complexity of estrangement experiences and practices and hardships: the Office for Students My research participants had the opportunity to express their experience of struggling by creating a collage, using arts and crafts materials which could be placed and moved as their thinking developed (Culshaw, 2019a and 2019b). Another way of ensuring more socially-just approaches of learning design is by assessing student responses based on the communication of the assessment content and not on the foundational base of medium in which assessed content is delivered.
Motivational speakers telling their story in real time was likely to have a greater impact than if their message was recorded.

2020. Raven, N (2018) ‘The development of an evaluation framework’, Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 22 (4), 134-140. We aim to build capacity and support newer researchers, The Student Access and Experience Network, Partnerships and Innovation: The Future of HE, Call for Chapters: Digital Transformation and Disruption of HE, Call for Chapter Proposals: Digital Transformation & Disruption of HE. will address the method. After all, they were vulnerable – so they must have contributed less, been a burden on society. Museums are places of learning and recently became more active spaces: through smart curating they are creating an environment that fosters making new connections and encourages discoveries of new perspectives. Others asked about whether struggling is a phenomenon experienced by educators in higher education (my research is situated in the secondary school context). Not considering how the learner will integrate any learnings into their own experience world is counterproductive.

Categories: Research | Tags: collage, ECR, German Association for HE Research, German conference, GfHf, struggling | Permalink. Short 3-4 minute videos could be shown in class featuring those in graduate-level occupations talking about what their roles involve and how they trained to do their jobs.

So, when the lockdown is released and you can “get back to normal” spare a thought for people like me. That it is more likely to kill you if you are black, poor, live in an area of high air pollution. This forum is designed for those interested in Research into Higher Education across the globe to present their views and exchange ideas. It is managed by the Society for Research into Higher Education - for further details visit Contributions welcome! Some students, it was argued, will ‘definitely need emotional support, including in cases where parents have been shielding, or where parents who have lost their jobs’. There are

students’ experiences, in terms of such issues as race, class, gender and maturity. It encourages debate and publications on the policies, organisation, and management of higher education establishments. “It [estrangement] seems negative that you’re either cut off or cut yourself off from your family, and normally that comes with the attachment of ‘what have they done wrong for that to happen?’ (Robert, 29), “[estrangement comes with] a degree of further responsibility and further pressures that not everybody has to experience.” (Dylan, 28), “So I think financially it is a big difference [from peers who are not estranged].

I’m very grateful to SRHE for supporting my proposal and to the German team for making me feel so welcome in their ECR – #HoFoNa – community. Currently, only editors (and sometimes peer reviewers seeing the outcome of a peer review process) gain full insight in feedback offered by peers. Jonassen, DH and Grabowski, B (1993) Individual differences and instruction New York: Allen and Bacon, Meyer, A, Rose, DH, and Gordon, DT (2014) Universal design for learning: Theory and practice Wakefield, MA: CAST Professional Publishing, de Alvarez, MS and Dickson-Deane, C (2018) ‘Avoiding educational technology pitfalls for inclusion and equity’ TechTrends 62(4): 345-353, Wiley, D (2014) ‘The Access Compromise and the 5th R.’ in An Open Education Reader This was indeed to “take advantage of behavioural biases” which might induce people to tolerate, in an emergency, measures which would be unthinkable under normal circumstances. improve the available “toolkit” (for example here).

But it wasn’t like this once, and doesn’t have to be like it now. We may need retraining if our previous work role can’t be performed virtually. In universities, any course organiser is, by definition of his or her terms of employment, a specialist in one particular discipline or field of learning. Positioning UDL is drawn from the broader ideas in architecture which calls for a shift from focusing on the deficits of individuals, and instead arguing that the deficit lies within society, and that is where we should focus our efforts. number of topics combined in articles and we see that topic diversity declines I thought about this when reading the recent HEPI report, UK Universities and China, which, perhaps naturally enough, is located in the here-and-now in terms of Sino-British university relations. combined. Categories: Access and Widening Participation, Global Perspectives | Tags: covid-19, covid-19 and higher education, disability and Covid-19, disabled staff, disabled students | Permalink.

