Persian literature was instrumental in the assimilation of the Timurid elite to the Perso-Islamic courtly culture. [6] This was an honourific title used by the dynasty as the Timurids were in-laws of the line of Genghis Khan,[7] founder of the Mongol Empire, as Timur had married Saray Mulk Khanum, a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. His reign marked the ascendancy of the manipulative, Was ordained to the imperial throne as a result of the intricacies in Delhi with the help of. First of the Mughal emperors to preside over an empire ravaged by uncontrollable revolts. Zo erg zelfs dat één van hen, Ulug Bey, meer interesse toonde voor zijn astronomiestudies dan voor zijn regering en dan ook door zijn zoon Abd-al-Latif werd vermoord., Wikipedia:Geen afbeelding lokaal en geen op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Qaidu bin Pir Muhammad bin Jahangir 808-811 AH, Shahrukh II bin Abu Saeed Timoerid 896-897 AH. In the 16t century, Timurid prince Babur, the ruler o Ferghana, invadit Indie an foondit the Mughal Empire, which ruled maist o the Indian subcontinent till its decline efter Aurangzeb in the early 18t century, an wis formally dissolved bi the British Raj efter the Indian rebellion o 1857. Although the last Timurid of Herāt, Badīʿ al-Zamān, finally fell to the armies of the Uzbek Muḥammad Shaybānī in 1507, the Timurid ruler of Fergana, Ẓahīr al-Dīn Bābur, survived the collapse of the dynasty and established the line of Mughal emperors in India in 1526. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! The Timurid Empire Lives On The various lands of the Timurid empire were later absorbed into new empires. Gur-e Amir (mausoleum of Timur), Samarkand, Uzebekistan. Doordat andere godsdiensten verdrongen werden door de islam in de kunst, moest men zijn godsdienst "ondergronds" beleven en ging men ook elementen van zijn eigen religie op subtiele wijzen vermengen in de Timoeridische kunst. The son of Bahadur Shah I, he was an unpopular incompetent titular figurehead; he attained the throne after his father's death by his victory in battle over his brother, who was killed. Bovendien vormde hij Samarkand om tot het 'Centrum van de Wereld'. In the realm of architecture, the Timurids drew on and developed many Seljuq traditions. Tegen 1389 had hij de Kartids verwijderd uit Afghanistan (Herat) en was gevorderd in Iran en Irak vanaf 1382 (inname van Isfahan in 1387, verwijdering van de Muzaffariden van Shiraz in 1393 en uitwijzing van de Jalayiriden van Bagdad). Additionally, by adopting Islam, the Central Asian Turks and Mongols adopted the Persian literary and high culture[11] which had dominated Central Asia since the early days of Islamic influence. When Abū Saʿīd was killed in 1469, the Ak Koyunlu ruled unopposed in the west, while the Timurids receded to Khorāsān. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 20 sep 2020 om 00:43. Zijn zoon, Shahrukh Mirza, verplaatste de hoofdstad naar Herat, wat onder de Timoeriden een van de belangrijkste steden van de wereld zou worden. Nov 1, 2013 - The Timurid dynasty (Persian: تیموریان‎), self-designated Gurkānī (Persian: گوركانى‎), was a Persianate, Sunni Muslim dynasty of Turco-Mongol lineage which ruled over modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, much of Central Asia, as well as parts of contemporary Pakistan, India, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Caucasus. In de 16e eeuw viel de Timoeridische prins Babur, de heerser van Kabul, Noord-India binnen en stichtte het Mogolrijk, dat heerste over het grootste gedeelte van Noord-India tot zijn verval na de regering van Aurangzeb in de vroege 18e eeuw. The Muhammadan Period, The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians. Each of these manuscripts contains several hundred illustrations, the prolific output of the atelier made possible by the division of labour that was in effect. Hij liet een groot observatorium bouwen in Samarkand - dat na zijn dood zou worden vernietigd - en zijn werk zou in Latijnse vertaling een bron van kennis vormen voor de Europese astronomen. The origin of the Timurid dynasty goes back to the Mongol tribe known as Barlas, who were remnants of the original Mongol army of Genghis Khan,[2][9][10] founder of the Mongol Empire. De dynastie die hij vestigde, is wordt gewoonlijk als de Mogoldynastie aangegeven. