[6][11], Some of the Turkic peoples originated from Central Asia and so are possibly related with the Xiongnu. 123-161. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people&oldid=979269010, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from February 2015, Articles lacking reliable references from November 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from March 2018, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles needing additional references from March 2018, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 September 2020, at 20:00. In population genetics, research has been conducted to study the genetic origins of the modern Turkish people (not to be confused with Turkic peoples) in Turkey. [23] According to the study, "the contributions ranging between 13%–58% must be considered with a caution because they harbor uncertainties about the state of pre-nomadic invasion and further local movements."
Local clocks are 12 hours different from California (as bad a jet-lag problem as there can be, we would learn; after Turkmenistan we were homeward bound). The research confirms also the lack of mass migration and suggested that it was irregular punctuated migration events that engendered large-scale shifts in language and culture among Anatolia's diverse autochthonous inhabitants. Its authors showed that the genetic variation of contemporary Turks clusters with South European populations, as expected, but it also shows signatures of relatively-recent contribution from ancestral East Asian populations. We landed in Ashgabat, the capital and largest city (37º58'N) and drove straight east toward Merv, the most influential…. caution that results may indicate previous population movements (such as migration, admixture) or genetic drift. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Enregistez-vous pour voir plus d'exemples. "[26] At K = 3 level, using individuals from the Middle East (Druze and Palestinian), Europe (French, Italian, Tuscan and Sardinian) to obtain a more representative database for Central Asia (Uygur, Hazara and Kyrgyz), clustering results indicated that the contributions were 45%, 40% and 15% for the Middle Eastern, European and Central Asian populations, respectively. [1], "(B) A population tree based on “Treemix” analysis. 4, 2016, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, pp.
of 1,849. sultan illustration turkish tea hand store owner bosnian women turkish male hijab old woman turkish man illustration faces street turkish old woman middle east couple. Search for "turkish people" in these categories. Try these curated collections . Accordingly, here are the results: 1) In an Afshar village near Ankara where, according to oral tradition, the ancestors of the inhabitants came from Central Asia, the researchers found that 57% of the villagers had haplogroup L, 13% had haplogroup Q and 3% had haplogroup N. It was considered that examples of haplogroup L, which is most common in South Asia, might be a result of Central Asian migration even though the presence of haplogroup L in Central Asia itself was most likely a result of migration from South Asia. Therefore, Central Asian haplogroups potentially occurred in 73% of males in the village. Anadolu’dan… Fotoğrafı gönderen: Niyazi Gürgen, Yemekler tüm aile bireyleriyle birarada yenir. [16], According to a different genetic research on 75 individuals from various parts of Turkey, Mergen et al. МУЖ ТУРОК ГОТОВИТ Десерт КАК В ОТЕЛЕ тыква по-турецки / kabak … Most haplogroups in Turkey are shared with their West Asian and Caucasian neighbours. [13], According to another archaeological and genetic study in 2010, the DNA found in three skeletons in 2000-year-old elite Xiongnu cemetery in Northeast Asia belonged to C3, D4 and included R1a. For K = 4 level, results for paternal ancestry were 38% European, 35% Middle Eastern, 18% South Asian and 9% Central Asian. Temps écoulé: 245 ms. Mots fréquents: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, Plus, Expressions courtes fréquentes: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Plus, Expressions longues fréquentes: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Plus. A study in Turkey by Gökçümen (2008)[21] took into account oral histories and historical records. The haplogroup is significantly more frequent in Ağlasun (15%) than in Byzantine Sagalassos.
[18], Some of the percentages identified were:[5]. Découvrez plus de 120 pays avec Turkish Airlines pour une expérience de voyage unique.
In 2001, Benedetto et al. Others markers than occurs in less than 1% are H, A, E3a , O , R1*. The weights for the migration events predicted to originate from the East Asian branch into current-day Turkey was 0.217 (21.7%), from the ancestral Eurasian branch into the Turkey-Tuscan clade was 0.048, from the African branch into Iberia was 0.026, from the Japanese branch into Finland was 0.079."[1]. [22] In 2004, Cinnioğlu et al. Les exemples vous aident à traduire le mot ou l’expression cherchés dans des contextes variés. Traductions en contexte de "Turkish people" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : the turkish cypriot people, the turkish people
The populations included are as follows: Turkey (TUR); Tuscans in Italy (TSI); Iberian populations in Spain (IBS); British from England and Scotland (GBR); Finnish from Finland (FIN); Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry (CEU); Han Chinese in Beijing, China (CHB); Japanese in Tokyo, Japan (JPT); Han Chinese South (CHS); Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria (YRI); Luhya in Webuye, Kenya (LWK). That kind of criticism is concerned with the formation of the biological construct of historical communities, which denies the 20th-century scholarly discourse by transforming the entities into purely-biological spheres. Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots vulgaires liés à votre recherche, Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots familiers liés à votre recherche, Didier Reynders also expresses his solidarity with the, Didier Reynders exprime également sa solidarité avec le, We believe that this message gives an important signal to the, Nous pensons que nous avons, ce faisant, transmis un message important au, Canada refused to make war at Chanak against the, Le Canada a refusé d'aller se battre à Chanak contre les, Secondly, the reforms are intended to benefit the, Deuxièmement, les réformes sont censées profiter d'abord et avant tout à la, Neither the Customs Union nor economic factors will change the, Ce ne sont pas un accord d'union douanière ou des raisons économiques qui pourront changer le, And as to the economic benefits, just ask the, Quant aux avantages économiques, vous n'avez qu'à interroger le, The lack of our commitment would send a negative signal to the, Notre manque d'engagement enverrait un signal négatif au, Words failed to express the depth of anguish and outrage the, Rien ne peut exprimer la profondeur de l'horreur et de la consternation que ressent le, There is a great resemblance with the culture of the, Il y a une forte ressemblance avec la culture et le, Enjoy the unrivalled reputation for hospitality of the, Profitez de la réputation inégalée de l'hospitalité du, Turkey is not on the list of candidate countries for the European Union and the, La Turquie n'est pas sur la liste des pays candidats à l'Union européenne retenus et les, Il me paraît en effet indispensable d'associer le, C'est intolérablement malhonnête, particulièrement envers le, This report, which is contemptuous towards the, Cette condition sert également les intérêts du.
Haplogroups that are common in Europe (R1b and I – 20%), South Asia (L, R2, H – 5.7%) and Africa (A, E3*, E3a – 1%) are also present. See turkish people stock video clips. [27] Modern samples from the nearby town of Ağlasun showed that lineages of East Eurasian descent assigned to macro-haplogroup M were found in the modern samples from Ağlasun.