This entry was posted in Angel meditation, Light work, Moon Meditation and tagged 2020, archangel metatron, full moon, may 7, meditation, supermoon on May 6, 2020 by Angel Light Heart. When your energy is healed and cleansed, the rotation gradually decreases and Matatron withdraws the cube. May's full moon is the third consecutive supermoon this year. He may give you insights to take with you. Learn how your comment data is processed. This makes it so much easier to again look at the bigger picture: our divine life plan.

You place all that is holding you back energetically, within this bowl. Meditation with Archangel Metatron for the supermoon on May 7, 2020, Full supersoon & eclipse angel meditation for January 21, 2019. Please remember you are so much more than you think. As we are confronted with a world wide virus and all the suffering as well as measures that go with it, you may be feeling extra emotional right now, and sensitivity may be enhanced. Start by cleansing your room. Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet. You may imagine drawing in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. Let the visualization unfold. Any lower or dark energy in your body or energy field is expelled by the spinning of the cube. When you meditate earlier or later, all you need to do is state the intention to connect energetically with the other Lightworkers. You may then clear and dedicate the space. I wish you a most blessed Full Moon with new insights and clarity! You may want to write down the insights your received or the plans you feel need your full attention.

This is the Angel of Purification and you are invited to stand under the waterfall. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth. Supermoons are perceived as closer to the earth, making the full moon energy extra powerful. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection. This means the moon will be the most visible at approximately 10:45pm UK time.
Put your feet firmly on earth to ground yourself, before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. He holds a golden bowl filled with the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame of Transmutation. Thus, a lovely time to meditate. Its meaning pertains to immortality. Tuning in together! His arms are stretched above him and in the space between it rotates Metatron’s cube. Let this protection be about our physical safety as well as the vibration of Love. Which seed, which idea looks most radiant? When it feels right, release the seeds to the angel.

You happily agree. Place your feet firmly on the ground beneath you to ground yourself. Uriel helps with this very important process, especially in these times of Cosmic Change. A great angel stands beside the waterfall. Let go of all that no longer resonates with your heart. Todays full mon is in Virgo. You reach the temple by a walkway and the temple seems to open automatically for you. You can use this time to open up your heart to the whispering of your soul. You are ever growing, ever expanding on this spiral of life.

He then brings down a column of Light to flow through your energy field.

What you harvest today is the seed for the harvest to come. This Super Moon ritual is best done between April 6-16, 2020. Move your hands and feet and take some refreshing deep breaths. A super moon is closer to the Earth and therefore looks larger than normal.

Connect to your earth star chakra as you ground into the crystalline grid around the Earth and the very core of the Earth. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Light workers who join in on January 21st. Wishing you a magical full moon and a loving and joyful 2017. 2017 was a numerological 1-year with opportunities for renewal and new beginnings. The eclipses of 2019 will also bring forward karmic lessons, which in turn can be transmuted. I always do this by placing a pillar of light, a platinum grid through the room and by inviting the ascension flame.

Next the mirror will take you back to the time in your life that you have chosen as a focus for this meditation. This full moon will also be a supermoon, meaning it will be around 6% bigger than a typical full moon.

The Llyn Peninsula is such a beautiful place. As it is optically close to the earth, it is called a Supermoon. And he helps us release the painful burdens and memories of the past through the application of unconditional forgiveness. This moon is a harbinger of the coming spring and summer.

Your email address will not be published. This Moon’s theme are cleansing and new beginnings. The following came through from Archangel Haniel: I am Archangel Haniel, angel of the moon and restorer of Divine Feminine energies on Earth. Especially relationships, and not just the romantic kind, will be in the limelight of this change. This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . Uriel can help us link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power. Create a free website or blog at Look at them one by one.

Metatron asks you what seeds you wish to plant in your life. At this moment it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind. He tells you the entrance to this cave is a portal to the fifth or higher Dimensions and will bring you to that Dimension that currently suits your Soul best. He gladly helps you realign your thought processes to Higher Truth. You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone.

You may light a candle and light it with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet. Let us focus this mediation on protecting the Light within us all. You can also burn an incense stick, or some aromatherapy oil. This will amplify the meditation. Thursday's supermoon will be the third and final on of the year, Dr Brown said. Through the centuries, philosophers, artists and architects have always seen the Merkaba, also known as the Flower of Life, as a symbol of perfection and harmony. PS for those who wish to connect to their angel, you can now order an intuitive angel drawing from You can then use the mirror for light work by healing the collective past on earth. "As such, it is sometimes closer to and sometimes further away from the Earth. Between sowing (Imbolc) and germination (Ostara) is the moment where we wait to see if something will be viable. What a lovely place to be during this first of three supermoons. As such you may choose what metaphorical seeds to water and what weeds to get rid of. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation. You may then clear and dedicate the space. We are starting this year of with a super moon and lunar eclipse on the 20/21st (depending on where you are in the world. When you’re done, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. The surface of the mirror will then be filled with the golden, silver violet flame of transformation. It's also the last supermoon of 2020… Connect with the other Light workers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .

I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame.