Sadly, the band broke up after only one morning because his best friend's mum wanted her drumsticks - well, knives and forks - back. Sadly, the band broke up after only one morning because his best friend's mum wanted her drumsticks - well, knives and forks - back.

Dismiss. James Carter is a prize-winning poet, guitarist and educational writer. The characterization is good, the pseudoscience enjoyably pulpy (we're talking '50's b-movie here), and the tension palpable. And neither do I ever shine.

What's that odd smell? It was so good... til it wasnt.

The Dark. Completely took me by surprise! Madness raged as the lights began to fade and humanity was attacked by an ancient, unstoppable evil. Start by marking “The Dark” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Always listening to music, James’ particular faves include The Beatles, Tom Waits, Nina Simone, Stevie Wonder and The Decemberists. Every time I went into the basement to get the chairs, I would have to scramble back up the stairs quickly to ensure that the darkened basement was not behind me for any longer than absolutely necessary. He travels all over the UK to give poetry performances and workshops, and is the author of many best-selling poetry books including Hey Little Bug!

This book is pure horror candy. I think the fog is a better book but they are both worth a read. For me 5 stars. Is it me?! This is about a horrific mass murder suicide that seems to bind the evil energy of the participants which then starts to spread in the dark, taking more lives and building into a presence of pure evil. This book was non-stop chills, thrills & action with more than one moment of just pure terror right from the start. What to Say if You Meet a Ghost ... What Did You Do At School Today? It brings the controvsial "debate" in whether whatever causes the bloodshed is based on scientific meaning or some sort of unknown forces that are trying to get rid of the human or at least the physical part of mankind. (Except for aliens…) Carol Ann Duffy. James Herbert's The Dark is a creepy horror novel that is unfortunately mired by a lackluster ending. Startingout with a terrific opening scene, armed with the original premise of evil as a tangible psychic force, the story takes the readers on a really dark (pun intended) scary journey. Highly recommended. It begins in a house, then a street, and then it starts to spread even further through London. Dirty little book, 35 year old yellowing pages, complete with mildew. I'm not a fan of giving up on a book, but I've been dragging with this one and I don't know that I want to keep reading. Carol Ann Duffy. Alright so I've read maybe three or four or more books from Herbert now. What a story ! I decided to finally give up on this book I've been trying to finish it for over a year and it's just not pulling me in like you want books to. For further details, click COVID-19 in the menu bar above. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. In slimy tunnels, once-human creatures gathered. Of the poems in his latest collection the World's Greatest Space Cadet - the poem 'What To Say If You Meet A Ghost' came about when James wondered if you could write a shape poem with a single word; 'Sid' was inspired by a neighbour's cat; 'School Library' was written as a thank you poem to the fabulous Falkland Primary School in Newbury; and 'The Monkey And The Apple' is the true story of what happened one half-term at Whipsnade Zoo.
An absolutely BRILLIANT book ! It keeps following me.

From ‘Tales of the Expected’, New and Collected Poems for Children (Faber, 2009), by permission of the author. Normally, you’d be celebrating your time at primary school and preparing to move to your next big adventure, but sadly things will be different for this year. In true Herbert style this is explained in all its brutal, sadistic glory. Catching an idea when it comes, James believes, is essential. is a children's poet, non-fiction writer and musician.. A t the age of 8, James played biscuit tin drums in his first and short-lived band The Electric Spiders. A good, solid read, with a few of Herbert's trademark tableaux of grue. I really enjoyed it although i dont think the ending was as perfectly written as the rest of the book. This book is about an evil that is started from one man and his followers through their death.

Published at least 19 years ago. Poem from Zim Zam Zoom! Why not take a poem. Don't get me wrong I do like some horror books, but this one just was too gruesome in certain scenes in the book. Going down into the basement was fine, but for some reason it creeped me out to have that unknown darkness behind me.

You can find out more about National Poetry Day in our National Poetry Day page. 1092698 and a company limited by guarantee no. As I sip this wine and battle the demons in my head that insist on believing my girlfriend is an enemy, I wrack my brain regarding this book and its required review. I'm disappointed as I originally had this as a 4 star book (first read about 20 years ago) but I didn't enjoy it much this time around :(. Nowadays he takes his melodica (that's Steve) all over the UK to schools / libraries / festivals. This has to be one of the creepiest books I've read. One of the freakiest books i have ever read. The ending was so flat and boring. Just not my cup of tea.

SOLVED. The SPL has reopened to the public with a reduced service. Ever since he was young he has played all kinds of instruments. James travels all over the UK to give lively poetry/music performances and workshops. I have nothing but praise for James Herbert and nothing but sadness at his passing. It did get a tad slow in parts and the climax of the story (the first not the final part) was somewhat protracted and I would have liked to have seen the main characters more developed (which is kind of odd, cause Herbert is such a master of fleshing out minor characters), but those things are fairly minor detractors from this book.

