evil. Wovon auch Wendy überzeugt ist. However this could perhaps be justified by the fact that. Justin Timberlake • Jimbo unintentionally gets everyone interested in placing bets on the team. Jahrhunderts in das Fernsehen zu setzen. Jesus. Now I'm gonna have to give ya a spankin', AWESOM-O, so that you'll learn better! We're gonna go sightseein'! So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. I'm hangin' out in LA with my robot friend (Erfolg und Misserfolg, da er seinen eigenen biologischen Vater tötet. The boys try to collect their Internet income at the Department of Internet Money. Of a somewhat self-preserving sort as of Season 20. Ah, hey fellas! Oh, is your little robot friend staying the night? He gains more weight so he can qualify for a mobility scooter in "Raising the Bar". Gerald offers his 'super-lawyer' powers to help rid South Park of cats. Huh? Dieser Plan funktioniert  und sie können ausbrechen. Even him making out with the Justin Timberlake cutout! In "The Poor Kid", he had no problem mocking others for being the poorest kid in school (to the point of performing a twenty minute song and dance number directed at the poorest kid at his new school), but when he was revealed to be the poorest kid in South Park after Kenny left, he immediately started acting like such mockery was the lowest thing to do. the other boys hate him and rarely gets along, especially the gingers who are "faking it" with makeup, shooting multiple electric beams at Saddam Hussein, so he was probably in pain while doing it, Early Installment Character Design Difference, process the concept of feeling bad for other people, to repay him for everything he's done for them since. It's a little suppository I have to... put up my rectum. Since he's evil, Cartman can deliver bits of social commentary that would seem less acceptable if it was Stan or Kyle saying it. The risk of an attack on American soil is higher than ever. Watch this: Hey AWESOM-O, will you go get my friends some Sunny Delight? Boy, Los Angeles is great, huh AWESOM-O? Despite the cruelty he inflicts on people, its implied that he never performs his cruel acts on cats and has even kept many safe and well-taken care of in "Major Boobage". For example, when saying the word “tomorrow,” he pronounces it, “Tuh-muh-ruh.” Haha, no! His role in Coon and Friends is The Coon. Stan decides to go find Sparky and not play in the big game. Cartman ist der erste der vier Jungen, der ohne seine Mütze gezeigt wurde. Mr Garrison: Ich bin nicht schwul!

Just know, AWESOM-O, that I did it because I love you. Let's get us some shut-eye. In "Tweek x Craig", it's implied the imaginary Cupid version of himself represents his repressed attraction to guys... or his love for himself. Incredibly foul-mouthed, spoiled, sadistic, narcissistic, bigoted, and sociopathic but the other boys keep him around because they know he won't get along well with anyone else. Yeah! Totally lame!

Hey there, did you know I had a robot friend? In spite of his racist tendencies, Cartman actually looked up to Chef as one of the only trustworthy adults in town and never discriminated against him for being black. Come on, AWESOM-O! Oh, well, I'm not sure. Dieser jedoch der Abend von dem Tag zuvor war.

Ginger Kids oder Trapper Keeper Cartman's Persönlichkeit schwankt zwischen wehleidigem Muttersöhnchen und gefährlichem Psychopathen. Später in der Schule macht er sich über Kyle lustig, da dieser nicht aus der Stunde darf, weil Mr. Zylinder es ihm nicht erlaubt.

Touch my body! Seine Mutter, Liane Cartman meint er sei nur kräftig gebaut. Ike, Kyles kleiner Bruder nervt die vier. Noooooooooooooooooo!" Let me explain something to you, Mr. Cartman: Dieser Hund ist eine homosexuelle Schwuchtel! Meanwhile, on the mountain, the boys continue to hunt Cartman. ( sobbing ) dude, we never thoughtyou were cool. gives him their loyalty and trust as their way of returning the favor. forms a Nazi-like cult devoted to exterminating non-gingers. Macht es wie ich.". Gentlemen, this little boy was kind enough to let us show you his robot. ", Cartman voices his disgust with swingers, calling them perverts. All right AWESOM-O, time for us to get some sleep. Sure, why not? Because of this, he starts a business where kids can pay him to smear poop on their parents' walls. Became this in "The Death of Eric Cartman". TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

They either don't mind his company or they all utterly despise him. South Park © 2020 Comedy Partners. All right, power it on. Ye- yeah, that, that's pretty good. Mr. Mackey divulges too much information about various ways to get high. Mosquito wanted to help people in the Gulf instead of blackmailing fellow heroes, resulting in him getting last place in every event. All Rights Reserved. Er bekommt dies auch und geht am nächsten Tag in Unterhemd zur Schule, was Kyle, Stan und Kenny auch auffällt. Daraufhin schießen Flammen aus seinem Hintern welche ein Mädchen anzünden. Oh, I dunno. That's me! The reasons for this are never fully explained, although in "Cartmanland", after inheriting a million dollars from his grandmother, he reveals that he wishes to buy his own amusement park so he won't have to wait in lines for the rides. Well, the reason I'm calling is that Butters is supposed to go see his Aunt Nellie in Los Angeles this weekend. I am AWESOM-O. Mmm, Justin, yeah! She then tries to make him a ghost costume, but he ends up dressed as a Klansman. Chef begins to panic. And also served as the Veronica to Kyle's Betty to Heidi's Archie in Season 21. We're havin' such fun in the hot hot sun Get it up there good and deep. While Denkins was talking to the police, Cartman then stole the corpses, chopped them up and ground their body parts into the chili he fed to Scott. A newscast shows a crowd of people gathered at City Hall to hear the mayor address the boys' plight on the mountain.

In Season 20, he is shown to a surprisingly sweet boyfriend to Heidi Turner and treats her far better than any other human being. Eric has been having some emotional problems lately.

