Neutral Special: Pineapple Launcher- Chunky pulls out his pineapple launcher and fires a single powerful shot across the stage. Fortunately it only lasts for about 12 seconds, or if an enemy eats any kind of healing item, which will cure them instantly.

Side Smash- Ray arms a Knuckle Gun and charges an attack, firing it forward a short distance forward for a powerful knockback strike with good range. Using this attack will reset the Legion Gauge to zero, regardless of where it was when the move began. Side Smash- Rayman jumps and spins around in place, potentially damaging opponents four times as he hits them with his hands and feet.

Up Smash- Tom will lift his leaf umbrella, opening and then shutting it again for a slightly ranged but weak 1-2 combo. After the building is built, a fanfare from Animal Crossing will play, and the players will be launched out of the building as it disappears and the Final Smash ends.

There is a total of 85 Pokémon available, and 20 of them must be unlocked. FINAL SMASH: Super Ms. Pac-Man- Like her counterpart, Ms. Pac-Man will grow giant sized and then begin to traverse the stage several times, chomping and launching any opponent that gets in her way.

It is the fifth entry in the Super Smash Bros. series of fighting games, and brings back many features from the previous installments.

There Starman will execute several different wrestling moves, from a backbreaker, to a dropkick, to a clothesline, finishing with his patented Flying Cross Chop that will send the players in the ring flying to oblivion once they return to the stage. Whichever theme is applied to a player's Smash Page will be viewable by any player that accesses it, regardless of their own applied theme. In addition, Howard will regain health equal to half the attack strength of every attack that they land. Also, unlike a poison mushroom, she retains all her normal attack strength.

FINAL SMASH: Plasma Scream- Ridley lets out a screech and dives forward, sending the first player hit into a cutscene where they are up against Samus' gunship. Players can also hold down the B-Button, causing Crash to spin up to 8 times successively. Side Smash- Waluigi takes his trusty tennis racket and delivers a powerful back hand smash in front of him. Unlike Snake's grenade, the explosion hitbox on the Frag Grenade is larger, though it still does the same amount of damage. Have more than two playable versions of a single character, as there are six separate versions of Link in the game (three of them being transformation characters).

FINAL SMASH: Jet Grind- Beat turns up the music on his headphones and begins moving around the stage with lightning quick speed. The lingering effects of the whirlwind can do minor damage to opponents nearby. Cannonball Crash- The Gunner detonates a single grenade next to herself, damaging her but sending her somersaulting high into the air and meteoring anyone who gets hit on the downward arc. Side Smash- Sonic winds up his fist and then delivers a powerful punch forward quickly. Up Special: Climhazzard- Cloud will perform a single upward thrust with the Buster Sword high into the air. The damage this deals does not scale up with Lucario's damage. FINAL SMASH: Triforce of Wisdom- Zelda uses her connection to the Triforce of Wisdom to create a small triangular vortex that sucks in players briefly, before damaging them and then sending them flying in the opposite direction of which Zelda is facing. This move will not do any damage by itself, but Goemon can jump out of the flying animation and not enter Freefall. The downside is that the Carbon Roller uses ink faster than the Inkling's Version. Up Special: Glide- Activating this move at any time will send Nights into a Gliding mode (though floating is actually more accurate) which will last for about 15 seconds (signified by the sparkles being emitted from under his feet).

Coco can jump slightly higher than Crash on the 5th jump, but only slightly. This gun man will then, after a short pause, fire in the direction in which Duck Hunt is facing, with each gunman having different damage and angle to their shot. Flying Forearm- The Brawler steps forward a few steps, leaps up and delivers a powerful downward strike that can bury opponents if it connects right.

Does the most knockback of any of Fawful's special moves. However you can only charge in one direction while its active, and Banjo & Kazooie only have 5 golden feathers to use per stock, once they are out that's it till you die.

Side Smash- Ganon will extend his trident forward and then swing upwards violently, dealing a 1-2 combo. A couple of spears put on the side of stages can act as a saving grace for players.

While the projectile is slow moving, it does a good amount of damage and is a primary distancing weapon for Wily. Bomb Drop- Drops a small explosive device on the ground that will detonate a short time later or if another player touches it. A blue aura signifies an Ice Arrow, which does the least damage but has a chance at higher percentages of freezing enemies. Up Special: Launch Star- Rosalina creates a Launch Star around herself and then uses it to blast off in the direction it was pointing.

Repeatedly hitting the B-Button will cause him to repeat this motion over and over again.

Using the Pinball uses one of Joanna's Grenades. Down Special: Boom Boom Blaster- Boom Boom will whip out a miniature Bill Bazooka (borrowed from Roy Koopa no doubt) and use it to fire a single homing Bullet Bill into the stage.

During that time, Zeraora will counter any physical attack with an explosion of that electric aura.

FINAL SMASH: Hyperrocket Barrel- Diddy straps on his rocket barrel pack and flies around the screen with reckless abandon, damaging anyone he hits. The 4 Ghosts are: FINAL SMASH: Super Pac-Man- Pac-Man will transform into a giant version of his classic form, and then begin traveling across the stage multiple times, gobbling up enemies as much as he can. Pressing B while the jet thrusters are active will elevate Mechanica, and she can attack with her aerial attacks while in flight.

Strawberry- Slightly stronger version of the Cherry, and has increased range due to the fact that it will bounce twice off the ground before disappearing. However it does have tremendous endlag due to Incineroar's post-move posing, so be careful in a crowded fight. If he hits nothing, then after the jump he will fall to the ground helplessly. This move goes farther than Wolf's recovery, but it has more startup time and doesn't connect for as much damage as the Fire Wolf. Flame Pillar- The Gunner shoots a single shot in front of herself, creating a powerful pillar of fire that deals repeated hits of damage.

Anyone who touches it will be trapped inside the bubble for a short period of time, allowing Madeline to pound away with additional attacks.

If used in the air, Terry will instead create a small spark of energy from his fist that will only go a short distance in front of him. When used on the ground, the explosion will damage Leon. Down Special: Recall- Tracer will literally rewind time itself for three seconds, traveling back to the position she was in and regaining any health that she lost during those initial three seconds. Players can also move back and forth with the move active, giving it good range at the expense of launching power. Players can steer the Rollout at least once, sometimes twice depending on the power, moving the Pokemon in the opposite direction. The swords do more damage than the guns and have a longer range. The explosion doesn't do as much damage or knockback as you'd think, but this move can be used as a good distancing tool, keeping opponents at bay with its close range and quick fire rate. Up Smash- Samus will fire five quick explosions out of her arm in an upward arc, damaging opponents multiple times. FINAL SMASH: Great Aether- Ike will toss his burning sword into the sky. Pressing the Down B command again will detonate the pack, causing a powerful explosion that can launch foes. This move will only fire if there is a fighter in range and, while it does okay damage, it is relatively easy to dodge the blasts unless you're in point blank range. After the stat buff fades, this move has a 10 second cooldown period before it can be used again.