Now that I think of it, this is probably why the final scene of "The Blair Witch Project" freaked me out so much (and, in fact, is giving me chills just writing about it).

In bed. I see his impact on horror fiction from the late 70's and through the 80's until now. April 1st 1999 If you think of the dark as a black park and the moon as a bounced ball, then there’s nothing to be frightened of at all.

The Dark has been tickling my senses all along. SPLISH SPLASH SPLOSH! Monsters and zombies.

James lives in Oxfordshire with his three ukuleles (all called Erik), two delightful daughters (not called Erik) and their two pets (the-cat-that-drinks-the-bathwater, that's Dylan, and the-cat-that-eats-slugs, that's Hollie) and not to forget his one wonderful wife (also not called Erik). From ‘Tales of the Expected’, New and Collected Poems for Children (Faber, 2009), by permission of the author. Herbert is a master at gore and he lays it on thick here along with plenty of unnatural sex acts. The Moon Speaks. Carol Ann Duffy.

It was unexplained and tidy. About James. I decided to read this one next as it seemed like quite a big deep horror read, one of his which really went all out with the shocks and terror as far as I could tell from some reviews and more. Mediums and ghosts. On the sofa. They start this evil called the dark and as it spreads it is easy to see that everyone has the dark inside of them, it just needs a little coaxing to come out. This Author was recommended to me by another Fabulous Author Mr. Tim O'Rourke & I owe him a huge thank you for that!! Read in record time as i couldnt turn my light off before i knew how it ended. I was gripping my Kindle wanting desperately to read on but afraid to at the same time, scared of what was to come. This is why he has an envelope in his pocket at all times – and because he heard that Paul McCartney wrote the lyrics to Hey Jude on the back of an old envelope. The entire novel builds up the air of desolation and makes the reader feel that there will be no end to the problem in the book, what makes the ending feel cheap is that the problem is resolved within a mere few pages. What Herbert really excelled with here were just these incredibly vivid terrifying memorable scenes of horror, really some of the best a genre reader can hope for, most impressive and imaginative.

Reading (not Reading!) It’s time to turn your attention to something dark and twisty, to a story (or two or three) so engaging, the pages just fly by. The dark and the fog are very similar. He travels all over the UK to give poetry performances and workshops, and is the author of many best-selling poetry books including Hey Little Bug! And somewhere in the night...a small girl smiled as her mother burned...Asylum inmates slaughtered their slimy tunnels once-human creatures gathered. 04385537, James Carter - Between the Dog and the Wolf (after Aesop) Freedom Poem for NPD 2017, James Carter - Between the Dog and the Wolf (after Aesop). Great premise and characters. and I'm a Little Alien. To see what your friends thought of this book, This was quite possible one of Herbert's best books, the one that really showcased what he was capable of. Several years later, James played guitar in his first school band, Villain, but they were booed off at their first concert during their first song! Would you like to see The Dark made into a feature film one day? is a children's poet, non-fiction writer and musician.

I simply do not have the time. I, the moon, would like it known – I never follow people home. I never saw the end coming!!! James Carter is a prize-winning poet, and the author of many popular and best-selling poetry books. And I’m not cheese! From ‘Tales of the Expected’, New and Collected Poems for Children (Faber, 2009), by permission of the author. Every time he visits a school, children ask Where do you get your ideas from? The ending is disappointing and pat, but other than the last ten pages, a good read. Must re-read to see if it has the same effect. In the last seventeen years, he has visited well over 1000 schools, and performed at various prestigious literary festivals, including Cheltenham, Hay and Edinburgh. J ames Winston Henry Carter (what are you sniggering at?) The novel contains some truly creepy scenes and setpieces.

I never saw the end coming!!! I really couldnt put it down because i was scared out my wits. James Carter is a prize-winning poet, guitarist and educational writer. Got me scared a couple of Times real good plus one nasty nightmare:D Nice take on zombies. – to which he replies that he gets his ideas from the magic wood at the back of his house.
It did get a tad slow in parts and the climax. I look foward to reading much more from this Author & fully intend to invest in some Damn good nitelights Lol Peaceful sleep is but a dream tonight, this one will stick with me for awhile *shivers*. Viking O'Clock! Refresh and try again. James Carter is a prize-winning poet, guitarist and educational writer.

and I'm a Little Alien.. His collection of poems Zim Zam Zoom!was shortlisted for the CLiPPA 2017.James Carter lives in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. If you think of the dark as a black park and the moon as a bounced ball, then there’s nothing to be frightened of at all. A post apocalyptic world. James feels that songs are like little poems wrapped up in music. Well...I finished this book in about 8 hours! It was horrific bliss & I loved to fear every second of it!! The Dark. This book was non-stop chills, thrills & action with more than one moment of just pure terror right from the start. Also some of the vivid imagery is very very disturbing and I did not like that. It seems that only one person can end this evil and with the help of others the hard and dangerous work begins.