I'm gonna save it somewhere and use it for reference whenever it seems appropriate if you're ok with it (don't worry I always give full credit when I'm quoting someone else).

It’s half the size of Surtur and said to weigh at 50,000 tons. Sure Galactus got up before Odin did but it was still a double knockout.

@xiix: T'was the Phoenix Force if I remember correctly. There was only a *partial* retcon, designed to get rid of the idea that just *half* of the Odin Power could effortlessly destroy the entire Universe, as well as boost Infinity's stature while at it. Odin has held his own with galactus before, but I always felt galactus had the advantage. But the nullifier is just too much destruction. Surtur is equal to Galactus when he is not so hungry.

Resists being phased into by Vision and getting the moon being piloted into him by Silver Surfer. Galactus defeated the Sphinx rather casually, crushing the Kaa Stone in his hand as if it were nothing. In addition, despite being a physical being, Galactus can adopt a manifestation (M-Body) from the Dimension of Manifestations in order to commune with abstract beings, such as Death and Eternity. Here's what he had to say: Team.

Due to this inherent hunger, Earth's heroes have been able to achieve various degrees of success in repelling or defeating a weakened Galactus. Surtur can also change his size from taller to short but still retain his abilities. Yet I'm in here seeing people make ridiculous claims like "Galactus stomps" against not just Odin, but Odin AND Surtur ATHTHE SAME TIME!!??

If someone can solidify whether or not this instance was canon or not, it would be of great help. 13. PowersGalactus possesses cosmic power beyond most forms of measurement (The Power Cosmic). COMMON ARGUEMENT: "Well. And all other evidence points to Odin being his equal or superior. What about when the Celestials visted Earth and whooped Odin? This has resulted in the elimination of entire extraterrestrialcivilizations on numerous worlds. Stalemates In-Betweener. Galactus is also capable of creating sentient life, resurrecting the dead, manipulating mortal souls, memories, and emotions, and restoring dead planets and populations in every detail. Galactus wins this fight though.

During this period Odin appeared to be somehow significantly less capable than normal, and being on Earth allegedly even further weakend him (although I don't know how much stock there is in that -- I suppose it depends on the weight you give to the writter's comments). Reviews: 0. To sustain his immense power, Galactus requires energies derived from a biosphere, a planet able to sustain living beings, though life does not actually have to be present. With the twilight sword he could probably hold his own against a hungry Galactus. Galactus' demonstrations of power are no greater than Odin's, and often inferior in some cases. 5. Conversely, when he does not feed within his allotted time, his energies will dwindle, and he will even begin to physically shrink as they drop dangerously low.
Didn't Odin fend off Galan from Asgard? He’s very durable for taking hits from beings like Loki, Odin, and objects like Thor hammer. @geraldthesloth said: "Galactus is an abstract :|" And??? Surtur stands a chance against Galactus.

Abstracts > Galactus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Skyfathers >/= their enemies (like Surtur). Galactus showings: Shields capable of resisting being phased through.

The character also on occasion uses the eight-legged steed Sleipnirthe and the enchanted ship Skipbladnir, which can navigate the "sea of space" and be shrunk to the size of a toy. Dreaming Celestial who is stranded on Earth (referred to as The Black Celestial in this time line) wanted to create a weapon, a perfect weapon to kill all his brothers (other celestial). Traps Sphinx in a time-loop. Surtur vs Lifebringer Galactus # Lifebringer Galactus I'm pretty sure normal Galactus could beat Surtur by himself.

He, again, rattled across the entire universe in his battle with Forsung, which blew away planets like dry sand castles, and created heat so intense entire burning stars were created in its wake, as they blew each other to the ends of the universe.

Not quite so much but even then it's arguable, based on feats. Forum Posts. Surtur who is, for the most part superior to Odin in almost all of their direct encounters?? One of the beings is named Infinity.

Lets off a blast that covers 3 star-systems. 8. There is, however, nothing in continuity to substantiate that.

shaneherald 1 mo 23 d Not exactly.

He commonly uses a series of Punishers to fight on his behalf against lesser beings. I believe it would be more accurate to say he was "spared" The Big Bang(by I think it was The Phoenix Force, but I'm not sure). Shoots a beam so strong from his eyes he takes down Thor Girl with one shot. WITH an amp, either one would beat him.

Surtur is immensely powerful and tall. At the time, AISTR, it was beyond Odin's power to destroy even a sinlge planet. He is heavily amped here. I've was also able to find some of these scans and feats: Although as impressive as they are, the Destroyer can hang at those levels and Odin has ripped at the Multiverse and channeled Multiverse level energy.

