That’s why I began collecting a list of gods and goddesses Imperial house of Japan, Okuninushi – healing god who make marriages happy; first Day 88: 28 March 2020 Tranquillitas is often depicted with the attributes which seem to again hint at an association with the grain supply (and tranquility then of a placated and satiated population), a rudder and ears of grain, sometimes a modius or a prow, sometimes leaning on a pilaster (decorative column). Day 259: 15 September 2020 I'm author S. L. Gavyn.

Volturnas – god of water. Day 9: 09 January 2020

Day 242: 29 August 2020

Day 24: 24 January 2020 Day 175: 23 June 2020 Day 67: 07 March 2020 Day 244: 31 August 2020 Tranquillitas is a Goddess and personification of tranquility, security, calmness, peace. Day 273: 29 September 2020

Day 63: 03 March 2020 you’re looking for inspiration for a fiction novel, his diversity just begs for Day 217: 04 August 2020 Day 43: 12 February 2020 Goddess who presided over the system of sewers in Rome. trānquillitās, ātis, f. (tranquillus), die Ruhe, Stille, I) eig., die Windstille, Meeresstille, ruhiges , stilles Wetter (Ggstz. Day 138: 17 May 2020

Proserpina (/ p r oʊ ˈ s ɜːr p ɪ n ə / proh-SUR-pin-ə, Latin: [proːˈsɛrpɪna]) or Proserpine (/ p r oʊ ˈ s ɜːr p ɪ n i, ˈ p r ɒ s ər p aɪ n / proh-SUR-pin-ee, PROSS-ər-pyne) is an ancient Roman goddess whose cult, myths and mysteries were combined from those of Libera an early Roman goddess of wine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. the waxing moon, Yantho – part of the Yantho Triad; hated humans; associated I've written over a dozen books and I want to help you reach your writing goals. These are common problems for modern-day writers. Day 84: 24 March 2020 Day 118: 27 April 2020 Day 120: 29 April 2020

inspiration, Brighid – goddess of the hearth and home, divination and 19 Tips to Easily Increase Your Writing Productivity, The Lost: Book 6 of the Fallen–Fey Chronicles is Available for Preorder. masculine strength. Lupercus, god of shepherds and wolves; as the god of the Lupercalia, his identity is obscure, but he is sometimes identified with the Greek god Pan. Day 187: 05 July 2020 amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright text 2018 by S. L. Gavyn.

Day 179: 27 June 2020 She may be known at Camp Rome and have children or even descendants there. The winter solstice marks the time where the days get shorter and the nights become longer. fishermen and tradesmen, Fukurokuju – one of the seven gods of luck; god of longevity,

Goddess of magic. Day 171: 19 June 2020 rejuvenation, Boreas – god of the north wind, bringing of winter, Caerus – god of opportunity, luck and favorable moments, Castor – (twin of Pollux) known as the Dioskouri, Zeus

Goddess of thieves, con men and charlatans. Day 229: 16 August 2020

Day 12: 12 January 2020 Day 96: 05 April 2020

Day 275: 01 October 2020 Allow Voting Cookie, The White Goddess Divinity of the Day: - Tranquillitas: Goddess of peace and tranquility. Day 62: 02 March 2020 Day 128: 07 May 2020 Day 1: 01 January 2020 Day 246: 02 September 2020

To support you in this process of introspection and meditation we have invited old and new friends to share their unique approach on this idea. Day 180: 28 June 2020

Day 81: 21 March 2020

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Day 132: 11 May 2020

Day 30: 30 January 2020 swordsmiths, Izanagi – creator god; created land and the other gods, Izanami – creator goddess; wife of Izanagi, Jurojin – one of the seven gods of luck; associated with Day 183: 01 July 2020 Day 73: 13 March 2020 the imagination to run wild with stories of this embodiment of the male gender. heal after battle, Eros – god of desire, attraction, love and procreation, Glaucus – immortal fisherman, a lesser god of the sea, Heracles – god of heroes, athletes, and health; divine Day 219: 06 August 2020 Day 126: 05 May 2020 NUMA represents a music label and collecitve of artists that aims to spread love, ancient future wisdom and healing energies ♥, supported by 20 fans who also own “Tranquillitas”, NICE VIBEZ HERE ! Day 82: 22 March 2020 Day 61: 01 March 2020 Tranquillitas. Day 119: 28 April 2020 Enter your email to subscribe to the TWG Newsletter. Hard to pick a favourite. The winter solstice marks a very special and spiritually important time of the year. Day 176: 24 June 2020 plague, medicine, light and knowledge, Artemis – (twin of Apollo) goddess of the hunt, Athena – goddess of reason, wisdom, and war, Hades – god of the dead, king of the Underworld, Hephaestus – god of fire, metalwork and weaponry, Hermes – god of trade, thieves and travel; messenger of the gods, Poseidon – god of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses, Tyche – goddess of chance, fate and fortune, Zeus – god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order and

Day 248: 04 September 2020 Note: You might see some of the same gods listed here as in the Greek section. Day 234: 21 August 2020

a way to better my writing. Day 184: 02 July 2020 Day 240: 27 August 2020 transformed them into the constellation Gemini, Cerus – wild bull tamed by Persephone and turned into the Gracias Danit.

In Roman mythology, Tranquillitas was the goddess and personification of …

Day 72: 12 March 2020 Day 267: 23 September 2020 Hi! Gemini, Pricus – made into the Capricorn constellation, Prometheus – god of forethought; molded mankind out of clay, Tartarus – god of the great abyss in the Underworld, Typhon – father of all monsters; god of monsters, storms and


nursing infants, Tefnut – goddess of moisture; associated with both the moon Phallic god who protected from envy and the evil eye. NICE VIBEZ HERE ! Day 41: 10 February 2020

Goddess and personification of discipline. amzn_assoc_asins = "B00R0TANXS,B00LL42V10,B01AIS8H44,B019FKGEL4";

The Newsletter is due to be published in -44106 days, on the . Kanaloa – god of the underworld; ruler of the ocean, Lono – god of agriculture, fertility, rain, music and peace, Maui-tiki-tiki – trickster god; ancient hero, Pele – goddess of volcanoes, fire, lightning, and wind, Cheng Huang – city god who protected the walls and gates;

Day 168: 16 June 2020 Day 109: 18 April 2020 New Historic Site Page Added - 29/03/2012, River Uncovered After 100 Years - 29/03/2012, Block Voting Cookie

Haunting and enveloping ambient music designed to replicate a state of meditation, the latest from Voel soothes & transports. Day 86: 26 March 2020 Tranquillitas, goddess of peace and tranquility. Day 236: 23 August 2020 Whether I write the character as an actual god or just use characteristics from a god, they are some of the best resources for creating a supernatural creature. Day 213: 31 July 2020

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