Ok so try swift attack, Lightning attack. To land more critical hits, add two levels of Fighter for Action Surge and a second batch of attacks. Facebook. The game features three multiplayer modes: "King of the Hill", "Melee", and "Slammageddon". If you’re campaign is ending at a lower level, that extra dip might end up being worth it. (The fifth-edition designers often undervalue the benefit of attacking from a distance.). The spell is a little vague, so your DM may disagree, but this is the relevant text: “You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. 5e has mostly gone the other way, preferring (relative) simplicity to realism and leaving realism to “the theater of the mind” and I guess also “the rule of cool.”. I asked why they didn’t just agree not to use the broken options… they didn’t really have an answer for that. https://5e.tools/bestiary.html#velociraptor_vgm, The lizard can be found here: Do you think, that the core idea of the holiest adventurer build could be faster done with divine soul sorcerer x/hex blade 2? If you get a best weapon, you can get +10 from that, and if you get the blademaster talent you gain rerolls. 7. Simulacrum is expensive, but a high level character should have enough money to cast it at least once and the ranged build is safe enough that it shouldn’t have to recast the spell too often. This character is a character that actually started out as a competition between me and a friend at work. Good call out for folks who want to take the monk dip though. Feel free to go gallumphing back with the creature’s head and treasure. Even Tenser’s Transformation has a 50+% chance of going poof if you take a half-decent hit. I’ll check back in here to see your success or share the solution, but I have faith that the sharing will not be required. I was fortunate to have been allowed the shenanigans. If you’d like, you can message me on discord or is there a way to dm here? As for who you cast them on, I’d say whoever in your party you’re most worried about going down. I can explain it in more detail later. Instead of a separate dimension into which you draw unsuspecting monsters, 5E grappling simply reduces your target’s movement to zero and forces them to move with you. The only negative to not having high enough strength is reducing movement speed by 10ft, this is a worthwhile trade-off in my mind and can be mitigated in a number of ways via magic items and/or good tactical planning. Any time! Most DMs probably won’t let a use a shield, so a good wildshape choice for grappling might be a panther since it can knock opponents prone. Both of these are great damage-increasing options. But why wouldnt you main hand a lvl 3 shadow blade for 3d8 per strike. Further while RAW doesn’t specifically deny it, it reads like you can’t cast Darkness on an object another creature is carrying or wearing which does limit things a bit. -2: 23.50 Urban Fantasy Writer and Marvel Connoisseur, Lego Dungeons and Dragons by Marco Hazard used under CC BY-SA 2.0. If you started out with 20 WS and didn't buy more, you should be hitting on 40 or 50%, but you're getting more opportunities to hit than you would in ranged. Then roll your 3d20 and reroll the lowest, and if one drops a 20 here is what it looks like: Vorpal scimitar (against things with legendary resistances) with criticals applied to dice totals and damage totals = 2d6 (magical slashing) + 4d8 (Divine Smite) + 18d6 (Sneak Attack) + 12d8 (Vorpal vs legendary) + 6d8 (Booming Blade) + 32 + 6d6 (purple worm poison after the legendary save). 15: 202.02 However, balance isn’t something I like to spend much time worrying about, so let’s get this Tensered griffon off the ground, shall we? When closing on the unsuspecting Solar or Kraken, pop your vow of enmity, granting you advantage (Elven Accuracy anyone?) – So I am playing this Holy Avenger build in Adventure League. Normally when a character has access to a feature like Unarmored Defense and casts an AC buff spell like Mage Armor, they have to choose one of those calculations to determine their AC. You are using resources with the defensive flourish would run out in 5 turns. A Monk can gain the ability to cast Hex in two ways: Take the Magic Initiate feat or a level of Warlock. Why do we move into using a heavy crossbow at level 4? I get it you are talking about Conjure animals, but you’re not even talking about the spell until much later, you’d have to cast it (slot and action) and you wouldn’t be able to use any other concentration spells… And you shouldn’t even choose which creatures appear (will 99% not be raptors)… I think those numbers take too many things for granted. Dealing melee damage – Great Weapon Master. Happens to all of us, there’s a lot of rules to remember =). Also, how do you get double activation on spirit guardians on your sorc/cleric/warlock build? Also I am contemplating a natural druid build like you outlined verse building a druid multiclassed with barbarian to gain rage at lvl 1 and resistances at barb lvl 3 with token bear. Fantasy & Science Fiction for Storytellers. Yes it does apply to Goodberries, since the official Sage Advice link confirms it. Reddit. How is this possible? Also, can you explain where the damage is coming from with those high numbers at level 5-6 and then the ones later would be appreciated, they just don’t seem to make sense or rather, are too high. Treat your friends to an evening of dark ritual murder. It would allow you to exclusively focus on CON/CHA (DEX 14 with a breastplate + shield is still decent AC). Claws Wishing for a Simulacrum lets us re-up our clone without the time or money requirements. 4d6+8d8+20d12+64 (x3 rapier / tenser’s transformation / simulacrum / song of victory / find greater steed (wish)), 10: 212.59 Is it broken? That kind of build will fall behind in damage later, but at mid level it’ll be incredibly tanky. You’re correct, the flourishes are the main reason, they add damage and a host of other useful bonuses that valor doesn’t. 2) Past early levels, EVERYTHING IMPORTANT HAS A HIGH WISDOM SAVE, as this is the most common save, and includes many conditions that will completely shut down a monster. I thought I’d be using this post to correct you that the Bardcher wouldn’t be able to use their dexterity bonus to damage on their off-hand hand crossbow but turns out the extra hand crossbow attack from crosssbow expert isn’t affected by any of the other two-weapon fighting rules, it’s just it’s own thing. I’m glad you like them =). 25: 4.65. Concentration is an issue, but staying at range with a decent con score is designed to help mitigate this. Unfortunately monks unarmored defense is still worse than mage armors calculation, so I’d stick with that one. It's impossible to tell since it doesn't say '(serious topic)' in the title. Without surprise, you have a Rogue who must boast a Strength and Charisma of 13, and a Paladin who either skips the protection of heavy armor or sneaks with disadvantage. They critical 10% of the time (auto-hit for double damage) – so you’ll average 2 criticals every 5 rounds. Without using resources in combat (besides the 1 spell slot) drops it to 114 per bardcher and 228 total which you can maintain for 10 minutes or until your concentration is broken. Forgive me though, because sometimes I fake my admiration. I’m not at this point in the build yet, but I am currently planning to only take 3 levels of Warlock. I’ve always enjoyed the fantasy of being a master archer, picking my enemies off from afar before surfing off the trunk of an oliphant as I take it down with a well-placed arrow. By Jacob Bourque Mar 07, 2020.