I thought it was quite curious and cute the first time I heard it and wanted to share it with you! Chestnuts, sweet potatoes, persimmons, sake and other freshly harvested products are also usually used. In some shrines or temples they preserve the tradition of reading poems, and include musical and dance performances. There are numerous windows on all four walls of the room, and when the people who lived in the castle wanted to gaze at the moon they would remove the horizontal crosspieces and sit on the tatami in the middle of the room. Matsumo Castle is especially linked to this festival, since inside it has the Tsukimi Yagura or Moon Viewing Tower. The egg yolk, by its shape, reminds of a full moon. Also, some of the most famous castles in the country perform special acts in their gardens, such as Himeji Castle or Matsumoto Castle. The structure of the building is simple with only pillars and many windows with wooden sliding doors on which crosspieces are applied horizontally. The Tsukumi is a tradition of Chinese origin that was imported into Japan more than 1,500 years ago during the Nara (710-794) and Heian Era (794-1185). Tsukimi is celebrated between the end of September and the beginning of October (the date varies each year), exactly on the 15th day of the eighth month according to the lunar calendar. Families zetten deuren en ramen open om onder het genot van tsukimi dango (maankijken-koekjes) en een glaasje sake naar de maan te kijken. Om de volle herfstmaan te eren, worden er in het land van de rijzende zon feestjes georganiseerd om samen naar de maan te kijken. With the passage of time the Tsukimi itself became a ritual to show appreciation for the abundance in the harvest. Moon Viewing Tower. All this is put in the moonlight as an offering to the Gods to thank for the rice harvest this summer and ask that the annual harvest be good and abundant.

Tsukimi: Maankijken in Japan Deze dagen wordt Tsukimi gevierd in Japan, wat letterlijk ‘maankijken’ betekent.

I made mochi rice cake dessert to celebrate Tsukimi with my family. tsukimi japan 於香港成立。從丸久小山園日本認定販売店直接入荷。 我們熱愛日本文化,希望可以為大家搜羅多樣化、熱門及獨特的日本貨品。 全部貨品經過悉心挑選,100%購自日本及海外空運到香港。 日本公司出口 於日本設有辦公室,由日本採購至發貨到香港均由團隊成員親自包辦。 Here is a bit of trivia regarding the Japanese term “tsukimi”. Tsukimi is a festival that is celebrated with family or friends. The full moon is said to be brighter and prettier than usual. So, it is no surprise to see a Tsukimi Burger on the menu during the Tsukimi season.

De volle herfstmaan is volgens Japanners de mooiste maan … This tower was specially designed to observe the moon, and it doesn’t have any defense equipment. Shrines, temples, traditional gardens or parks organize special activities to enjoy the tsukimi. It’s basically a burger with a sunny-side-up egg in the middle. What do you think of this festival? Tsukimi-yagura, the moon viewing tower at Matsumoto Castle. . Other foods which are associated with Tsukimi include chestnuts, known as “kuri” in Japanese, and taro, known as “sato imo”, in Japanese, as well as Japanese pumpkin.

Eggs symbolize the moon. It was often celebrated from a boat, to see the moon reflected in the water. Matsumo Castle is especially linked to this festival, since inside it has the Tsukimi Yagura or. All Japanese know the story that on the moon there is a rabbit making mochi, but many don’t know where the legend comes from because there is a rabbit on the moon.

Zij zien hierin een parallel met het leven van de mens: de cyclus van het ontwaken van de natuur in het voorjaar, de bloei in de zomer, het naderend verval in de herfst en de uiteindelijke en onvermijdelijke dood in de winter.

If you liked this article and want to know more about Japanese culture or Japan in Autumn, don’t miss these articles too!

This time of the year, I miss those special treats of Tsukimi in Japan! According to this legend, when you observe the full moon during this night, you can see two rabbits kneading mochi (a Japanese kind of glutinous rice paste) with a mallet. KFC© offers Tsukimi chicken fillet sandwiches. Some parks include special illuminations. As in Japan the beginning of the summer is marked by the Tanabata or Star Festival, the beginning of the autumn is marked by the Tsukimi (月見) or Moon viewing Festival.The word Tsukimi literally means “to look at the moon” (月-tsuki- means moon and 見-mi- means look) and this festival is related to a Japanese legend that says that on the moon there is two rabbits making mochi. Oona McGee Sep 2, 2020; Tweet; Gazing at the moon this year through burgers, pies and even a never-before-seen McFlurry. As it began to be done in the past, currently on this date the Japanese meet with their family or friends for dinner, usually in outdoor places such as parks or gardens, from where they can clearly see the moon. Tsukimi means ‘looking at the moon’, but like Japan’s Cherry Blossom season, which is known for hanami or ‘flower gazing’, there is much more to tsukimi than meets the eye.

This year the appointed day is October 1. That is why in this celebration, in addition to meet with your friend and family to watch the full moon, a pyramid of “tsukimi dango” (月見団子) is prepared, which are made of “mochi” (the same as the rabbit on the Moon kneads).

Many years ago, a monkey, a fox and a rabbit met an old man in the forest. In the Chinese version of the tradition, it’s the elixir of immortality what the rabbit is preparing, often accompanied by Chang’e, the Chinese Moon Goddess. The Japanese custom of moon-viewing celebrations has become a popular and historic annual festival that takes place each autumn across the country.

In Tokyo, places like the Tokyo Tower or the Skytree also join these special activities, extending their opening hours so that people can better contemplate the moon and including music or some other special activity. The word Tsukimi literally means “to look at the moon” (.

The Japanese have an inclination of mixing the old and the new in their way of life. The fox went to the river and brought fish. Het zien van de maan, die volgens Japanners nu het toppunt van zuiverheid en schoonheid heeft bereikt, geeft een enorme troost en is aanleiding voor veel Japanse poëzie. The monkey went to the mountain and brought various fruits and nuts (apples, persimmon, chestnuts, etc.). In some places like tea houses they offer tsukimi dango in adorable rabbit shape. Geliefden gaan met een bootje het meer op om de maan nog beter te kunnen zien.

©2020 Inbound Platform Corp. All Rights Reserved. That is why during September in Japan we can also see dishes like tsukimi udon (udon with raw egg) or a special pizza with egg.

The old man, who turned out to be the God of the Moon, was very moved by the gesture of the rabbit and resurrected him on the moon so that he would live there forever. GODIVA© offers Tsukimi Chocolat at convenience stores. McDonald’s and KFC Japan release new Tsukimi “moon-viewing” burgers for 2020.