Your intuition?”. That was one story he had saved to write.

He had to hold it in the cup until it cooled enough to take it and then he just got it down without gagging. “Does Bwana want?”. He could beat anything, he thought, because nothing could hurt him if he did not care. Maybe they will be back with another truck today. But she did not hear him for the beating of her heart. You always said you loved Paris.

Now he remembered coming down through the timber in the dark holding the horse's tail when you coidd not see and all the stories that he meant to write. I’ll stop that. “You had better move over to the other side. Knocking your bindings loose, kicking the skis free and leaning them up against the wooden wall of the inn, the lamplight coming from the window where inside, in the smoky, new-wine smelling warmth, they were playing the accordion. Not all I want but all there is. The broth was too hot.

It’s trying to kill to keep yourself alive I imagine. The rest was plaster walls and the windows of the neighbors. If it had not been she it would have been another.

Her husband had died when she was still a comparatively young woman and for a while she had devoted herself to her two just-grown children, who did not need her and were embarrassed at having her about, to her stable of horses, to books, and to bottles.
She was a fine woman, marvellous really.

Behind the house were fields and behind the fields was the timber. They had made this safari with the minimum of comfort.

The bawling and the steady noise and slow moving mass raising a dust as you brought them down in the fall. He knew his neighbors in that quarter then because they all were poor. And that night missing her so much it made him feel hollow sick inside, he wandered up past Taxim’s, picked a girl up and took her out to supper. It did not go away but moved little closer. Then one of her two children was killed in a plane crash and after that was over she did not want the lovers, and drink being no anaesthetic she had to make another life.

But I wish we’d never come here.”, “I did when you were all right. Ask those bastards.” He looked over to where the huge, filthy birds sat, their naked heads sunk in the bunched feathers. I couldn’t stand it when you felt that way.

You always said you loved Paris.

But he had always thought that he would write it finally. Login to read this article. I’m rotted half way up my thigh now. There wasn’t time, of course, although it seemed as though it telescoped so that you might put it all into one paragraph if you could get it right.

“Nothing,” he said. I love you now. He’d helped to haul the old man in so everybody could know how bad the old man had been and how he’d tried to steal some feed that didn’t belong to him, and when the sheriff put the handcuffs on the boy he couldn’t believe it.

Don’t you love me?” “No,” said the man.

“I wish we’d never come,” the woman said. The golden horse’s head outside the Boucherie Chevaline where the carcasses hung yellow gold and red in the open window, and the green painted co-operative where they bought their wine; good wine and cheap. She liked what he wrote and she had always envied the life he led.

It had moved up on him now, but it had no shape any more.
Then there were other mountains dark ahead. No, he would not write that, although it was well worth writing. Der westliche Gipfel heißt ’Ngàje Ngài‘, das Haus Gottes.

The boy got the rifle from the kitchen and shot him when he tried to come into the barn and when they came back to the ranch he'd been dead a week, frozen in the corral, and the dogs had eaten a big part of him.

Finally he lost it all. He could see him with his long nose, picking up the cards and then opening, “Sans Voir.” There was always gambling then. I love you, really. There wasn’t time, of course, although it seemed as though it telescoped so that you might put it all into one paragraph if you could get it right.

No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude.

It was a puff, as of a wind that makes a candle flicker and the flame go tall. There’s only room for one.

You were sleeping when I left.”, “No. It was never what he had done, but always what he could do.

Nor about any of them. When there was no snow you gambled and when there was too much you gambled. But now I hate it.

That in some way he could work the fat off his soul the way a fighter went into the mountains to work and train in order to burn it out of his body. The dressing had all come down and she could not look at it.

I don’t mind it. “You’re a fine woman,” he said.

And how quiet it got and then somebody saying, “You bloody, murderous bastard.” Those were the same Austrians they killed then that he skied with later. How what she had done could never matter since he knew he could not cure himself of loving her. It’s a clear night. There must be something I can do.”, “You can take the leg off and that might stop it, though I doubt it. This knowledge that you’re going mad for me.”.

.” While it grew dark they drank and just before it was dark and there was no longer enough light to shoot, a hyena crossed the open on his way around the hill.

Then he’d started to cry.

No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude. There was a log house, chinked white with mortar, on a hill above the lake. Then that log house was burned down and all the guns that had been on deer foot racks above the open fire place were burned and afterwards their barrels, with the lead melted in the magazines, and the stocks burned away, lay out on the heap of ashes that were used to make lye for the big iron soap kettles, and you asked Grandfather if you could have them to play with, and he said, no. (im Originaltext: „[…] somehow he had gotten his leg out and it hung down alongside the cot.

What was this? “You rich bitch.

If it had not been she it would have been another. “Hello,” he said. She would have brought him anything he wanted. No, he would not write that, although it was well worth writing. A catalogue of old books? I’ve been destroyed two or three times already.

along the stretch between the fires and with the last bump rose and he saw them all standing below, waving, and the camp beside the hill, flattening now, and the plain spreading, clumps of trees, and the bush flattening, while the game trails ran now smoothly to the dry waterholes, and there was a new water that he had never known of.

