The series focuses primarily on Kyle Katarn, a former Imperial officer who becomes a Jedi and an instructor at the Jedi Academy. Kyle Katarn reaches him and in a climactic lightsaber duel, Jerec is defeated and the power of the valley slips from his fingers. Kyle, per le sue azioni e il suo coraggio, riceve la medaglia chiamata "Stella di Alderaan" da Mon Mothma. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy followed in 2003 on Windows, Mac and Xbox.

The droid has just finished sending the deciphered map to Jerec and is told his payment awaited him on the starship Sulon Star. At the valley, Jerec plans to absorb the ancient power that lies in the valley. The only exceptions are the PlayStation version of Dark Forces, which was perceived to have graphical problems[82] and the GameCube version of Jedi Outcast, which was seen as considerably inferior to the PC and Xbox versions. Just four months after Jedi Knight's initial release, LucasArts released Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, an official expansion pack, created by the LucasArts team that worked on Outlaws (a spaghetti-western-themed first-person shooter) which features the opportunity to play as Mara Jade for a significant portion of the game. It was to be a survival horror game—a much darker, more violent, and more mature continuation of the Jedi Knight series set during the Great Jedi Purge immediately following Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. He then makes his way to the core and defeats Boc. The Force plays an integral role in how the player plays the game. Sariss is soon defeats by Katarn near the wreckage of the Sulon Star. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Walkthrough. Sariss takes out her lightsaber and is just about to strike Katarn down when Yun intervens.

This did not work, and all my drivers and direct x are current. The concept was originally put out to potential consumers to test the demand for both another Jedi Knight game and a more mature Star Wars game, but both the consumers and the developers felt the concept was too gratuitous and derivative, and so it was thrown out.[2]. [87], Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (PC) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (Xbox) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (GameCube) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (Mac) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (PC) Release Summary", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (Mac)", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (Xbox)", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (GameCube)", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Mac) release data", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Mac)", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC) Release Summary", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox)", "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II – Review", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Review", "Top 50 Video Game Weapons of All Time: 7. Can anyone help? Instead the focus is on Jaden Korr, a student of the Force under Katarn. document.write(today.getFullYear()); Star Wars: Dark Forces è un videogioco di tipo sparatutto in prima persona, sviluppato e pubblicato da LucasArts il 28 febbraio 1995 per PC ed il 30 novembre 1996 per PlayStation Trama. Thank you for the help! The storyline is set in the Star Wars fictional universe and follows the player character Kyle Katarn, a mercenary working on behalf of the Rebel Alliance. The Jedi Knight series began in 1995 with the release of Star Wars: Dark Forces for DOS, Macintosh, and PlayStation. Il gioco introduce il personaggio di Kyle Katarn, un ex agente imperiale ora mercenario assoldato dalla Alleanza Ribelle. [83], Games in the Jedi Knight series have also received specific commendation and awards. This was the first game in the series to include multiplayer capabilities over the Internet or over an LAN. [51] Dark Forces II begins several years after the destruction of the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi, when Katarn is informed of the exact details of his father's death.

[28] The game has two endings, depending on whether the player chooses to focus on the Light Side or the Dark Side.[29]. San Fransisco.

[86] In round one he defeated Dig Dug, with 67.6% of the votes. [25] Mysteries of the Sith includes fifteen multiplayer maps,[38] four of which only allow players to battle with lightsabers,[39] and a ranking system that tracks the player's experience. This is a complete, step-by-step guide/walkthrough for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

Star Wars: Dark Forces è un videogioco di tipo sparatutto in prima persona, sviluppato e pubblicato da LucasArts il 28 febbraio 1995 per PC ed il 30 novembre 1996 per PlayStation[1]. Katarn uses the Force to grab Jerec's deactivated lightsaber off the ground to which he tells Jerec that he has not forgotten and he throws the saber back at Jerec's feet. [54] After learning that Rosh has betrayed the Jedi and joined Tavion, Jaden may either kill him and turn to the Dark Side or let him live and remain on the Light Side. I found the level design in Dark Forces was very good and enjoyed the variety the designers added into each level. Dark Forces uses the Jedi Game Engine which allows for some nice atmospheric effects such as the red haze in the mining facility.

It was also online that the unique aspects of Jedi Knight distanced it from other, otherwise apparently similar first-person shooters. The game is set in the time of the legends from the first Star War series. Katarn jumped on board the Sulon Star and in a desperate fight with time he made it to a lower docking bay where the Moldy Crow is being held. Ogni missione ha un'introduzione che riassume gli aspetti della partita e degli obiettivi. The game ends with Katarn setting out in pursuit of Jaden. Inc. These skill points can be allocated towards any Force power, boosting that power's effects. During his quest he faces off against the Seven Dark Jedi whose leader, Jerec, is the man who killed Katarn's father. Canyon Oasis was a commonly played map due to its variety of weapons/pickups and varied terrain (including water tunnels and ramps). This is performed simply by targeting an opponent with Force grip and then repeatedly pressing the assigned Use Force Power key. I am able to at least get into the game menu now, but loading single or multiplayer continues to instantly CTD (APPCRASH.EXE). In Mysteries, the "Capture the flag" mode is altered, with the gradual reduction of the Force powers of the player who is carrying the flag. A few Force powers such as Throw and Lightning were replaced as well. Katarn slashes Maw to death in anger with his lightsaber. Katarn again retreats to the falling ship and escapes in the Moldy Crow, but this time doesn't crash-land. Addons 3.