Find top Sniper build guides by DotA 2 players. Headshot is taken last due to its dependency on Sniper’s attack speed. The PERMA-BASH effect is a nightmare for anyone who get caught by it, so yes, it worth the golds. DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Find constantly updated Sniper guides from the top performances of the week. On a side note, 7 shrapnels sounds like pure cancer to play against. For one, he is very farm-dependent—requiring a multitude of items to hit full effectiveness. Heroes with “free mobility” skills such as Storm Spirit and Riki also deal with him effectively, removing his range advantage entirely with their ability to quickly close the gap. Want to support DOTAFire with an ad-free experience? Sniper DOTA 2 Hero. As Perma-Basher Sniper, your contribution to a team fight is to : Before we get into the skill build, it is necessary to talk about Sniper’s flexibility in terms of which lanes he can go to in the laning phase. No because lotus only reflects unit targeted spells. Lotus Orb will not reflect an Aghanim's Assassinate. The 1,4 stun that will trigger from it will give even more time to trigger another stun. Daedalus is, in fact, what gives Sniper the late game damage he is so notorious for, and should not be underestimated at any time. Kardel Sharpeye, the Sniper, is a ranged agility carry known best for his ability to deal damage from an absurd range. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Sniper's line, "Link ️ What a dum-dum!" Maelstrom increases Sniper’s farming speed even more thanks to Chain Lightning, while Dragon Lance pushes his attack range to ridiculous levels. Protective items such as Linken’s Sphere and Black King Bar can help deal with problematic supports and semi-carries, who use harmful spells to take Sniper out of the picture. None of your enemies picking nuker hero type 3. Its active ability helps him farm creeps and kill heroes at a much faster pace, and its passive ability gives him the sustain that he needs when going toe-to-toe with melee carries that manage to get close. it isnt a target ability, but who knows. 100 % Guarantee for your success in pub game or in competitive game. He does this by way of his passive skill Take Aim, which significantly increases his attack range by 100 units per level. At max level, Take Aim even allows Sniper to attack towers without being in their attack range, which makes him incredible at taking objectives and leading high ground sieges. It's entirely derived from the source's stats, not Sniper's, when reflected. He's considered 'easy to play' by a lot of people, but that's totally not true : Hard carries are the hardest heroes to play and because of that, when a Sniper is picked, everybody starts to think : "Oh ****, game is lost" or "Oh no, another useless Sniper". FIRSTBLOOD ANNOUNCES SPONSORSHIP WITH LIGA PRO GAMING, BIGGEST DOTA 2 LEAGUE IN PERU, Call Of Duty: Warzone is Now Live on FirstBlood, Call Of Duty: Warzone is Coming To FirstBlood, Level 20 Talent: -1.5s Assassinate Cast Time. Find top Sniper build guides by DotA 2 players. His other passive ability Headshot deals a large amount of bonus damage when it triggers, while slowing the target down 100 percent for half a second. Don't Pick Kardel Sharpeye - The Dwarven Sniper if : 1. If in need of hard DPS items, Monkey King Bar and Daedalus will greatly amplify Sniper’s output. He is also a nightmare to teams that try to push high ground without a plan, since his ludicrous range allows him to repel or even kill invaders from a comfortable distance. This build is kinda hard to use because it requires you to have a really good farming and doesn't become efficient until you have all the core items. Vengeful Spirit can instantly switch places with Nether Swap, while Batrider can blink in and use Flaming Lasso in order to pull him away from his team. Find all Sniper stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2. Later on, the Dragon Lance can be upgraded to a Hurricane Pike, which grants him a handy escape mechanism that also doubles as a teamfighting weapon. You haven't read this guide. Mjollnir may be a good items for the perma-basher effect, but it's not compatible with the life steal effect from Mask of Madness and life steal is more important than 200 magical damage (which are mitigate by magic resist and magic shields). Thanks to his range and fast attack animation, Sniper can be played as a solo mid, which gives him the advantage of solo experience gain. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more. Note that these heroes can buy Blade Mail, which will also dissuade Sniper from standing his ground and fighting back with Shrapnel and auto attacks. Our recommended skill build, therefore, is as follows: Sniper’s core items will consist mainly of equipment that helps him survive teamfights, extend his range even further, and increase his physical DPS. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! He is undeniably one of the most fragile heroes in all of Dota 2, and is extremely easy to bring down with just a couple of nukes. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy. Plus it's not compatible with the life steal effect of Mask of Madness. Also I found a lot of intresting combinations with other heroes, items, some bugs, should I make a post about it? is a pun on the Expanding bullet, also known as a dum-dum. Sniper's fun name in DotA was Vasily Zaitsev, a highly skilled Russian sniper who was active during World War 2. Tell us a little about yourself and your Dota experience and you may be selected to do a short video call with us, and receive a $20 steam gift card for your time. Pudge can use his Meat Hook to drag Sniper into the loving arms of his teammates, keeping him in place with their own disables and his ultimate ability Dismember. Heroes with invisibility can sneak up to Sniper, and deal heavy damage to him before he knows what’s coming. As a Sniper your contribution to a team fight is to : Despite his reach, though, he has some glaring weaknesses that prevent him from simply winning every game. Vanguard will give you some health point and damage mitigation, this will delay you so much in your build that you won't be efficient until ultra late game which is rarely reached. Combined with his first active skill Shrapnel—which slows and damages enemy units caught in its radius over a long duration—Sniper can kite enemy heroes almost endlessly. Sniper with octarine core and kotl in team can shoot twice, using the vision from first one to aim second. Tell us a little about yourself and your Dota experience and you may be selected to do a short video call with us, and receive a $20 steam gift card for your time. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. While its nature as a double-edged sword still remains, Mask of Madness is one of the best pickups for Sniper in the early to mid game, thanks to his ability to stay out of the enemy team’s reach. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! If you have Aghs and Sniper does not, you will reflect one Assassinate back at Sniper but it will deal the x2.8 crit damage instead of 320/485/650 magic damage. Simply because all your mini-bashes from Headshot and your attack speed (plus your illusions once) give you the time required to pull the effectiveness of your Skull Basher. A Silver Edge can be a worthy buy against passive-dependent lineups, such as those with Bristleback, Phantom Assassin, Enchantress, and more. The other option is to put him in the safe lane with an allied support, who can babysit him until he is able to purchase some early game items. You know, I tried this earlier.GOD DAMN IT BLADE MAIL LOL.