Doch dann kamen sie auf die Idee, dass es erlaubt werden könnte, wenn der Charakter ein animierter neun-jähriger (früher acht) Junge aus einer Bergstadt namens South Park, Colorado sei. Keines der anderen drei Kinder in der Gruppe betrachtet Cartman als ihren Freund. "My Future Self N' Me" establishes that he hates it when parents don't respect their kids and lie to them, as kids should be able to trust their parents.

Just as Jesus is about to give his advice, the show ends and Stan is left frustrated and more confused. AWESOM-O must rest! Uh, excuse me sir, but uh, that's not a robot.

Doch plötzlich kommt die Analsonde aus seinem Hintern. My robot and I have stuff to do. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Cartman: Not cool! all the guys don't thinki'm coooooool. Da kommen UFOs und die Aliens. to further any of his plans to get what he wants. Don't scam him out of his money and refuse to give it back. Da erzählt Eric von seinem Traum, in dem Aliens Eric entführt haben und etwas an seinem Hintern gemacht haben. Cartman goes missing overnight. and eventually breaks up with him for good. You should split that money with AWESOM-O. To keep 'em white and healthy, I got to brush them all the time! In den früheren Folgen war Kenny sein bester Freund, scheinbar ist dies in den späteren Staffeln nicht mehr der Fall, da Butters dann als sein bester Freund dargestellt wird. And you know what? His CPU system overloading. It's for me! Oh, o-o-all right AWESOM-O. Kenny volunteers to be the first to try getting high off of cat pee.

Well, I have to take medicine for it every day. In das Fernsehen kommt er am Ende doch noch. The AWESOM-O 4000. Die Analsonde sendet ein seltsames Lichtsignal an die Aliens, doch Cartman meint immer noch, dass es keine Aliens gibt und alles nur ein Traum war. - In dieser Folge lässt Cartman die Eltern von Scott Tenorman töten und verarbeitet sie in das Chili, welches Scott gegen Ende der Folge isst.

A robot with smelly farts? just because Kyle insulted him in front of a girl whose bra he was going to snap, and threatens to do the same to Jimmy for telling the teacher he was texting in class. I need a minute alone with AWESOM-O.

He's my robot, ain't he? Also happens when he, along with the rest of his friends, does something wrong (or even thinks that they did). Oooo, my hot body! That is not cool! Come on! He has also tried to sell a crashed truck-load of aborted fetuses to the highest-bidding stem cell research center, and even to a restaurant as food. You think so? That is not cool! He's disgusted at the things his girlfriend does during "Moss Piglets". Oh, I'm so glad to hear it, Mrs. Stotch. It's for me! Stan and Kyle know that this being a reenactment, the Confederacy has no chance of winning. In "The Red Badge of Gayness", he bets Kyle and Stan that if the Confederacy wins in a Civil War reenactment, the pair will have to be his slaves. I don't see how we have a choice. I live with my mom in South Park, Colorado! Even Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Token watch as he shoots Polly Prissypants and cries while doing it. Now, I believe we may be able to curb that risk. Just play along, okay? ", assisted by a head cock and facial grimace. And Heidi Turner was his first girlfriend. One time he made me think a meteor had hit the earth, and convinced me to stay down in a bomb shelter for three days, other time, he pretended to be me on the phone to my dad and called him a pussy, so my dad came home and beat me, https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/AWESOM-O/Script?oldid=412970. [begins dancing with a life-size cutout of Justin Timberlake] since she doesn't have any friends otherwise. Allerdings nervt Miez ihn weiter. AWESOM-O, I though you were programmed to do whatever I tell you. Well, I gotta go, Aunt Nellie.

Speak in a language we can understand, Mr. Cartman fragt wieso es dann nicht Blut unterlaufen sei. In "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow", he threatens Kyle with a gun for his "Jew Gold". Uh, Butters, maybe you should give AWESOM-O the videotape? Dies geschah erstmals in der Folge "Frohe Weihnachten, Charlie Manson!". You should be getting ready for bed soon. Can you believe those guys paid us a hundred dollars apiece for those movie ideas? He served as the Veronica to Stan's Betty to Wendy's Archie in the earlier seasons. Principal Victoria tries to teach Cartman that Hitler is bad but Cartman finds him cool. It would be Pearl Harbor all over again. As he recognizes Political Correctness is here to stay, he tries to integrate himself into it, with varying levels of sincerity and success. We do everything together. Nachdem er ihn wieder an den eigentlichen Besitzer verkauft, ist er sein ganzes Erbe los. Vor der Aufführung, vom Theater für Miss Gifford, wird er auf die Bühne getragen.

Jimbo reveals his plan to have a bomb go off in the middle of "Loving You." Yes, it has just been a delight having your son over, Mrs. Cartman. Radiohead shows up and – unaware of what just happened – insults Scott by calling him "totally not cool" and a "crybaby". He's metal and small and doesn't judge me at all. Do I have to remind you of your position?! Cartman gives Stan advice about what he should do the next time his sister tries to beat him up. He makes a song about how Kyle's mom is a big fat bitch, yet he is an overweight jerkass as well. "1%" shows a more affectionate side rather than kind after. Als Chefkoch vorbeikommt, bejaht er dies. It'll be so much easier havin'. Stan behauptet dies sei wahr. Hey he sure is! Hey! Just after Cartman's life is spared, the volcano finally blows its top, directly onto Kenny. It's developed consciousness. It's been arranged, you two are both going to Los Angeles to visit Butters' Aunt Nellie! That's right. Despite all the atrocious things Cartman has done over the years his mother will always dote and love him unconditionally, Likewise, Heidi stays by Cartman's side as his girlfriend despite knowing he's emotionally abusive.