On 3 October 2005 negotiations began for Turkey's accession to the European Union. [338][339], Erdoğan's plan is "to reconstitute Turkey as a presidential system. One of the points of the agreement was the creation of a joint commission on the issue.
He said, “This song won’t finish here” to the crowd. [319], Relations with Venezuela were strengthened with recent developments and high level mutual visits.

Turkey responded saying that Armenian court's ruling on the protocols is not acceptable, resulting in a suspension of the rectification process by the Turkish side. [413], Erdoğan has produced many aphorisms and catch-phrases known as Erdoğanisms. I, however, won 52%". In March 2015, a judge ordered Erdoğan to pay 10,000 liras. Its introduction coincided with the period of sustained economic growth, allowing the Turkish government to put greater investments into the healthcare system. [129], In 2005, the parliament granted amnesty to students expelled from universities before 2003. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the most controversial politician in modern Turkish history was born in Istanbul’s neglected Kasımpasa district to a working-class family from Rize, a city at the Black Sea coast, on February 26, 1954. A muezzin summoned the faithful to prayers. ", Turkey steps up bombing – but on Kurds, not Islamic State, "Turkey and Saudi Arabia alarm the West by backing Islamist extremists the Americans had bombed in Syria", 'Army of Conquest' rebel alliance pressures Syria regime, "Turkey entered Syria to end al-Assad's rule: President Erdoğan", "Erdogan's Syria policy hits dead end in Aleppo", "Erdogan: Operation in Syria's Afrin has begun", Turkish army hit village in Syria's Afrin with suspected gas: Kurdish YPG, Observatory, "Turkey refutes Russian call for Syria's Afrin", "In Major Policy Shift, U.S. Will Stand Aside As Turkish Forces Extend Reach in Syria", "Pence heads to Turkey as Erdogan rejects calls for ceasefire in Syria", "Erdogan Criticizes Western Allies Over Syrian Operation Ahead of Putin Meeting", "U.S. ally Turkey may have a new best friend in Beijing", "China says would consider Turkish membership of security bloc", "Turkey's Erdogan decries Qatar's 'inhumane' isolation", "Erdoğan accuses Myanmar of 'genocide' as thousands of Rohingya flee to Bangladesh", "Turkey Cancels T-Loramids Program After Eight Years", "Lawmakers say Trump is locked into Turkey sanctions", "US sanctions Turkish officials over detained pastor", US changing strategic NATO partner with pastor, Turkish President Erdoğan says, "US sanctions Turkey over Pastor Brunson detention", "Turkey, US in diplomatic crisis after ministers hit by sanctions", "John Bolton urged to elaborate on Trump-Erdoğan claims", "Turkey says Bolton's book 'misleading' on Erdogan-Trump conversations", "Turkey's Erdogan visits Venezuela, vows to enhance ties", "Exclusive: Venezuela removed 8 tons of central bank gold last week - legislator", "Trump signs sanctions order targeting Venezuela's gold exports", "Turkey's Erdogan slams Venezuela sanctions, Maduro defends gold exports", "Turkey's Erdogan offers support for Venezuela's Maduro", "Maduro ally Turkey berates Venezuelan opposition for uprising call", "Turkey's Erdogan Reasserts Control After Attempted Coup", "Critics Raise False Flag After Failed Military Coup in Turkey", "Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been 'staged' by Erdoğan regime", "This U.S.-Based Cleric Is Being Blamed for Coup Attempt", "US government behind Turkish coup attempt, Turkish minister says", "Turkey's Erdogan demands US hand over cleric", "Turkey officials to demand extradition of Fethullah Gülen from US", "Turkey coup attempt: World leaders warn President Erdogan not to use uprising as excuse for crackdown as more than 6,000 arrested", "Turkey paying a price for Erdoğan's wilful blindness to Isis threat | World news", "Turkey sends tanks into Syria in operation aimed at Isis and Kurds", "Fethullah Gulen's Race to the Top Is Over", "Turkey: 21 suspects detained in civil service exam cheating scandal", "Erdogan's global anti-Gulen drive hits Pakistan", "Turkey's Erdogan tells million-strong unity rally: I support death penalty", "President Erdogan and opposition unite in Turkey rally", "Turkish generals resign as government prepares to overhaul armed forces | World news", "Turkish operations in Syria to continue after Dabiq liberated: Erdogan's spokesman", "Erdoğan and Putin discuss closer ties in first meeting since jet downing", "One-year halt in Turkey, Russia ties 'over': Turkish PM", "KSA welcomes Erdogan's success against coup attempt", "Turkey, Pakistan vow to strengthen ties further", "Pakistan, Turkey reaffirm commitment to intensify mutual cooperation", "Turkey, Pakistan free trade deal to be ready in Dec", "Pakistan, Turkey in navy drills | Maritime Security Review", "Pakistan to sell 52 Super Mushshak aircraft to Turkey | Top Story", "Inflation rise poses challenge to Erdogan as election looms", "Turkey's economy looks like it's headed for a big crash", "Has Recep Tayyip Erdogan gone from model Middle East 'strongman' to tin-pot dictator? Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 2121 (2016)", "Rights violations, terror ops threaten Turkey's democratic institutions: PACE", Erdogan Tells Poroshenko Turkey Won't Recognize Crimea As Russian, "Erdogan Vows to Keep Turkish Troops in Cyprus as Talks Stall", "Erdogan says Greece will pay a 'heavy price' if it attacks Turkish ships in Mediterranean", "How Recep Tayyip Erdogan seduces Turkish migrants in Europe", "Turkey's president claims Greece's stance over 'Macedonia' name dispute is wrong", "Erdogan slams Kosovo PM over sackings after Gulen-linked deportations", "Kosovo Minister and Spy Chief Sacked Over Turkish Arrests", "Erdoğan calls for support to Albania amid quake", "Erdogan: Në Shqipërinë e goditur nga tërmeti do të ndërtojmë 500 banesa (i plotësuar)", "Turqia nis punën për ngritjen e 500 apartamenteve pas tërmetit, ja ku do ndërtohen", "Turqia krahas 500 banesave parashikon ndërtimin edhe të objekteve të tjera përcjellëse", "Konferenca e Donatorëve në Turqi, Rama- Erdogan takojnë biznesmenët turq", Post-Brexit, the UK will need Turkey for trade – and Erdogan is using that to his advantage, "Netanyahu apologizes to Turkey over Gaza flotilla", "Turkish Prime Minister says Israel is 'more barbaric than Hitler, "How The World Is Reacting To Trump Recognizing Jerusalem As Israel's Capital", "Jerusalem: Turkey warns Trump against crossing 'red line, "Turkey's Erdogan says West Bank belongs to Palestinians", "Turkey may suspend ties with UAE over Israel deal, Erdogan says", "Kurds protest againstTurkey as IS advances on Kobane", "Turks PM blames opposition, world powers as protest death toll rises", "Turkey Kurds: Kobane protests leave 19 dead", "President Erdogan at the NATO Summit in Wales", "Erdogan, Obama to meet at NATO summit amid strained ties", "Vice President Joe Biden apologises to Turkey, UAE", "US and Turkey's push-and-shove diplomacy has Kurds in the middle", "Turkey loses out on UN Security Council seat", "Turkey Loses U.N. Security Council Seat in Huge Upset", "UN vote confirms Turkey's waning influence", "Why Turkey lost its UN Security Council bid", "Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable, "Erdoğan'a vatana ihanetten suç duyurusu", "Cumhuriyet Gazetesi – (Video) Türkiye'yi sarsan kaset: İşte Başbakan ve Bilal'in ses kaydı!
[53], He was pragmatic in office, tackling many chronic problems in Istanbul including water shortage, pollution and traffic chaos. Mr Erdogan, who resides in a 1,100-room palace, surrounds himself with courtiers and appoints family members to senior positions, but resents being compared to a sultan, wants to conquer Istanbul and the Hagia Sophia all over again. The domes our helmets. [301][302] On 10 April, Erdoğan rebuked a Russian demand to return Afrin to Syrian government control. [246], On 29 April 2017 Erdoğan's administration began an internal Internet block of all of the Wikipedia online encyclopedia site via Turkey's domestic Internet filtering system. It was consist of seven poems from Islamist poets, the first one was “A letter from the dungeon”, recited all by Erdogan quite successfully. [393] However, the Turkish president's office said that Erdoğan was not advocating a Hitler-style government when he called for a state system with a strong executive, and added that the Turkish president had declared the "Holocaust, anti-semitism and Islamophobia" as crimes against humanity and that it was out of the question for him to cite Hitler's Germany as a good example. According to his official CV, he received his graduation diploma from Marmara University’s Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in 1981.

[307] Erdoğan has stated that Turkey might consider joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation instead of the European Union. [409], In November 2016, the Turkish government[235] blocked access to social media in all of Turkey[410] as well as sought to completely block Internet access for the citizens in the southeast of the country. Armenians attach great historical and cultural importance to Mt. [344] As relations with Europe soured over in the aftermath of the attempted coup, Erdoğan developed alternative relationships with Russia,[345][346] Saudi Arabia[347] and a "strategic partnership" with Pakistan,[348][349] with plans to cultivate relations through free trade agreements and deepening military relations for mutual co-operation with Turkey's regional allies.