If this Pokémon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, and its moveset changes to the one associated with the current weather, except during Sandstorm and Acid Rain. A large number of different tier lists exist for the Super Smash Bros. series, but the most widely accepted tier lists have generally been produced by the Smash Back Room on Smashboards. Uses a random dance move other than Lunar Dance twice in a row and then restores 1/3 of its max HP. Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16)

Prevents adjacent opposing Pokémon from choosing to switch out unless they are immune to trapping or also have this ability or Shadow Tag. The user is healed for 50% of its HP. This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. ICE PHYSICAL Other than these changes, it's just a normal Pokémon battle; the first trainer to KO their opponent's team wins! Non-damaging moves go through this protection. No additional effect. Signature Move - E Custom Mega Stone - Thunder Stone POISON STATUS Custom Z-Crystal - Victinium Z Or by using the link in /tier ssb. If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. STEEL PHYSICAL Signature Move - Cutie Escape Psychic-type attacks can hit if the target is a Dark-type. Signature Move - Slav Squat Accuracy: - PP: 15 (Max: 24) KOes the foe. Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 (Max: 8) Sets one layer of Spikes on the opponent's side of the field and randomly boosts the user's Speed or Special Attack by one stage. Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. Accuracy: - PP: 10 (Max: 16) Hits twice and ignores type immunities. Custom Ability - Radioactive Signature Move - Murky Ambush

Ultimate Tier List, currently updated for patch 8.1. On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Rain Dance.

Custom Mega Ability - gz guishark PHYSICAL Upon switching out, this Pokémon has its major status condition cured and restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If Hail is active, this Pokémon's Speed and accuracy are doubled. FIGHTING STATUS The target's replacement has its Speed lowered by 1 stage. This terrain affects floating Pokémon. Accuracy: - PP: 5 (Max: 8) All of these users have sacrificed time and energy to help create this format, thank you very much! You can take screenshots of your tierlist. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. Custom Ability - Careless Has a 20% chance to either poison the target or cause it to fall asleep. Raises the user's accuracy by one stage. This move has a 50% chance to confuse the target. NORMAL STATUS Accuracy: - PP: 5 (Max: 8) Custom Ability - Club Expertise This Pokémon's Attack, Defense, and Special Defense are raised by one stage at the end of each full turn it is on the field. Has a 40% chance to lower target's Defense by one stage and a 10% chance to freeze it.

The user switches out after damaging the target.

Signature Move - Quack Base Power: 150 Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 (Max: 8) This Pokémon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. Accuracy: - PP: 5 (Max: 8)

FAIRY STATUS POISON STATUS Signature Move - Dad Joke Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U /Smash 4/Sm4sh Tier list The following is the fourth official Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U tier list produced by the Smash Back Room. Signature Move - Bringer of Darkness Does not include Z-Moves that have 1 Base Power or Glitzer Popping. Before the user attacks, its Attack is increased by one stage. This is the latest and most widely-accepted smash tier list for Super Smash Bros. 4from Nintendo Wii U, produced by the Smash Back Room and last updated on December 11th, 2017.
Signature Move - >w< If the user falls asleep in this way, all other active Pokémon that are not asleep or frozen also try to use Nap Time. Raises the user's Speed by two stages and has a 30% chance to confuse the target. When this Pokémon switches in, if it uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, that attack's power will be doubled. Custom Ability - Acid Rain Sets Stealth Rock on the foe's side, after which the user switches out. If Trick Room is not already in play, sets Trick Room for 5 turns and raises the user's Attack by one stage. Accuracy: - PP: 6 The user recovers half the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. Base Power: 85 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) For 5 turns, slower Pokémon move first. Custom Ability - Gracidea Mastery ICE STATUS FIRE PHYSICAL This move's type effectiveness is inverted, meaning that it's super effective on Water-types but not very effective on Grass-types, and so forth. This game was a childhood favorite for many, despite it's controversy in the competitive scene. After dealing damage, resets all of the user's boosts to 0, then Attack, Defense, and Speed get lowered by one stage. FIRE PHYSICAL

