After defeating Black Shadow, the heroes revive Captain  Falcon and Sonic. A loosely based location of Mushroom Carnival. They all agree and Bowser suggest they summon their minions and make a plan to defeat the heroes.

Captain Falcon wins the race, Excitebiker coming in second place. Ike avoids all of his attacks and cuts another one of his tentacle. Samus and the team chase after Ridley for the gemstone. Pit, Mario, Link and Kirby attack the fleet. I came just because of your name and to see your avatar. Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong wander around the ruins of the ship, until they spot Samus battling against Ridley over a small tube-like item. As Mario and his team of heroes wander on the medievil fortress, they spot and abandoned church and enter it. Then, Giygas and Andross merge together, forming Giygandross. (Stage 16: The Lake) (Playable Characters: Samus, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Excitebiker).

The story changes to a forest. They arrive and the Great Fox and the Halberd exchange gunfire. As they prepare to fight, a swarm of buffalos appears, with Link, Wario, Sheriff, Pikachu and Marth riding them. What follows next is an epic cutscene with the heroes fighting the villains. Kirby, Meta Knight, Mega Man, Fox, and Falco are driving the Halberd to find out whats going on when Bowser's Airship Armada attacks them. Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Smash community! Wario runs away on his motorcycle. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Smash 4 story mode was cancelled because a couple of scenes leaked online? Global Apocalypse is the same mode as Adventure Mode from SSBB, only this time, it is called Story Mode because Adventure Mode from SSBM returns. They board the Halberd and pursue the enemy's fleet. Ganondorf, Bowser and Mewtwo enter it. As everyone knows piece never lasts long.

I am the editor-in-chief of the entire site and also the editor of the Nintendo news sections on 3DS/DS, Wii and Wii U. I founded Gimme Gimme Games in 2010 and its been growing ever since.

The story changes to team B'. Global Apocalypse Modes,

They must fight Koopas, Goombas, Hammer Bros, Bullet Bills, Bomb-ombs, Space Pirates, Waddle Dees, Kremlings, and Moblins.

They spot the heroes battling Bowser's army and decide to go down and help them. They decide to go there in hope for finding Ness. She became worried and asked one of the Smashers to help.

The man stops writting and lifts up his hat, revealing that it is Professor Layton. Piece returned but as I the narrator said in the beginning piece will always be interrupted. (Stage 41: Iced Kingdom) (Playable Characters: Mario, Zoroark, Diddy Kong, Chibi-Robo). When he gets there the store is empty and there is another King Dedede note with a troll face on it. Ness informed them about the news and Mario accepted the task to help find Rosalina. They jump down the mushroom, land to the battlefield and help them defeat the enemy. The Hammer Bros and Kremlings arrive with Dark Cannons but the heroes escape. Sonic attempts to jump on the Airship but fails. Isaac and Starfy find them chatting with a now revived Mario. Kirby and Mega Man jump in the Great Fox and Fox jumps in his arwing and they both fly away. Super Smash Bros.

The Armarda easily broke the lines of Archanea. Zekrom has been brainwashed by Bowser and Descole with 5 chains.

After Tabuu was destroyed the Subspace dissapeared and Archanea turned back to normal, The Three Pieces of the Triforce were returned to thei respective owners, the Chaos Emeralds were returned to their temple, and the Fire Emblem was returned to Archanea. Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or subscribe on YouTube!

It said "Come face the Greatest Fighter in the World, Little Mac", Donkey Kong knew what he was going to do. GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros.

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are sleeping in their hut when suddenly, trees start collapsing and birds start flying around the jungle, signaling an omen. Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts!
The Halberd arrives in London, where Bowser's fleet commences an attack. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. But it's a trap and 5 Hammer Bros jump down with Dark Cannons and shoot the heroes. Sonic, Pac Man, Pickachu, Pokemon Trainer, Zoroark, and Captain Falcon are riding in the Falcon Flyer to attack Medusa. (Stage 48: Volcanic Pit) (Playable Characters: Bomberman). Link looks through a gaping hole in the wall and sees Ridley flying over a burning Castle Town. The story changes to a forest of oversized trees and plants. There, he finds Pit, Kirby, Fox and Zoroark. Bowser boarded his Airship and dropped 1,000 Subspace Bombs on Archanea.

As they are flying to the sky, through paralel universes, they find goddess Palutena in their way, who uses her magic to transform the old ship to a beautiful, colourful, even larger ship with large sails in which they can travel in. All of the heroes unite, to defeat Kuraz once and for all.

Not leaked. Dark Matter then spots Link and Pikachu and creates dark dublicates of Peach and Jigglypuff to attack them. They find Ganondorf sitting on the throne and he instantly traps them all inside and summons his army to attack them. The heroes defeat King Boo and it opens a portal. Link blows up the rubble blocking Zelda's room with a bomb and gets her out of the room before it collapses. Kuraz gets very furious anf attacks Ike. The story changes to the ship, where the remaining heroes are guarding it. She looks out to the ocean and she sees a giant cloud of shadow bugs. Welcome to Smashboards, the world's largest Super Smash Brothers community! The heroes defeat False King Dedede and bust into the Control Room. Retro studios is actually only a 10 minute drive from where I live. (Boss: King Boo) (Playable Characters: Mario, Luigi, Link, Zelda, Zoroark, Diddy Kong, Chibi-Robo).

The heroes reach Black Sahdow and battle him. Vaati has his Moblins hold off Donkey and Diddy so he can finish the spell. After defeating Giygandross, they continue their way to the mysterious, shining castle. That is the place where they must face the true villain. He decides to go and investigate it. There, they find a wounded Ridley on the floor and Ganondorf, who has stolen Ridley's power gem. They must fight Koopas, Goombas, Hammer Bros, Bullet Bills, and Bomb-ombs.

Meanwhile, in the streets of London, Matthew, Yoshi and Professor Layton are observing the event.

Zoroark tells them to release her. Should I get piranha plant as a DLC character?

They land their ship on the island. The shadow bugs engulf Vaati and allow him to transform into his ultimate form, The Wind Mage.

It causes severe damage to the Airship, causing it to lose course and collapse. King Dedede jumps and grabs from the Halberd, escaping from the battlefield.. As for Link, Pikachu, Wario and Marth, they remain fighting. Kirby, Falco, Zelda, Jigglypuff, Peach, Mr. Game & Watch, Bomberman, the Excitebiker, Luigi and Zoroark remain to guard the ship, along with an imprisoned Bowser. Add Image. Professor Layton, Ness, Marth and the Excitebiker are also there, waiting for them to get out. When Link reaches Zelda's room she is crying for help because she can't get out.