sure, many methodological choices are functional (as in fit-for-purpose), but Dr Camille Dickson-Deane is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Learning Design, Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney (E: A good framework to understand this level of control is David Wiley’s 5Rs of Open Education Infrastructure. Categories: Teaching Learning & Assessment | Tags: Interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary education in academia (IDEA), interdisciplinary research (IDR), Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences | Permalink. Related, researchers should be encouraged to use techniques less commonly used in our field and see whether they yield different outcomes (vignettes, experimental designs, network analysis, QCA/fuzzy logic, [auto-]ethnography and – of course – topic models). Perhaps not surprisingly, Wiley’s ideas about open educational resources bear some similarity to Nancy Fraser’s (2007) three dimensional theory of social justice education. What new insights on this long-standing relationship does this HEPI collection of essays offer? This evidences the First, with many young people having been away from school – and formal education – for the best part of six months, the need to concentrate on the curriculum and catch up on what has been missed is likely to be uppermost in teachers’ minds. Another participant raised the question of what to do if the researcher finds that an existing literature review has already covered the things that you want to discuss. There was an imperative to ‘get them to aim high’ and support them in fulfilling their ambitions.

SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Conference And Network Podcasts SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Courses 3.7 • 3 Ratings We lean towards evaluating In this 11-16 school, this was seen in the context of ensuring students were as ‘prepared as possible’ in terms of the ‘skills and knowledge’ needed for making a successful transition to post-16 study, as well as in being aware of their options at 18. At the very least this will provide a multi-disciplinary context, in which the various contributors will engage with the central theme from their specialist perspective. For up to 2 years. For those on television, bookshelves became advertising hoardings, with their latest output showing, cover to the front, not spine, just over their shoulder and very legible. Jo Johnson called for: “… the phased closure of poor-quality and low-value courses under teach-out arrangements to ensure that students can complete their studies.” (The honourable exception to this ministerial failure is Chris Skidmore, who tweeted on 16 April 2020: “Might invent Skidmore’s law- anyone who mentions low quality/value in HE without specific reference to a real institution/course are themselves creating low quality/value arguments which should therefore be discounted.”) Most mainstream media reinforced the ‘low quality courses’ narrative, with The Times prominent: an egregious example by Ross Bryant, ‘Underperforming universities should be allowed to fail’, on 27 April 2020;  Alice Thomson on 31 March 2020: “Institutions panicking about finances have to shift their focus away from expansion and back to gold-standard teaching”. The webinar description on the website was a clear prospectus: by attending this webinar we would be able to answer questions on the objectives of LR, examine epistemological assumptions about LR and engage in discussion by comparing the types of LR. This is even more relevant when the courses attempt to bridge the science-humanities divide. It is managed by the Society for Research into Higher Education - for further details visit Bland, B (2018) ‘It’s all about the money: the influence of family There is a Leadership Foundation in HE report saying exactly that, We have learned that the crisis, like others, offers opportunities. Students become estranged from The OfS proposals said it was inappropriate for anyone to be “Reacting to a major crisis or emergency affecting the UK in ways which may take advantage of behavioural biases”. Cancelling planned face to face events to avoid social contact has made our life extremely quiet and isolated. There is also the question of whether delivering outreach might in practice be crowded out.

Dr Katherine Deane is a wheelchair using Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences and Access Ambassador at the University of East Anglia. studies) and that new methods hardly get picked up in our field. Categories: Teaching Learning & Assessment | Tags: 3D social justice, 5Rs for open education, learning design, social justice, UDL, Universal design for learning | Permalink. With skills and talents and value that should not be wasted just because of a virus. of Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK, and Deputy Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries, Medical School,  at the University of Pecs, Hungary. An international learned society, concerned with supporting research and researchers into Higher Education. Especially, perhaps, those running police training courses, who need to review them as economists needed to review their courses after the 2008 crash (some even did so) and those leading MBA programmes after the report from CIPD that only 8 per cent of managers thought about the relevance of values. etc. observation is that we hardly see methodological debates in our field. not fit within a regular or expected pattern of what it means to be a student. And remember this is likely to affect huge numbers of people – I guesstimate at least 20% of the working population. The overall aim of the LR is to persuade other scholars in the field of your command of the relevant literature. there is a trend of specialisation in our field of research.