Not everyone will be returning next season.
Follow Robert Powell, star of the 1970s miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," as he examines the early days of Jesus's ministry, how he developed his radical message of the coming apocalypse, and built a following with his words, charisma, and miracles. The dynamic political duo gives viewers a sneak peek at Saturday Night Live's season opener!
Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. With Robert Powell, Olivia Hussey, Laurence Olivier, James Mason. The child, Jesus, was born in a stable, where shepherds visited him.
Actor Robert Powell, star of TV miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," is on a journey across the Holy Land to discover the real story of the role he played decades ago.
All rights reserved. Photo Credits: Netflix; Pop TV; Robert Viglasky, Hartswood Films; Fred Hayes/Disney+, Fox, PopTV; Bettina Strauss/Netflix; Nicole Rivelli/Amazon, Netflix, Frank Masi/Apple, Disney, Jasper Savage/Hulu; Diyah Pera/CW, Sacha Baron Cohen Literally Fights Coronavirus in the, Here's Every Halloween Movie and TV Special Streaming on Disney+, Here's What's New to Stream in October on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Disney+, and More, The Best TV Shows and Movies to Binge-Watch This Month.
Guided by the Gospels and the latest archaeological and historical research, Powell will travel to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt.…
He told her that she would have a child who would rule as king forever. The angel Gabriel was sent to a fine young woman named Mary. While there, he meets archaeologists and scholars who help him on his quest to learn more about Jesus.
Later, a star guided men from the East to the young child. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
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We learn who caused them to see that star, and how Jesus was saved from the efforts to kill him.Next, we find Jesus, when he was 12 years old, talking with the teachers in the temple.
An examination of the story of Jesus of Nazareth based on the latest academic research and the words of the Gospels.
Actor Robert Powell, star of TV miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," is on a journey across the Holy Land to discover the real story of the role he played decades ago. Now I'm not sure. Birth of Jesus to His Death and Resurrection. Guided by the Gospels and the latest archaeological and historical research, Powell will travel to Israel, new shedding light on a famous tale. Discover the history beyond the legend as we reveal how Jesus built his ministry and the great danger that came with it.
At times it feels more like a long ad for the Franco Zephirelli movie from 1977 since it features the actor who played Jesus in that film; and it replays scenes from the old mini-series throughout, as the actor reminisces his way around Israel. Watch Jesus of Nazareth Free Online. British actor Robert Powell shot to fame when he played Jesus Christ in the monumental English-American series Jesus of Nazareth in 1977.
From the Nativity to the Crucifixion and Resurrection, the life of Jesus is presented with stunning depth, gravity, and emotion.
Through his sermons and miracles, he built a following, including the 12 men who would become his apostles and the much-maligned Mary Magdalene. [More from History: Is the Zodiac Killer about to be found?] Interviews with archaeologists and theologians give a historical perspective to this enormously influential period in Jesus's life. © 2020 CBS Interactive. Here, he uncovers clues that give historical context to the dramatic events that shaped the days before and after his death. Birth of Jesus to His Death and Resurrection.The angel Gabriel was sent to a fine young woman named Mary. Join host Robert Powell, star of the miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," as he travels from Galilee to Jerusalem to track the growth of Jesus's ministry. Follow him as he journeys across Nazareth, Bethlehem, Sepphoris, and Jerusalem to explore the events that may have transformed this young boy into the iconic preacher he would become.
Beginning before the Nativity and extending through the Crucifixion and Resurrection, this mini-series brings to life all of the sweeping drama in the life of Jesus, as told by the Gospels. Awards & Events.
Guided by the Gospels and the latest archaeological and historical research, Powell will travel to Israel, new shedding light on a famous tale. Robert Powell, star of the TV miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," heads to Jerusalem to complete his examination into the life of Christ. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. You can also buy, rent The Real Jesus of Nazareth on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Hulu, Vudu, FuboTV, The Roku Channel, Google Play, iTunes online. The president and the first lady are in quarantine after contracting the coronavirus. The execution of John the Baptist left Jesus alone to carry the radical apocalyptic message to the people of Israel.
Airing Easter Sunday and Monday, April 16 and 17 (8 p.m. ET/PT, both nights), Smithsonian Channel’s “The Real Jesus of Nazareth” is no different. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film …
of our. The Real Jesus of Nazareth, Season 1 Episode 1, is available to watch and stream on Smithsonian CHANNEL. Guided by the Gospels and the latest archaeological and historical research, Powell will travel to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. He fed thousands of people with only a few small fishes and a few loaves of bread.
