Additional duties of Class Representatives: Attend all full chapter meetings of the Council. Members should contact their Committee Chair or the Advisor if they are unable to attend an event or meeting. The probationary time shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will determine at least two weeks in advance if an event is mandatory. If a member does not attend the mandatory event, he or she will automatically be placed on probation. Failure to do so will result in the candidate’s expulsion from this process. Provide students with activities both within the school and the community that promotes positive behavior in Saline. Update Student Council calendar and relay information such as meeting dates and plans to full chapter through monthly newsletters or other published materials.
Attend all activities and events sponsored by the class. Duties of Class Representatives, SECTION 2. Keep accountability for all chair people, officers, and committee members.

The Student Council Representative selection and the Class Officer election shall take place in May or June each year.

Give all students practice in democracy in action. Oversee all activities and events sponsored by the class. Officers shall be elected for one year or until their successors

Activities that are completed during the summer prior to the start of classes will count toward the first trimester points. The Principal of Saline High School may appoint a member of the faculty to serve as an Advisor to Student Council. Members must attain a minimum of 80% attendance at all events, including meeting attendance, per trimester in order to remain in good standing as a council member. The name of this organization shall be the Saline High School Student Council, hereafter referred to as the Council. Strive for good citizenship, academic excellence and leadership.

Any member who commits an act described above may be subject to probation or removal according to the nature of the violation. They are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and to remember whom they are representing at all times.
Relay information such as meeting dates and plans to their class through fliers, social media, etc. We, the students of Saline High School, in order to develop democratic ideals; to teach respect for law and order; to maintain high standards of cooperation, loyalty, and school spirit; to prepare for adult life and citizenship; to encourage all worthwhile activities in the school; and to provide an active and representative voice of all students to influence and impact student life, do form this Constitution for the Student Council of Saline High School. Involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be. Because the powers of the student council are delegated to it by the principal, he/she shall have the right to veto any measure the student council may pass. One meeting per month must focus on the general business of the council. Vote on any matter in which the Student Council is equally divided. The point required for each position is as follows: Executive Committee: 300 points minimum for each trimester, Class Officers: 250 points minimum each trimester, Class Representatives: 200 points minimum each trimester, Student Council Officer in good standing: 25 points each trimester, Class Officer in good standing: 25 points each trimester, Committee chair: 25 points each trimester, Student Council Summer Meeting: 30 points, Student Council Full Chapter Meeting or Working/Committee Meetings: 10 points, Participate in leadership conference (outside school event): 50 points, Set up or tear down a council or class sponsored event (includes homecoming build days): 10 points per 5 hours, Work a council or class sponsored event or function (ex.

Recognition and the Points System, SECTION 2. Keep written record of all proceedings of the Student Council and share typed minutes during full-chapter meetings. Section 4. Successful candidates shall be selected based on demonstration of leadership qualities, availability, teacher recommendations, and other attributes at the discretion of the selection committee. The position of Historian office is available to non-senior members in good standing only. The Constitution must be approved by the Advisor and/or Administration prior to ratification by the council. Resignation, Probation, and Removal, The student council sponsor serves as a link between the student council, faculty, administration and groups/individuals that have an invested interest in the high school community. A minimum of 3 candidates must be presented to the General Membership to fill the remaining executive officer positions. Grades will be verified approximately every six (6) weeks. There are multiple models for outlining leadership positions, meetings, committees, election processes, etc. In order to maintain voting rights and the privileges of Student Council, representatives and officers must turn in the required point sheets by the end of each trimester to one of their class officers or to the Advisor(s). The Executive Committee will meet once a week. Feel free to diverge from it as it suits the needs of your organization. If a motion passes, the accused party must vacate the room while discussion proceeds on the issue. Members must give at least 3 days written notice if they cannot attend an event sponsored by their committee. The motion for forcible removal must pass by a 2/3 majority council vote, including the accused member’s vote. Term of Office. Sample Constitution for CIOs at UVA **Disclaimer: Please remember that this is only ONE example of how to structure your CIO’s Constitution. Members must attend mandatory events. To many people, the word “constitution” implies formality and intimidating rules and regulations. The sponsor is directly held responsible for the actions s/he approves for the council. The election of the Executive Committee Officers will take place among the selected representatives within one week following the selection/election process and establishment of the new council. Each committee is responsible for contributing to the ICS Student Council General B ylaws and setting their own set of guidelines as necessary and each member in the committee is responsible for upholding the bylaws of its committee and of the ICS Student C o uncil. Students must also submit to an application process in order to be considered eligible. Section 1: Student Council officers will meet once a month in addition to the regular council meetings. This includes taking photos and documenting the success and failure of event execution, maintaining records and notes for future years. All powers of the Council are delegated to it by the Saline High School Administration. You are by no means obligated to follow this template.