But now I hate it. I’ve never loved anyone else the way I love you.” He slipped into the familiar lie he made his bread and butter by. “I don’t like to leave things behind.”. You did not have to like it because you understood it. You shouldn’t drink.” “Molo!” he shouted. You can’t die if you don’t give up.”, “Where did you read that? She had a great talent and appreciation for the bed, she was not pretty, but he liked her face, she read enormously, liked to ride and shoot and, certainly, she drank too much.

Just then the hyena stopped whimpering in the night and started to make a strange, human, almost crying sound.

“Don’t be silly. So now it was all over, he thought.

There was so much to write. 85+ Years of outstanding fiction from world-renowned authors, More than 150,000 Images — beautiful High-Resolution photography, zoom into every page, Bookmark all your favorites into custom Collections. It was not her fault that when he went to her he was already over.

“Don’t pay any attention to me.”.

iThe sun was gone behind the hill and there was a shadow all across the plain and the small animals were feeding close to camp; quick dropping heads and switching tails, he watched them keeping well out away from the bush now. “And I’m the cock that gets on it to crow.”, “If you have to go away,” she said, “is it absolutely necessary to kill off everything you leave behind?


The neighbors who, at night, when someone lay drunk in the street, moaning and groaning in that typical French ivresse that you were propaganded to believe did not exist, would open their windows and then the murmur of talk. Harrys Fieber-Illusion endet mit seinem Tod, und erst jetzt wird auch Helen klar, dass Harry wirklich im Sterben lag. “You shouldn’t,” she said. It is the wife of the working man who suffers from this shortening of hours.”. He heard the hyena make a noise just outside the range of the fire. Not the Paris that he cared about. “I’m sure. She was very good to him.

But he had never written a line of that, nor of that cold, bright Christmas day with the mountains showing across the plain that Barker had flown across the lines to bomb the Austrian officers’ leave train, machine-gunning them as they scattered and ran. Behind the house were fields and behind the fields was the timber. “npHE marvelous thing is that it’s painJL less,” he said. Der Symbolgehalt der Geschichte speist sich aus einer Reihe weiterer Quellen, wie der Literaturwissenschafter Timo Müller erläutert.

You were equipped with good insides so that you did not go to pieces that way, the way most of them had, and you made an attitude that you cared nothing for the work you used to do, now that you could no longer do it.

KILIMANJARO is a snow covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa.

But that was not humorous to Scott. Das Flugzeug aus Arusha wäre die Rettung.

He knew that.

The gunner asked him outside and they fought in the street on the cobbles in the dark. That’s the way we’re made to be destroyed. I couldn’t stand it when you felt that way.

That was one of the things he had saved to write, with, in the morning at breakfast, looking out the window and seeing snow on the mountains in Bulgaria and Nansen’s Secretary asking the old man if it were snow and the old man looking at it and saying, No, that’s not snow. “What else?”, “If we would have hired a good mechanic instead of a half baked kikuyu driver, he would have checked the oil and never burned out that bearing in the truck.”, “If you hadn’t left your own people, your goddamned old Westbury, Saratoga, Palm Beach, “Why I loved you. But I don’t want to bother you.”, “You know it doesn’t bother me,” she said. Or it can have a wide snout like hyena.”. Do you have to kill your horse, and your wife and burn your saddle and your armour?”, “Yes,” he said. last one? Molo, letti dui whiskey-soda!" If it had not been she it would have been another.

You’re out of your head.”, “Don’t drink that,” she said. There were birches along the stream and it was not big, but narrow, clear and fast, with pools where it had cut under the roots of the birches.

Thinking he had done his duty and that you were his friend and he would be reivarded. Drinking together, with no pain now except the discomfort of lying in the one position, the boys lighting a fire, its shadow jumping on the tents, he could feel the return of acquiescence in this life of pleasant surrender. She would have bought him anything he wanted. “What’s the matter, old cock?” Compton said. It says it’s bad for you.

We strive to present a reader-friendly digital text version of each story. At the Hotel in Triberg the proprietor had a fine season.

How what she had done could never matter since he knew he could not cure himself of loving her.

On anything she knew about, or had read, or that she had ever heard. Now I’m afraid I’ll have to stop at Arusha to refuel. He would as soon be in bed with her as anyone; rather with her, because she was richer, because she was very pleasant and appreciative and because she never made scenes. The Snows of Kilimanjaro Ernest Hemingway's greatest story was written for every man September 1 1949. There’s plenty of room to land and we have the smudges ready at both ends.”, “What makes you think it will come tomorrow?”, “I’m sure it will.

Somehow her father was there and he had been very rude. The people all are gone.

I’ve loved Africa.

“I don’t think so. Close to the western summit there is the dried and frozen carcass of a leopard.