Horned Gods were sometimes depicted as having curving, conical horns like the goat or ram, or sometimes the branched antlers like the stag. He controls the balance and the perfect rhythm of the Earth. This is an Ancient Roman representation.     The superstitious idle-headed eld But He has given you the right to choose your eternity.Why would anyone choose away from God ?They were led away by the deceiver for the sacrifice of their souls, I've always thought of the God and Goddess of being deities themselves, is that 'allowed'? Why anyone feels they are ready to jump into a religion before they even understand who the religion worships—sorry, but it doesn't make much sense.

He is called the God of the Wicca, Cernunnos, Pan, Herne, Dionysus and by many other names. The Greenman is almost always depicted as a man in the leaves with only eyes peering back at you. “Eating the fruit of the tree sustains you, but it is up to you to take those seeds of sustenance and give them back to Mother Earth, so that He can once again provide for future generations.”, Purchase Previous Issues Of Wicca Magazine, A film producer, graphic designer, photographer, writer, artist and Wiccan High Priestess, Gigi owns a pagan store with her husband, a teaching coven as well as a healing and learning centre in the heart of South Africa. In the same instant, this wild-haired horned God will meet our justice to those that break the code of the caretaker, nurturing Mother Earth, taking only what is needed and giving back all that is good. This kind of ‘soft polytheism’ is probably as common in Wicca now as ‘hard polytheism’ (the belief that deities of different cultures are all unique and distinct beings). Paganism did not start in 1901, sadly. For other Wiccans, the Horned God and Triple Goddess, or the Lord and Lady, or The God and The Goddess have taken on a persona of their own.

i've shot arrows, not at animals.

We are our own gods.

Or do they have to be other Gods and Goddesses. There is no evidence of such a universal, neat bundling of Gods in ancient Pagan religions. This was yet another form and manifestation of Osiris as the God of Fertility and also of Death and Resurrection.

I am the one that strikes the lightening tree, I am the woodland warrior cloaked in frankincense –, I am the ripening light that warms your fruits and seeds. The Gardnerians have had a particular God & Goddess, with unique names, from the beginning. A torc implies nobility in the Celtic culture. These people would argue that all the various God/desses in mythology are either aspects or personifications of the same divine couple. Not every Goddess in history is so easily stuffed in a box—many Goddesses can fit into more than one category. The writer and scientist Robert Ogilvie Crombie, lovingly known as ROC, wrote about his own journey with Pan, in his book The Gentleman and the Faun.

Pagan is not a religion, though; it's a category that many, many religions fall under. He was the god of fertility, the underworld, animals, life, and wealth. Including yourself. I also believe that every living thing reflects the Divine - the Being the American First Nations would have referred to as 'Great Spirit'. He alternates with the Goddess in ruling over the fertility cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Most Goddesses will fit in at least one of these categories, but that’s simply because these are very generalized attributes. Walk round about an oak, with great ragg'd horns; And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle, And makes milch-kine yield blood, and shakes a chain, You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know. The mystery of Mother Nature is the essence of The Greenman. These terms are merely descriptions, not deities in themselves. Is that allowed? Lush colours sweetened deep upon the bough. What i believe is that if you believe in a certain god or goddess than they are real to you. I appreciate your comments.

I’m not desperate to worship something, but I like things explained in a logical way. I am the dragon’s treasure in your breast –. Honestly I don't even know where you got that. What about the every Witch (or Pagan), who has lived before the 20th century?

The Horned God is is the lord of life, death and the underworld. Mackenzie Sage Wright (author) on May 11, 2017: Hi Thajba... how many spells I have accomplished (many, in fact), or how long I've been a Witch (25+, actually) is not really the issue here. Some would argue this is the result of watered-down eclectic Wicca and improperly trained practitioners who have failed to do any in-depth research. I live in South Africa, and have incorporated many of the African traditions as well. Pagans existed (many Pagan religions). Pan is the most well known Greek Horned God who has the body of a man and the head of a goat. Pan is often found around addicts, but it is Him who eventually brings them back to their sanity as well. HUGE ERROR! He is the patron deity of the Bacchantes, those wild women who were said to tear living animals apart in their trance of divine possession.

