incredible, definitely proof AEW can do a Trios Division, but what a twist if Omega was the one to turn Heel and therefore turn on Hangman and the others. Luchasaurus rocked Omega with a headbutt but The Cleaner answered with consecutive V-Triggers. (9/24/20), Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! And kip up! Moxley has a wristlock but Cage throws Moxley into barriers. Matt with a leaping double clothesline on both Dark Order guys. Mox hits barriers and Cage catches his breath. Or will this team fall apart before our eyes? Kiss gets a second wind but it still takes a few tries to break the hold! Excalibur did a great job of putting over the underhanded nature of Harwood going for Fenix's mask, thus making an excuse for the defeat. Hikaru Shida was interviewed on stage by Tony Schiavone. Cover, ONE! I think Hardy vs. Sammy is very likely for the All Out PPV on September 5 and it has been booked well.

MJF wanted Moxley to be comfortable enough to show up at your job. Pentagon drags Cash up and in to CHOP him on the ropes! (8/31/20), Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report!

Analysis: ***1/2 It was a well worked tag team match as usual any time the champs are in a match. From a storytelling standpoint, it was a sound booking decision: Cage preserves his heat having not officially lost, while Moxley holds onto the title for the time being.

Orange juice spilled from the rafters, dousing The Inner Circle and leaving Jericho irate over his ruined, $7,000 jacket. Lucha Brothers are the most talented guys in this company that have had nothing to do for several months.

They poured some bleach on them and left them in the shower. Analysis: ***1/4 This was pretty good although it lacked the strong finish that most Young Bucks matches have. Cassidy opened up on Jericho with punches, then a jumping clothesline and more punches. Harwood and Wheeler proved they could hang with the most dynamic tag team in All Elite Wrestling and even stepped out of their comfort zone for more than a few spots. The Inner Circle praises Jericho as he continues to praise himself in that match last week. Mitchell’s NJPW AXS TV Results: Power Struggle 2019 Part 1! (9/26/20), A Winner Is You #13: Just Cancel My Membership, Badlands Wrestling Mount Rushmores #52: Tolley Loves The MCU, The #Miranda Show: The Best Women’s Champions, Turnbuckle Talk Episode 186: The Tag Team Special, Greg DeMarco Show: Alex Chamberlain Interview, Women’s Wrestling Talk: Heather Monroe Interview.

Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 30 Results & Report! Allie drags MJ up, but MJ knees low and scoops.

Luchasaurus tossed Stunt over the top onto Omega on the floor. Morton thanked everybody. They showed Frankie Kazarian sitting in the crowd watching the match in an “I’m a Killer Kowalski Guy” since he was trained by Kowalski. It was not close to that.

Granted, it does seem there are reasons Nyla is the only contender standing, and yet she also wants to take her time getting back with the help of her new manager. The John Report: WWE WrestleMania 35 Review, TJR WrestleMania’s Greatest Matches #11: Chris Benoit vs. Jericho gets that Cassidy wants to hear this in person. AEW Tag Team Championships: Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt.