Know what you are going to say when you get up, and say it without wasting time. Get your material off the paper. Don’t let your speech end as though you had merely run out of something to say.

The second thing that needs to be adapted, to change, is the role of the trade union movement. We must think in new terms to meet the conditions and the problems of the times in which we live. In my lifetime I have seen it change Canada. What they want to know is what have you to offer for the problems of today and for the world in which they live. Where manuscripts are inevitable they should be so familiar that only an occasional glance at the paper is necessary. CLC Convention: The CLC honoured Tommy Douglas and David Lewis with their first Humanitarian Awards. If you know of any other speeches that we should add to this collection please let me know by emailing Having driven home your arguments and finished with a rousing call to action, quit while the audience is still with you.

Forget about your hands.

Speak up – to be heard. Flamboyant clothes can distract the audience’s attention from what you are saying. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. We must think in new terms to meet the conditions and the problems of the times in which we live.

Un reçu d’impôt sera émis pour tous les dons et les droits d’adhésion. In 1970, he took a stand against the adoption of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis. One danger is extra-billing, which is growing and which has meant only one thing: that we are rapidly developing two types of people in the health care field--those who come under the general program and whose care is paid for out of government funds, and those who pay "a little extra" to doctors who want a little extra. The DVD closes with a rendition of Mouseland introduced by Tommy’s grandson, Kiefer Sutherland. Prepare an outline of what you are going to say with main headings and sub-headings. To read the text version or view the video click here. Douglas - Parity Prices : The Saskatchewan CCF was always sensitive to issues affecting farmers. Those present cheered him for over 20 minutes. Internationally the former National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland, was renamed the Tommy Douglas Center after its purchase by the Amalgamated Transit Union in 2014. Speakers should pay the audience the compliment of being neatly dressed. Thomas Clement "Tommy" Douglas, PC, CC, SOM (20 October 1904 – 24 February 1986) was a Scottish-born Baptist minister who became a prominent Canadian social democratic politician. Your conclusion should be the sum up and it should contain an appeal for action.

Avoid lengthy quotations and if you use them, they should be so well committed to memory that a cursory glance at your manuscript will be all that is necessary. He became an ordained minister and perfected his craft from the pulpit before going on to become a Member of Parliament and then Saskatchewan’s premier for 17 years, and later still leader of the federal NDP.

Order your copy today!

Chrystia Freeland on trade and democracy, June 2018, Robert Borden declares war on Germany, August 1914, Paul Martin, hell or high water budget 1995, Jean Chrétien, trade tower attacks, September 2001, John Diefenbaker, a new national policy, 1957.

( Log Out /  Avoid distracting dress and accessories. If figures are necessary, make them as simple as possible — “Of every dollar spent for bread the farmer gets 13 cents.”.

Posted by webbedfeet at 9:48 AM No comments: Thursday, January 1, 1970. Vary your material to maintain interest. If you must use notes, make them as inconspicuous as possible. Speech to 50th Anniversary Convention: Tommy Douglas was present at the Regina Convention that founded the CCF. Don’t get too close to the microphone or your voice will be distorted and unintelligible. Most articles or biographies mention his oratorical skills but gloss over them.

I’m delighted to see the number of young people here tonight. Later in 1962, Tommy Douglas won a seat in the British Columbia riding of Burnaby-Coquitlam in a by-election. Order a piece of history preserved forever on DVD for just $19.91 plus GST & PST ($22.50 total - includes shipping and handling -- Out of the Province of Ontario Orders $22.91 including GST), La Fondation Douglas-Coldwell300-279 Laurier Ave W.Ottawa, ON Canada K1P 5J9. At the 50th Anniversary Convention in 1983, he delivered what many consider his greatest speech. The great advantage of this technique is its flexibility, since you can adjust style and language to occasion and audience. La Fondation Douglas-Coldwell. It seriously affected his popularity. Tommy Douglas’ speeches range from early 1960’s broadcasts as Saskatchewan’s Premier to his 1983 NDP Convention speech that received a twenty minute standing ovation. The Saskatchewan CCF and NDP would not have held power for most of the last 60 years if it were not for also successfully tackling economic issues. Tommy on the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation: Excerpt from Tribute to Tommy and Irma - 1984 (below) in which he explains the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation. With the outline fixed firmly in your mind your arguments will follow in logical sequence and you will avoid the danger of wandering. He became an ordained minister and perfected his craft from the pulpit before going on to become a Member of Parliament and then Saskatchewan’s premier for 17 years, and… Someone has laid down three basic rules for public speaking: Stand up – to be seen. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In this 1984 speech, he warned them about the coming battle to protect Medicare. With Ottawa threatening to disallow the legislation, Tommy fought back with a stirring call for government that serves the interests of people, not wealth: Here you will find a collection of Tommy's speeches. As you warm up to your subject they will take care of themselves. Please note the exact dates are sometimes not known. Here you will find a collection of Tommy's speeches. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Tribute to Stanley Knowles: The friendship of Stanley and Tommy goes back to student days at [Manitoba's] Brandon College. Le numéro d’enregistrement de bienfaisance est 118887561RR0001, © 2020 Due to the limitation of blogspot, I can't create posts prior to January 1st, 1970, where that is the case I have put the date/year in the title of the entry. The DVD, introduced by Shirley Douglas, contains eight speeches made by Tommy Douglas from 1959 to 1984.

Tommy Douglas was one of Canada’s great political orators. Be natural and use only those gestures that come naturally to you.

No speaker has the right to waste the time of an audience trying to make up a speech while in the process of delivering it. Place under the various headings any statistics or illustrations you may wish to use. ( Log Out / 

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure.

Speakers should not talk with hands in their pockets. Actor, Bruno Gerussi, delivered a glowing tribute to which Tommy responded. The New Democratic Party has not come to power in Ottawa.’ And I look back and think that a boy from a poor home on the wrong side of the tracks in Winnipeg was given the privilege of being part of a movement that has changed Canada. Douglas - Inflation : The CCF had a keen interest in how the economy affected people's lives and the government's ability to finance social programs.