Sybil then erases Elena's memory from his mind and reprogrammed him to see her instead in that key moment of their first meeting. Sybil does this all under five seconds of real-world time and Damon lets Sarah die, much to Stefan's heartbreak. When Damon agrees to deliver it, she tells him she'll text him the details. She uses the voices of her victims' loved ones to satisfy her own needs, much like what she did with Alex, using her sister Yvette's voice, to make it sound like she was still alive and to get her out of the Armory's vault. She then replaces his memory of him and Bonnie on The Other Side with herself, and says they have work to do. In Coming Home Was a Mistake, while still in the holding cell, Sybil spends her time doing Savasana, which promotes physical and emotional well-being. Potwór prawdopodobnie był w stanie zmienić duszę mężczyzny, gdyż ten brutalnie zabił swoich przyjaciół.

Sybil is outraged and throws things in Caroline's garage. The students begin tying each other to the pyres and Sybil tells Caroline that she's not going to release them until she brings her the bell. After the dinner, she and Damon walk around Mystic Falls and she comments about his heart. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

In An Eternity of Misery, she is visited by Stefan and Alaric in the Armory's holding cell.

In the hotel room, Sybil is trying to get Enzo to turn off his humanity as she has big plans. While upstairs, Damon asks her while she was in his subconscious if she ever took the time to understand Elena and her capacity for forgiveness. She probes him and when she asks again, Enzo uses the tuning fork against her, causing her to affected by it. Przestraszona, próbowała popełnić samobójstwo, mówiąc, iż wolałaby umrzeć niż być częścią każdego z tych morderstw. Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, She tells Caroline that the bell is a replica and the real one was threw over the Wickery Bridge in 1992 by Peter. Shortly afterward, both he and his coworkers found that their lamps were quickly snuffed out, leaving Dalton vulnerable to attack from Sybil. Nagle wielu z nich zostaje zabitych w środku przez Sybil. Caroline asks her if she was responsible for the deaths and Sybil tells her she and Seline had come into town and threw a little wrinkle into the local metalsmith's plan who was making a bell for the witches.

She asks what is it that makes Bonnie so special and that she wants to have a little heart to heart, and that she can make her but would be excruciatingly painful. Seline jednak, pod niewiedzą siostry, dzięki mocy nawoływała pływających blisko żeglarzy a następnie ich zabijała. Years later, Sybil found the truth and confronted her adoptive sister about the vile deeds of which she had committed all along while tricking Sybil into participating.

Wbrew swej woli, Sybil została zmieniona w syrenę przez Askadiusa, za zgodą Seline. Można dostrzec ją w ubraniach o jasnych, a także ciemnych kolorach. Sybil, initially known as the Armory's Monster, was first introduced in the season finale of the seventh season and was the main antagonist of the eighth season of The Vampire Diaries. Sybil, desperate to cleanse her soul of the horrors she had unknowingly caused, jumped off and nearby cliff in hopes of killing herself. What Sybil did with her immortal life in the years between their transformation and their capture in the late 18th century remains a mystery. She says Cade created a psychic blast so powerful it created a dimension and that it's where Cade awaits for Stefan. Seline starts the chant to summon Cade and Sybil then says that Stefan is at the motel. After Georgie stabs him with a syringe, Sybil gets in his head and says that her boss thinks that he's worthy of hearing the whole story. Pod warunkiem nieśmiertelności, wiecznego piękna oraz mocy, siostry mają służyć diabłu, zabijając złych ludzi. Seline found her dying in the rocks and was so distraught by the impending death of her sister (and the role she played in her suicide) that she plead with God to save her. Wydaje się, że umiejętność kontroli umysłu Sybil, zmieniła się od ostatniego sezonu. He tells her that the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant is where Damon and Elena started to fall in love more, but she tells him she thought she erased Elena's influence on him. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Treści społeczności są dostępne na podstawie licencji. Sybil was once an innocent girl exiled from her village for possessing psychic abilities. She notes that Stefan won't allow his brother to die and that nobody is choosing Enzo, and Bonnie tells her "no" when she asks if she is just going to allow Enzo to die.

At some point prior to this date, both Sybil and Seline came to Mystic Falls searching for souls. Caroline tells her and Sybil tells her it's wrong as there were a group of people who there before them and that were burned to death because of what they were. Sybil states that she is tasked with harvesting evil souls, and has enslaved Damon and Enzo to assist her. Sybil wynurza się i ukazuje swoją prawdziwa postać. Sybil tells her she shut his mind down and her blood won't work. He then speeds over where she is and smashes her head into the glass mirror, leaving her gasping and asks how he did that as he forced her out of his mind. She says any deaths today will be her fault and will go on her scoreboard for Hell.

In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, she is seen in Damon's memory of Wickery Bridge and Elena's parents dying.

Sybil jest piękną, atrakcyjną kobietą o silnych rysach twarzy i smukłej sylwetce. Staffel auftaucht. When he turns it off, Sybil begins to count down the time for when Damon will kill Bonnie, but before he can, Alaric hits him with his car. Później Enzo postanawia pójść po przyjaciela.

She then begins to alter Damon's memory of his and Bonnie's time together while he's driving, she tells him he still has too many attachments and people who think he can be saved. With five minutes remaining, Sybil mocks Bonnie that she doesn't have magic, but she has the power to choose with lives and where the other goes. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Sybil reveals she cut her out of the agreement and that while she's free, she stays immortal with her powers. W Hello, Brother , Damon i Enzo zabijają ludzi, których potem pożera Sybil. damon x sybil tvd sybil Sybil damon x elena Damon tvds8 delena vampire diaries damon salvatore tvd spoilers 12 notes Reblog 2 Take it from me. Stefan snaps her neck and attempts to feed Sarah his blood, but Sybil rises almost immediately and telepathically prohibits him from healing Sarah while she simultaneously infiltrates Damon's mind to discover what he has been keeping hidden from her. Według Enzo, kobieta pożarła około 87 osób, zanim odzyskała ludzką postać. Enzo enters the vault soon after and is confronted by Damon, who asks if it's just him.

Seline sirens Ethan to corrupt the bell's magic with the addition of the Staff of Arcadius and has him ring the bell twelve times. Sybil then utilizes her psychic link to Violet and while she does this, Peter and Matt have already freed most of the students. She has a connection to a mystical symbol and weapon thought to originate from Hell. She has shown a sense of humor, but it's morbid, playful and taunting than usual humor displayed by others. When Stefan tells her they don't have to be enemies since he and Damon aren't part of the Armory, Sybil tells him that he sounds exactly like the "Village Girl".

Caroline reads the note and realizes why Seline kept organizing her house, as Seline had taken it. Sybil starts mocking Damon about him facing his humanity and tells him that fighting it is useless. Virginia stwierdza, że ​​potwór po prostu odbiera człowieczeństwo i empatię swoich ofiar. He places it around her neck and before she can kiss him, he rips her heart out, taking the necklace with him and puts her heart on the bench. While going through the garage, they notice a note and a cabinet missing. When the officer sees this, Sybil attacks him with her siphoned hand with her claws protruding out at the tips. Sybil was turned against her will into a Siren by Arcadius with the consent of Seline. In Today Will Be Different, Sybil has replenished herself and is first seen in a pool awaiting her next victim to be prepared for "harvesting". Cade walks in, leaving them surprised and shocked, and he reveals he could make a visit despite the bell ringing only 11 times.