Team stomps. Oneshots a member of The Celestials. Oneshots Thunderbolt Ross being written by Jeph Loeb. Galactus would defeat Surtur like fighting 2 Odins at the same time.A better match up is Galactus and Mephisto. There is little to scant nothing containied in Thor #227 to substantiate something like this. Surtur destroys a mountain with a mere gesture of his hand, 4. Although not an abstract, non-corporeal being, Galactus is a living force of nature set to correct the imbalances between the conceptual entities Eternityand Death, and as such his true form cannot be perceived by most beings; each species perceives Galactus in a form they can associate with or comprehend, either in a form similar to that of their own race or as a deity of their own religion. Not a good chance, but a chance.

Unlike many other elder or demonic creatures Surtur has displayed a degree of cunning even Odin is impressed with. Odin has fought toe-to-toe with Galactus, Odin has always been below Surtur. Surtur was able to thoroughly plan his attack on Asgard several times and has taken great steps to be able to return from his own death.

He fought and stalemated the In Betweener in a joke of a confronation, which Galactus seemed to gain the upper hand in with a judo toss, as he apparenly took lessons from Captain America somewhere down the line. If someone can solidify whether or not this instance was canon or not, it would be of great help. Thor #161 -- Ego spots a bypassing Galactus, gets frightened, and attacks him out of fear.

Surtur could do great harm to Galen with the twighlight sword. Odin has faired OK against Galen and surtur has beaten Odin easily with this sword.

At first glance I thought the thread was Surfer vs Galactus and thought "you couldn't possibly be serious". Amped team wins. Anyways, during Issue #11 of the series, Doom and Odin battle for a little while on Earth until Doom, who seemed to be toying with Odin, finally decided to take Odin out of the fight with a blast from his gauntlet. I think this is a good fight but I think it would depend on were they were fighting.
Galactus has also appeared as a humanoid star when addressing fellow members of the cosmic hierarchy. For this he seeks out a defeated Galactus, uses his technology to resurrect him but with 1 expectation, he took away Galactus's natural limiter. Specifically amped Galan??

It doesnt matter if Surtur brings the Twilight Sword, Grugnir and the Eternal Flame. Likewise, Galactus doesn't seem to hold any sort of special influence over the Ultimate Nullifier, either. Destroyer Odin should have a chance by himself.

The feat you are referring to is from Fantastic Four # 340-341 and the story has been referred to as The Fantastic Four: Black Celestial Arc . When Galactus was newly formed, the energy of a medium-size Earth-like planet sustained him for over a century.

But the first feats are mainly the top for Odin. The first and oldest living entity in the universe, Galactus employs advanced science capable of creating the Ultimate Nullifier, an object of tremendous power capable of destroying and remaking the multiverse, and the immense ship Taa II. .......Allow me clarify some on the Infinity Saga, at least little bit, since there seems to be a lot of misconception as far as the retcon goes. (Thanos without IG vs (Beginning of Ragnarok) Surtur vs Dormammu) Surtur was quite easily defeated by Thor, Thor stalemated Hulk, and Thanos defeats the Hulk, though some argue he used the power gem. If this was a normal Odin & normal Surtur, the battle would be more even. I would love some of whatever these fanboys are smoking to say Galactus even wins, let alone STOMPS. Odin battled Infinity in a confrontation that could be seen as far away as from Earth (Earth was just about destroyed), as the very laws of physics were being warped across the entire Unvierse (of course, Odin would eventually go on to lose to Infinity). galactus is NOT an abstract. Then, is able to absorb his evil half, Infinity, back into himself and fix all the damage Infinity caused, as well as the damage they caused during their battle. He can manipulate cosmic and magical energy for a variety of effects.

Odin is also a master tactician and schemer, and has prevented Ragnarok, and planned for centuries for the coming of the Celestial Fourth Host. - round 1 full powered Galactus, Odin has destroyer armor, Surtur has twilight sword - round 2 Galactus is at 60% of his power, no destroyer armor, Surtur has twilight sword I mean DAMN!! He has, with definitive certainty, destroyed entire galaxies in his battles with Seth in an effort that shook the entire universe and tore at the very fabric of the multiverse.

Surtur is also able to project heat plasma and concussive blasts and is also able to control his molecular structure. Displays preternatural senses. He can turn intangible. Thor #227 -- There is a perpetual myth floating around the comic book community that Odin once took on Galactus in the middle of Asgard and drove him out singlehandidly. Thor joins the battle and turns his might towards Galactus, who had just been whooping Ego.