Signature Move - Tipping Over No additional effect. Has a 40% chance to paralyze the target. If this Pokémon uses Extreme Speed, it first changes to its Speed forme. Uses Defog and then attempts to use U-Turn. Signature Move - Flock SSB World members can easily create and share a Smash Bros. Custom Z-Crystal - Marowakium Z Signature Move - Ultimate Slash Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Special Defense by one stage. Red burns the foe, orange confuses it, yellow paralyzes it, green applies Leech Seed, blue gives the user Aqua Ring status, indigo poisons the foe, and violet badly poisons it. Custom Mega Ability - Stark Mountain If Big Root is held, the user recovers 1.3x the normal amount of HP, rounded half down. Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) Accuracy: - PP: 10 (Max: 16) Accuracy: 90% PP: 10 (Max: 16) The user's HP is restored to maximum, and the user then faints. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. If this Pokémon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal, and it is immune to Normal and same-type moves. Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 85% PP: 10 (Max: 16) NORMAL STATUS Signature Move - Forcewin When this move hits, the user is healed by 50% of its max HP. Base Power: 140 Accuracy: - PP: 1 On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Sunny Day. Official Smashboards Tier Lists and Smash Tier List Maker all in one! This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. But these aren't your standard everyday Pokémon; these Pokémon have custom abilities, moves, and even items that do not exist in standard formats! The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. FIRE STATUS The effect ends if the target leaves the field or uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. The limitations on Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves have been lifted as well! The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target, then takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. It is current as of April 25 th, 2013. FIRE PHYSICAL For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Lava Terrain. If this Pokémon is Shaymin-Sky, it will transform into Shaymin before using a status move or upon being attacked.

Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 (Max: 8) Custom Ability - Super Illusion The user's replacement will switch out at the end of next turn if the replacement's move is successful. POISON PHYSICAL Signature Z-Move - Let's Snuggle Forever Accuracy: - PP: 10 (Max: 16) On switch-in, this Pokémon shudders if any foe has a super effective or OHKO move.

GHOST STATUS If this Pokémon is knocked out with an attack, that attack's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokémon. Signature Move - Distortion Blast Ultimate from Nintendo Switch and last updated on February 18th, 2020. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups ability, or is behind a Substitute. For seven turns, any Pokémon that has one of their stats boosted through any manner loses all PP on the last move they used. If Sunny Day is active, this Pokémon's Attack is 1.5x and its Speed is doubled. 50% chance to confuse the foe. FIRE STATUS Accuracy: - PP: 5 (Max: 8) Accuracy: - PP: 15 (Max: 24) Custom Ability - RVS

50% chance to OHKO the user, 50% chance to OHKO the target. There is no reason to worry though; this article aims to not only cover the basics of Super Staff Bros Brawl but also go over each and every set in the format! Signature Move - Heretic's Mark Signature Move - fr*ck Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 (Max: 24) User faints afterwards if move hits. Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) Fails unless the user is Meloetta. Base Power rises by 20 for each of the user's positive stat stage changes. Neoseeker Forums » Nintendo Wii Games » Super Smash Bros. Brawl » Brawl-Card Maker. Signature Move - Hit and Run Custom Ability - Miracle Scale GRASS STATUS PSYCHIC STATUS Base Power: 90 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) This move's Base Power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if its weight is less than 25 kg, 60 if its weight is less than 50 kg, 80 if its weight is less than 100 kg, 100 if its weight is less than 200 kg, and 120 if its weight is greater than or equal to 200 kg. NORMAL STATUS

Base Power: 90 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) STEEL PHYSICAL Signature Move - Pain Train BUG PHYSICAL Gives Focus Energy. Base Power: 90 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (Max: 16) If this Pokémon has a major status condition, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to confuse it. Custom Ability - Maelstrom If the user switches out while the substitute is up, the substitute will be removed and the user will revert to the state in which it used this move. Custom Ability - Fat Rain X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. This substitute absorbs indirect damage and authentic moves but does not reset the counter of Toxic poison when broken and cannot be transfered through Baton Pass. This Pokémon's two highest stats are raised by one stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokémon. Signature Move - Taste the Rainbow On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Lava Terrain. Custom Z-Crystal - Astleyium Z This move does not check accuracy. DARK SPECIAL Custom Ability - Soul Eater DARK STATUS If held by a Victini with V-create, it can use Blaze of Glory. Now that you know about the format, are you ready for the next battle? Signature Move - Cataclysm This Pokémon's kick-based attacks have 1.75x power. POISON PHYSICAL After using the move or taking attack damage, if this Pokémon was originally in its base forme, it will transform back into Shaymin-Sky. Accuracy: - PP: 15 (Max: 24) This Pokémon's Dragon-type moves have their priority increased by 1.

Custom Ability - Volcanic Tempest Accuracy: - PP: 5 (Max: 8) If held by a Rotom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Signature Z-Move - Shitpost

Fails if the user moves last this turn. On switch-in, this Pokémon's Speed is raised by 2 stages and avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used.