In keeping with the demands for secrecy, the writing and publication of teachings were strictly forbidden and consequently, Initiates who had developed satisfactorily in their training, and had been advanced to the rank of Master or Teacher, refrained from publishing the teachings of the Mysteries or philosophy. (William Turner's History of Philosophy p. 62). Greek or Egyptians? ; and that of W. G. Tennemann at 600 B.C.


Consequently, history makes it clear that the surrounding neighbours of Egypt had all become familiar with the teachings of Egyptian Mysteries many centuries before the Athenians.

It was a really nice phone, and my parents were upset, but for my birthday, I got another phone: …

; while Fuller, Thilly and Rogers omit a date of birth, because they say it is unknown. The Athenian Philosophers

The Egyptians were the first to civilize the Greeks; 4.

If peri physeos is the criterion to the authorship of Greek Philosophy, then it falls short in its purpose by a long way, since only four philosophers are alleged to have written this book, and to have remnants of their work. (c) Andronicus of Rhodes, an Eclectic of Aristotle's school and editor of his works (B.C.

The Ionians and Italians made no attempt to claim the authorship of philosophy, because they were well aware that the Egyptians were the true authors. This is unbelievable, and yet it is a fact that the history of Greek philosophy has presented to the world a number of men whose lives it knows little or nothing about; but expects the world to accept them as the true authors of the doctrines which are alleged to be theirs.

For this reason, the so-called Greek philosophy is stolen Egyptian philosophy, which first spread to Ionia, thence to Italy and thence to Athens. And it must be remembered that at this remote period of Greek history, i.e., Thales to Aristotle 640 B.C.–322 B.C., the Ionians were not Greek citizens, but at first Egyptian subjects and later Persian subjects. PDF | On Dec 1, 2009, Urstad Kristian published James, George G. M., Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

(9) With reference to Anaxagoras, while Zeller and Diogenes place his birth at 500 B.C.

(6) With references to Heraclitus, Zeller makes the following suppositions: if he died in 475 B.C. It was stolen from the African philosophy or also called Egyptians. The abolition of Greek philosophy with the Egyptian Mysteries identifies them; 4. Doctrines: The doctrines of (a) The Nous; (b) The Supreme Good; (c) Opposites and harmony; (d) The immortality of the soul and (e) Self knowledge. Greek Philospohy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy Topics

Consequently any publication of philosophy could not have come from the pen of the original philosophers themselves, but either from their close friends who knew their views, as in the case of Pythagoras and Socrates, or from interested persons who made a record of those philosophical teachings that had become popular opinion and tradition.

(4) The methods suggested for racial reformation: (a) Reeducation of both groups by world wide dissemination of Africa's contribution to civilization; (b) The abandonment of the false worship of Greek intellect; (c) Special attention must be given to the re-education of missionaries and a constant demand made for a change in missionary policy.

(d) In consequence of these facts, any subsequent claim by the. History knows nothing about the early life and training of the Greek philosophers and this is true not only of the pre-Socratic philosophers: but also of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, who appear in history about the age of eighteen and begin to teach at forty. Since Theophrastus and Eudemus were students under Aristotle at the same time, and since the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, made the Egyptian Library at Alexandria available to the Greeks for research, then it must be expected that the three men, Aristotle who was a close friend of Alexander, Theophrastus and Eudemus not only did research at the Alexandrine Library at the sane time, but must also have helped themselves to books, which enabled them to follow each other so closely in the production of scientific works (William Turner's Hist. of Phil. Stolen Legacy George G. M. James Challenging the notion that civilization started in Greece, this uncompromising classic attempts to prove that the true authors of … was a period of internal and external wars and was unsuitable for producing philosophers.

So much for "peri physeos and the Fragments," and so much for the attempt of "The Learned Association" for the study of Aristotle's works; which has failed because of lack of evidence, as has elsewhere been pointed out. (7) With reference to Pythagoras, Zeller who does not know the date of his birth supposes that it occurred between the years 580–570 B.C.

For this same reason, we would expect either the Ionians or the Italians to exert their prior claim to philosophy, since it made contact with them long before it did with the Athenians, who were always its greatest enemies, until Alexander's conquest of Egypt, which provided for Aristotle free access to the Library of Alexandria. The Eleatic philosophers and their doctrines.

