The opposite of this state would be his moments of animal activism. The character was composed of construction paper cutouts and animated through the use of stop motion. In "The Passion of the Jew", he is disgusted with The Passion of the Christ, calling it a "snuff film" and going, along with Kenny, to Mel Gibson's house to get their money back. when he's upset, which seems to be an inherited habit; his father does this sometimes as well. He and the other boys also play baseball in "Child Abduction Is Not Funny". he makes a song called "Hey People, You Need To Drive Hybrids Already (Come On People Now)" to get everyone to drive Hybrid cars and to get Kyle to move back to South Park. Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" "Elementary School Musical" concerns Stan's efforts not to lose Wendy to a popular boy at school called Bridon Guermo by singing songs based on the style from High School Musical, despite Wendy's reassurance that she will not leave him and that the whole school likes Bridon. Mel Gibson turns out to be insane and rabidly masochistic, and attacks the two of them with a gun in a manner reminiscent of Daffy Duck after Stan calls him "daffy". However, sometimes Kyle takes on this role, and it is Stan who is the gullible one, such as with the metrosexual trend in the episode "South Park is Gay!". This is evident in "Cherokee Hair Tampons", when he challenged the character Miss Information and her shop of alternative medicine, in "Super Best Friends", when he helped battle David Blaine's suicidal cult, and in "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" where he accuses the psychic medium, John Edward, of being a fake. He later uses the only question available for thousands of years to ask God (who had come down to Earth briefly) why he hasn't given him his period. Players will delve into the crime-ridden underbelly of South Park with Coon and Friends. His mother is also seen doing the motion in that scene. He also sets out to save the whales and dolphins from the Japanese in "Whale Whores". Stan (in some episodes) has been seen playing a guitar every so often, such as in "Die Hippie, Die", when he is seen playing his guitar outside when his mother asks him to go to the mall. For his age, Stan appears proficient with weaponry. In the late episodes, Stan also has a habit of pinching the bridge of his (unseen) nose and shutting his eyes tightly when frustrated or exasperated (as the actor Lino Ventura), saying phrases such as "Oh no." Instead all of them laugh and clap, finding that particular death "a good one.". This is prominently shown in "My Future Self n' Me" when he finds out about the actor portraying his future self and goes so far as to trick Randy to cut the hand off of the actor to try and get them to admit they lied. They have been best friends since the very beginning of the show. Stanley "Stan" Marsh is the main protagonist of the adult animated sitcom, South Park. He also has gone out of his way to make peace with his fellow students, like when he tries to make things right with Token Black after Randy says the N-word on "Wheel of Fortune" (Thinking he would win money) in "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson". (Which is a reference to the rumors that Tom Cruise was gay, with "coming out of the closet" meaning when a gay man admits he is gay). In different episodes Kyle does this instead, and a few other characters such as Cartman or the Mayor have as well. From the perilous battlefields of the fourth-grade playground, a young hero will rise, destined to be South Park's savior. However when this pity backfires and lands him in a cave where Al Gore almost (un-intentionally) drowns him, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny, he lashes out and brings Al Gore into a cold, hard reality, shouting, "Stay away from us, asshole! Stan was also the electric guitarist in the boys' band "Moop" in "Christian Rock Hard". Shown when in "Woodland Critter Christmas" after he finds out the Critters, whom he helped, were giving birth to the Anti-Christ, he decided not to attempt to set things right (although did eventually after much nagging from the episode's narrator) also in this episode, we found out that Stan was a Christian. He also wears a blue Terrance and Phillip shirt to bed and a green suit for special occasions. Stan is often selected to be the captains of assorted sporting events such as captain and pitcher of the baseball team in The Losing Edge and captain/quarterback in football as seen in Raisins & Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. However, at the end of "The List", the Season 11 finale, the two both work together to expose the secret corruption of Wendy's school list-making society and ultimately reconcile at the end, in a near copy of the end scene of "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe": Wendy is about to kiss him, when he vomits in her face. They inadvertently have an adventure together, and at the end, Wendy admits to having a good time with Stan, and believe he's changed since they were last together. Their status as boyfriend and girlfriend is affirmed in "Super Fun Time". Under his jacket, he either wears a red and blue baseball shirt or a white T-shirt/v-neck. After a long pause, God states the obvious: that he is a boy and shouldn't get periods. Later on, when he reads his new writings to his loving public, his morality objected to it and he told everyone that Scientology was fake and that it wasn't the right way to answer the many questions. In the 14 seasons the show has been on the air, they have broken up in a number of episodes, such as "Prehistoric Ice Man", "Super Best Friends", "Kenny Dies", "Douche and Turd", "South Park is Gay! Stan is often preachy and very critical of popular trends. It was also mentioned in \"An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig\". In the early days of the series a running gag would be that Stan would throw up out of nervousness whenever Wendy spoke to him. In "Woodland Critter Christmas", Cartman made Stan the protagonist of his Christmas story (he is described as 'the boy in a red poof-ball hat'), showing that Cartman sees Stan as a heroic figure of sorts. He, however, decided to show her up by responding to her compliments with "as if I give a crap about what you think, Wendy." Stan also is an active if not especially accomplished youth athlete, which his dad invests a ton of emotion into watching. Stan wears a brown jacket with a red collar, a blue hat with a red puffball and rim, and blue jeans. In "Spookyfish" Stan is fully responsible for sending Cartman away forever. When the four boys see an R-rated movie featuring Canadians Terrance and Philip, they are pronounced "corrupted", and their parents pressure the United States to wage war against Canada. Stan seems to be the only character in the show who gets along with all of the main and background characters. Featured Stan Marsh Personality Quizzes. In "Douche and Turd", Stan votes for Cartman's mascot instead of Kyle's, much to Kyle's dismay. In one episode, Stan can be seen playing Guitar Hero 2 and it is revealed that his dad also plays guitar. Arm yourself with weapons of legend to defeat crabpeople, underpants gnomes, hippies and other forces of evil. He is later banished from town for not voting and is rescued by PETA members, the leader of which tells him that in actuality all elections are between a douche and a turd, which convinces him to go back to town to vote. You begin as the new kid in town facing a harrowing challenge: making friends. Stan Marsh's popularity ranking on CharacTour is #1263 out of 5,600+ characters. and he wouldn't acknowledge Kenny again after that. This is the same catchphrase Trey Parker used in Baseketball. It is notable that he has a tendency to ridicule, make enemies out of, and/or bring shame to a very large number of celebrities that are shown in a poor light within the show. (Note that it isn't a real power like Mysterion's or Mintberry Crunch's, it's just for fun.).