Not once does the author consider  the possibility that maybe the indigenous folks from over here went to Africa to school them, instead. Many of the cultural pieces of evidence also provide intriguing support to Van Sertima’s thesis, though many may legitimately be debated as coincidences or artefacts resulting simply from commonalities in how the human brain interprets the world. My registered Cree great-grandmother was hurt when her African American/Native American descendants were denied benefits and acceptance on her reservation. Examining navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans; the transportation of plants, animals, and textiles between the continents; and the diaries, journals, and oral accounts of the explorers themselves, Ivan … Good day Tiseti, and thank you for your interest and comments. Van Sertima uses written, archaeological, and cultural evidence to support his thesis.

“..and he [Columbus] wanted to find out what the Indians of Hispanola had told him, that there had come to it from the south and southeast Negro people, who brought those spear points made of a metal which they call guanin” –Raccolta, Parte 1, Vol. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Not once do you specify the post(s) you disagree with nor the arguments that actually bothered you. ed. They Came Before Columbus reveals a compelling, dramatic, and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of Africans in ancient America. Blood quantum is a genocidal program geared towards eventually eliminating the indigenous people in federally recognized rolls, simultaneously eliminating any debt incurred via treaty and assuaging the guilt of genocide and invasion. We are experiencing technical difficulties. You attacked the messenger and ignored the message, which seems pretty much status quo as described above. They Came Before Columbus reveals a compelling, dramatic, and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of Africans in ancient America. Current sciences show that there is no such thing as “race”. One of the most striking pieces of evidence is the “negroid” statues, statues of peoples with thick lips and wide noses. I’m opinionated. The city is as expansive as any present day metropolis and as well organized yet it was in existence 2600 years ago! All this started in prehistoric times and has never stopped. well-written and clear.”—Essence “I can’t praise this book enough! Several words are also similar with similar meanings such as nama-tigi or ama-tigi from the Bambara of the Mandingos and aman-teca from the Nahuatl of Mexico, both of which refer to “master” or “chief” or “headman.” Van Sertima presents an argument for the transformation of the word banana with African origins. And please, make the time to read, listen and reflect. ( Log Out /  This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But not Peanut Butter. These ruins baffle scientists not only because the blocks used to build it weighed in at over 100 tons a piece; the cuts and fittings between them are so precise that their very creation is a mystery. It sounds like someone chose to record himself reading the book and decided to upload the files to YouTube. Sailing, especially such great distances, was not an achievement that was typically attributed to Africans of that time, but it would have been necessary to reach the Americas. This doesn’t seem to be an official recording. Conflicts that raise passions, passions that blind us to details other than what supports our argument… which is what seems to have happened here. This edition doesn't have a description yet. You may just run into that in my writing, too. Even now, your comment only judged my blog as “deriding” and separatist, a labeling that makes it easier to discard or ignore my points. It asserted the historical participation of Black Africa as far back as the birth of the Egyptian civilization. The history has factual accountability. Sometimes the conversation will somehow, turn into a history lesson about China. .

If each piece of evidence and argument was listed, the list would be as long as the index. Sad, because it’s a rejection of the very people who have, by their presence alone, enriched the societies that now disown them. These writings are offered in recognition of the traditional responsibility of sharing experiences and learning for the consideration of those who may be doing their own work. . Did we learn anything in there that I had simply forgotten? The accounts of people such as Christopher Columbus himself, Spanish travelers, and Herodotus, though, are harder to debate.

That there is more variation within a so-called race than there is between one “race” and another. Automatic reactions can be invisible. Conflicts that in turn reflect in our relationship with and between ourselves, families, organizations, societies and nations. Most of the time you were of the people that you lived with, whether by birth, choice or any other integration. I also feel that honesty, sincerity, and authentic participation in our lives are the only things that will promote healing, if not resolution, to the conflicts in our lives. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! That makes the pyramids in Caral 5000 BC! It’s how the planet was populated. African Americans have accomplished many things, but those myths are not a part of them. They are familiar with American history, right? But there is also no need to take away from the advances of  the Native American Indian people to pad Black history. while the Chinchorro mummy was dated at 6000 B.C. Learn how your comment data is processed. At the time that the dominant narrative of the origins of ancient Egyptian civilization emerged, the use of African slaves was well into effect. Hello ninebabydragons.

Maize has African origins. There are similarities between the Mandingo god the Dasiri of the Bambara and the god Quetzalcoatl of the Olmecs. I mean, considering the, It is also interesting to note that although the Mayan pyramids are younger than those in Egypt, there have been. This book is dense with presented evidence and deserves serious study. Intercontinental travel is not a recent idea, people used to travel and explore before the invention of cars, trains and planes… it’s how the planet was populated.

These writings are my journey through this never-ending process.