(2) Diogenes Laertius places the birth of Anaximenes at 546 B.C. The education of the Egyptian Priests in: (a) The Seven Liberal Arts; (b) Secret systems of languages and mathematical symbolism; (c) Magic. : p. 13; 21.

of Phil. The Book on nature entitled peri physeos was the common name under which Greek students interested in nature-study wrote. Alexander visits the Oracle of Ammon in the Oasis of Siwah.

; while A. K. Rogers and others declare it is unknown.

(274–194 B.C.) 1.

(11) Socrates (469–399 B.C.

The later Ionion philosophers and their doctrines; 5.

(Introduction of Zeller's Hist.

Greece or Egypt? (A. K. Roger's Hist. The earliest copy is said to date back to the sixth century B.C.


Socrates 1.

and it is customary to refer to the remnants of peri physeos as the Fragments. or its remnants were the alumni of Aristotle's school and its friends: but their efforts to establish authorship was a failure. conquered the whole sea coast of India, beyond the Ganges to the Eastern ocean.

A The doctrines are traced to their Egyptian origin, as he taught nothing new; B (1) The library of Alexandria was the true source of Aristotle's large numbers of books; (2) The lack of uniformity between the list of books points to doubtful authorship; C The discrepancies and doubts in this life. Stolen Legacy, by George G. M. James, [1954], at ; William Turner, Fuller, Rogers, and Tennemann declare that it is unknown.

; that of Frank Thilly at 588 B.C.

[paragraph continues] Fuller and Tennemann declare that he flourished in 500 B.C. 3. Sandford's The Mediterranean World p. 157; 195–205.

A brief sketch of the ancient Egyptian Empire would also make it clear that Asia Minor or Ionia was the ancient land of. Challenging the notion that civilization started in Greece, this uncompromising classic attempts to prove that the true authors of Greek philosophy were not Greeks but Egyptians. Stolen Legacy, As one attempts to read the history of Greek philosophy, one discovers a complete absence of essential information concerning the early life and training of the so-called Greek philosophers, from Thales to Aristotle.

The Curriculum of the Egyptian Mystery System (William Turner's History of Philosophy p. 35; 39; 47; 53; 62; 79; 210–211; 627. [paragraph continues] Greeks to the ownership or authorship of the same doctrines which they had rejected and persecuted, must be regarded as a usurpation.

: Introduction p. 7–14).

We are also informed that Senusert I, during the 12th Dynasty (i.e., about 1900 B.C.) On the other hand, after the death of Aristotle, his Athenian pupils, without the authority of the state, undertook to compile a history of philosophy, recognized at that time as the Sophia or Wisdom of the Egyptians, which had become current and traditional in the ancient world, which compilation, because it was produced by pupils who had belonged to Aristotle's school, later history has erroneously called Greek philosophy, in spite of the fact that the Greeks were its greatest enemies and persecutors, and had persistently treated it as a foreign innovation. of Greek Phil. (Note that Aristotle's works reveal the signs of note taking and that Theophrastus and Eudemus were pupils attending Aristotle's school at the same time). This difficulty continued throughout the early centuries, and has come down to the present time for it appears that all modern writers on Greek Philosophy are unable to agree on.

(3) Parmenides is credited by Diogenes as being born at 500 B.C.

As elsewhere mentioned, he is said to have produced eighteen books on the doctrines of physicists. His Life: (a) Date and place of birth; (b) His economic status and personality; (c) His trial and death; (d) Crito's attempt to smuggle him out of prison; (e) Phaedo describes the final scene before his death. 2. The earlier Ionion philosophers and their doctrines; 2.

According to Diodorus and Manetho, High Priest in Egypt, two columns were found at Nysa Arabia; one of the Goddess Isis and the other of the God Osiris, on the latter of which the God declared that he had led an army into India, to the sources of the Danube, and as far as the ocean. Theophrastus: Fragment 2 apud Diels. James does not mention the other, and more obvious, explanation for the absence of records, which is, of course, that no such system ever existed. ; that of Frank Thilly at 624 B.C. It was Aristotle's idea to compile a history of philosophy, and it was Aristotle's school and its alumni that carried out the idea, we are told. Stolen Legacy is unscholarly, relying heavily on repetition of claims about Alexander's "theft" of Egyptian material, and lacking precise footnoting.