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The schools of miniature painting at Shiraz, Tabriz, and Herāt flourished under the Timurids. Nevertheless the arts, particularly literature, historiography, and miniature painting, continued to flourish; the court of the last great Timurid, Ḥusayn Bāyqarā (1478–1506) supported such luminaries as the poet Jāmī, the painters Behzād and Shāh Muẓaffar, and the historians Mīrkhwānd and Khwāndamīr. This page was last edited on 1 October 2020, at 08:29. The Gūr-e Amīr, Timur’s mausoleum in Samarkand, is the most notable example. Elliot, Sir H. M.; edited by Dowson, John. After the Mongol conquest of Central Asia, the Barlas settled in what is today southern Kazakhstan, from Shymkent to Taraz and Almaty, which then came to be known for a time as Moghulistan – "Land of Mongols" in Persian – and intermingled to a considerable degree with the local Turkic and Turkic-speaking population, so that at the time of Timur's reign the Barlas had become thoroughly Turkicized in terms of language and habits. Turquoise and blue tiles forming intricate linear and geometric patterns decorated the facades of buildings. Officieel handelend in naam van de Mongool Chagatai Khan, onderwierp hij Moghulistan en Khwarazm in de jaren die volgden en begon in 1380 een campagne westwaarts. Opened first relations with the, Under him, Mughal art and architecture reached their zenith; constructed the. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. [12], This article is about the royal family. In 1394/95 behaalde hij een overwinning op de Gouden Horde en dwong zijn soevereiniteit af in de Kaukasus; in 1398 onderwierp hij het huidige Pakistan en Noord-India en bezette Delhi; in 1400/01 veroverde hij Aleppo, Damascus en Oost-Anatolië; in 1401 verwoestte hij Bagdad en in 1402 overwon hij de Ottomanen bij Ankara. Historical events are recreated with remarkable inventiveness, though the explosive and almost frantic…, The Timurid period in Iran produced only moderately good poetry, despite the rulers’ interest in art. Shāh Rokh also retained a nominal suzerainty over China and India. The word "Gurkani" derives from "Gurkan", a Persianized form of the Mongolian word "Kuragan" meaning "son-in-law". Its rule in Herat ended in 1507. ), zelf-aangewezen Gurkānī (Perzisch: گوركانى), waren een Turks-Mongools, Centraal-Aziatische soennitische dynastie die heerste over een gebied dat heel huidig Iran, modern Afghanistan, en modern Oezbekistan omvatte, maar ook grote delen van hedendaags Pakistan, Noord-India, Mesopotamië, Anatolië en de Kaukasus. Sometimes the interior was decorated similarly, with painting and stucco relief further enriching the effect. Ze brachten de Perzische architectuur in contact met de verscheidene andere architecturen die het multiculturele rijk telde om tot een "islamitische" kunst te komen, die zich aanvankelijk nog op boeddhistische motieven baseerde. Trading and artistic communities were brought into the capital city of Herāt, where a library was founded, and the capital became the centre of a renewed and artistically brilliant Persian culture. De Timoeridendynastie eindigde in 1857 nadat het Mogolrijk door het Britse Rijk werd opgelost en Bahadur Sjah II werd verbannen naar Birma. Between 1406 and 1417 Shāh Rokh extended his holdings to include those of Mīrānshāh as well as Māzandarān, Sīstān, Transoxania, Fars, and Kermān, thus reuniting Timur’s empire, except for Syria and Khuzistan. De Timoeriden hadden ook een grote interesse in geschiedenis en stimuleerden de geschiedschrijving in zowel het Perzisch als het Tschagathai (Oud-Oezbeeks). 15th–16th century ce), dynasty of Turkic-Mongol origin descended from the conqueror Timur (Tamerlane). Timoer Lenk, de leider van de Turks-Mongoolse Barlas, veroverde grote delen van Transoxanië in huidig Centraal-Azië en Iran, vanaf 1363 met verschillende bondgenoten (Samarkand in 1366 en Balkh in 1369) en werd als heerser over hen in 1370 erkend. The disturbed conditions in Mongol Transoxania gave this son of a minor government agent in the town of Kesh the chance to build up a kingdom in Central Asia in the name of the Chagatai…, …with the affairs of the Tīmūrid dynasty, to which the Mughals belonged. Members of the Timurid dynasty signaled the Timurid Renaissance, and they were strongly influenced by Persian culture[2][8] and established two significant empires in history, the Timurid Empire (1370–1507) based in Persia and Central Asia, and the Mughal Empire (1526–1857) based in the Indian subcontinent.