I have been asked this by more new Wiccans (particularly the young ones) than I would like to remember: “Who is the Goddess? Blessed Be!

I believe in the Lord and Lady yet I also belive that the other dieties exist.     And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle, Just like a perfect Jungian relationship between man and woman, the Greenman provides the structure, the strength, and the manifestation to the void that is the Earth Mother. Through the death and rebirth of the God, the Cult of Dionysus, like that of the Goddess Demeter brought forth the mystery of rebirth to their followers. I think of the aspects of the God and Goddess as the collective masculine and feminine energies of the universe, respectively. But I still refer to him as God, 'the' God, or Lord. Please spell my Gods name right! Ultimately, the attempts to oversimplify all the various Pagan religious from all over the world has been discredited, and the attempt to prove them going underground as a single surviving ancient cult has been debunked. ].

He is the hunter and the hunted, he is the light and the darkness. In Britain, the first recorded instance of the continued worship of the Horned God was in 1303 when the Bishop of Coventry was accused of paying homage to the Horned God. Triple Goddess is a type of Goddesshead, not one specific Goddess, or a specific trio of Goddesses. He is also known as the Lord of Shadows and the Lord of Light. Robert.degraw96@gmail.com.

Some were newer, some older; some were inaccurate (like Margaret Murray's 'Witch cult' theories) and some are more based on personal opinion than something that can be right/wrong. Herne was mortally wounded but was brought back to life by a wizard who tied the dying hart's antlers to his head. God does not want you to separate, from His Will. Close your eyes and think only of the forest path before you. LOL, you just lectured me on many of the points I made above, including the mention of Dion Fortune's maxim. The Horned God made its way into Wicca due to the popular theories at the time by a handful of 19th century/early 20th century anthropologists who attempted to tie all of Pagandom together as if it were one universal pre-Christian set of beliefs that went underground to avoid persecution. Horned god. Horned God is a type of Godhead, not one specific God. The fact that you're passing this off as your own without even citing or sourcing his work. I'm not implying one is better than the other, or that they are the same (not by a long shot). They represent mankind unencumbered by the trappings of civilization and living by his instincts in a natural state of being. I have studied on a lot of the factors, and I believe I am ready to practice the Craft. On an altar found under the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is a large image of Cernunnos dating from 14 CE. Representations of a Horned God were common in Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Egypt. and stir the whispering leaves of your soul. But as far as the feeling in my gut that’s telling me what I guess I truly believe deep down, I am a Theistic person whether I like it or not. I try not to think too hard about the nature of the divine, it just confuses me.

The earliest known probable depiction of Cernunnos was found at Val Camonica in Italy, dating from the 4th century BCE, while the best-known depiction is on the Gundestrup Cauldron found on Jutland, dating to the 1st century BCE. Historically speaking, this was not common. All People make mistakes so you need to come to your senses ask for forgiveness and receive the Holy Spirit to seal you from the fate that anyone without will receive.Yes the very Word you say will dissolve in time, shall Judge you in your end. I have "been" my whole life. 3) I certainly never said our Gods are not real to us. That would be like saying a pumpkin must be an orange in disguise because they have the same color skin. If you believe that there is only one God than there is only one god for you. Most will refer to their Gods as “Lord” or simply “The God” at one time or another, and most will refer to their Goddess as “Lady” or simply “The Goddess” at one time or another. One true God Invisible to all creation, when your in to deep to get out by yourself Jesus Christ can rescue you from those who keep you captive by the opposing spirits. We do not have our own unique pantheon, nor do we believe our religion was revealed to us by deities. Over the years, a lot of inaccurate ideas about the history of Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism became popular. have to get some more apples, maybe they'll invite me in? Evolution is not a series of random events, but part of a plan, the end of which is Ascension. Hope that answers your question, thanks! This leaves people to wonder—to whom, exactly, are we referring when we use these terms?

The Masorets vocalized the Tetragrammaton this way to tell the reader he is supposed to speak "Adonaj" instead. I was asked to write a paper on Wicca. He is the one who gives Her back the truth that allows her to live and breathe within the world.