The Real Jesus of Nazareth: From Galilee to Jerusalem. To help him in this work, Jesus chose 12 men and made them his apostles.Jesus also did many miracles. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV News India TV Spotlight.
This limited series intersperses footage from the miniseries with Powell's current-day excursion to illustrate how the Holy Land has changed over the course of 40 years as the actor seeks clues to the real historical figure who inspired Christianity. Acclaimed director Franco Zeffirelli and an all-star cast come together to deliver a powerful adaptation of the Gospels in 1977's Jesus Of Nazareth. Robert Powell: The Real Jesus of Nazareth follows the actor, made famous for delivering the on-screen portrayal of Jesus Christ in the 1977 miniseries Jesus of Nazareth, as he explores the globe to discover the truth behind the legend which gave faith to over 2 billion people. Actor Robert Powell, star of the TV miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," is on a journey across the Holy Land to discover the real story of the role he played decades ago.
Interviews with archaeologists and theologians give a historical perspective to this enormously influential period in Jesus's life. While there, he meets archaeologists and scholars who help him on his quest to learn more about Jesus.
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Follow Powell through the Holy City, from the traditional location of the Last Supper to the exact steps where Pontius Pilate is believed to have sentenced Jesus to be crucified, and lastly, to a first century Jewish tomb, where believers say the real story of Jesus begins.
Robert Powell, star of the 1970s miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," is on a mission to unlock the mystery of Jesus's lost years. Enter the Holy Land as we examine what Jesus's life may have been like during the undocumented years of his young life. Follow us to Mount Precipice, the River Jordan, and Jerusalem as we investigate the start of Jesus's ministry.
While there, he meets archaeologists and scholars who help him on his quest to learn more about Jesus.
I thought this movie was based on the book, The Real Jesus of Nazareth by Paul Meier. With the help of scholars and theologians, he will examine Jesus's lost adolescent years, the start and growth of his ministry, and his death and believed resurrection, which would spark the birth of one of the largest religions on the planet. Actor Robert Powell, star of the TV miniseries “Jesus of Nazareth,” is on a journey across the Holy Land to discover the real story of the role he played decades ago. Robert Powell, star of the 1970s miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth," is on a mission to unlock the mystery of Jesus's lost years. With virtually no mention in the Gospels of his life from his youth to adulthood, Powell is determined to find evidence of the real Jesus during these formative years. Join us as we examine Jesus's final days, using Christian tradition and archaeology to separate the man from the myth. Robert Powell portrayed Jesus Christ in the Emmy-nominated 1977 miniseries ``Jesus of Nazareth'' and now, decades later, he takes a journey through modern Israel in an attempt to reconstruct the story of the man who changed history.
He healed the sick and even raised the dead. With Helen Bond, Candida R. Moss, Robert Powell. Robert Powell portrayed Jesus Christ in the Emmy-nominated 1977 miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth" and now, decades later, he takes a journey through modern Israel in an attempt to reconstruct the story of the man who changed history.
Eighteen years later Jesus was baptised, and he then began the Kingdom preaching and teaching work that God sent him to earth to do.
51m; HD; TV-PG; Join host Robert Powell as he travels from Galilee to Jerusalem to track the growth of Jesus's ministry. It's a moment that will change Jesus's life, shape his teachings, and eventually lead to a dangerous collision course with the Jewish and Roman authorities. Watch full episodes of The Real Jesus of Nazareth and get the latest breaking news, exclusive videos and pictures, episode recaps and much more at
With virtually no mention in the Gospels of his life from his youth to adulthood, Powell is determined to find evidence of the real Jesus during these formative years. Robert Powell portrayed Jesus Christ in the Emmy-nominated 1977 miniseries ``Jesus of Nazareth'' and now, decades later, he takes a journey through modern Israel in an attempt to reconstruct the story of the man who changed history. Finally, we learn about the many things that happened to Jesus during the last day of his life, and how he was killed. By viewing our video content you are accepting the terms Jesus preached for about three and a half years.John 14:6Jesus answered, \"I am the way and the truth and the life. Now 40 years later, the actor travels to Israel to host the series Robert Powell: The Real Jesus of Nazareth for BT Channel History. The first event in Jesus's life on which all four Gospels agree is his baptism in the River Jordan by a preacher named John the Baptist.