If true, haste changes while the cooldown is running will not change it. The stat proc corruptions are all a little different but the end-result is similar. If true, do a tick immediately when the timer or periodic effect starts. The starting number of stacks when a Buff or Periodic Damage/Heal effect is applied. Minimum amount of power for this pet. If true, if this buff is refreshed, the new duration is appended to any current duration. Check this to save a unique value with the current ally target. If set for a Buff, this buff is always on and never expires once applied. Useful to e.g. If none match then the next entry in the target priority list is checked. Notable exceptions are spells cast by pets, consumables, racials, and on-use items. When added to a rotation, the Once option should almost always be used with a passive spell. Must not have any of the specified azerite powers in order to use this action. Set to true for action lists where every action will complete before the fight starts. It is removed from the simulator and display if don't have all of these essences. For a spell this should be the spell ID that appears in logs for the cast events of this spell. True if this spell is channelled on a target, and should thus stop the channel if the target dies, goes away, or out of range. The condition for turning this switch off. The condition is checked after each time any already-running action list is checked. Multiplier for a critical hit's final Damage, defaults to TotalCritDamageMultiplier. Leave blank for better performance if there is no channel time. Some spells can have multiple charges that cool down serially. Make notes here if the effect is complicated or if it required some kind of non-obvious/special implementation in the simulator. This is rare. If not specified, any higher priority action is checked and can interrupt. Check this to attach to other allies instead (healing simulation mostly). Seems that some still do in Legion, so check this to enable that behavior on a case-by-case basis. For UpThenDown pattern, this delay will also be applied at the peak before it starts ramping down. Leave blank if this spell does not use a charge system. some buffs are multiplicative, others are additive. Arcane Fire Frost. The condition for turning this switch on. Used mainly for melee specs that can use certain ranged-only trinkets. 'Exclusive' is a special mode mainly for Storm, Earth, and Fire. Multiplier for a critical hit's extra Healing, defaults to TotalExtraCritHealingMultiplier. The code names of the pets that should change their targets to the current target. Havoc Vengeance. Triggers on every event with a 100% chance. If the ID corresponds to an actual spell in the game, this will be maintained automatically by Team Robot. This site is in no way associated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment. If the loaded player does not use this resource, then this effect is ignored. If this damage or heal effect shoots a missile, the travel time for the missile before it will hit and do its effect and trigger any associated procs. Not necessary for instant spells. If true, this is a 'cooldown' spell. If there aren't enough targets, then the pet will attack the player's target. When Inclusive is checked, any Astral, Nature, or Arcane spell will match. Cooldown of this spell (in seconds). If true, will only match spells with at least one damage effect that is flagged as an auto attack, and only damage effects flagged as auto attack if targeted at an effect directly. WoW 8.3 PvP Arena Tier List | WoW PvP Guide, Destruction Warlock PvP Guide | 8.3 BfA Race, Talents, Essences, Traits, Gear and Macros, Unholy Death Knight PvP Guide | 8.3 BfA Race, Talents, Essences, Traits, Gear and Macros, Mistweaver Monk PvP Guide | 8.3 BfA Race, Talents, Essences, Traits, Gear and Macros, Retribution Paladin PvP Guide | 8.3 BfA Race, Talents, Essences, Traits, Gear and Macros, Discipline Priest PvP Guide | 8.3 BfA Race, Talents, Essences, Traits, Gear and Macros, Holy Paladin PvP Guide | 8.3 BfA Race, Talents, Essences, Traits, Gear and Macros. A condition is recommended for better performance. chaining mind flays (a channeled spell). Optional spell school to associate to the spawned NPC for display, used for coloring. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! If true and the AoE mode depends on distance, will be distance from self rather than the current target. Some spells share a cooldown with other spells. 50% would be 0.5. If no secondary target is available, the action is skipped. Twisted Appendage and Gushing Wounds will do lots of priority target damage, making them strong choices for dungeons like Siege, Workshop, KR, or any dungeon on Tyrannical. These terms and all related materials, logos, images, video images, gameplay footage, music, sounds, or speech are copyright © Blizzard Entertainment. Code name for the NPC spawned or despawned by this spell, must be unique from any NPC name in the loaded boss script. IDs of the required items to activate this entity. Download the client and get started. This is a fixed quantity, evaluated once before when the pet is summoned. Virtual self-damage won't trigger procs, eat up absorbs, etc. Usually the spell school filter must be an exact match (e.g. If specified, the cooldown rate will be changed. If a spell has a heal or periodic heal effect and this is not turned on, it will always be cast on yourself. The radius in yards for an AoE Damage or Heal effect, or for a Spread DoT effect. Does nothing if Charges is specified, only works with a Duration modification. Once an interrupt condition is met, the mode adjusts the timing (e.g. If true, will only trigger from damage or periodic damage effects that are flagged as off hand. a hidden buff or persistent passive bonus that a spec gets. Maximum distance between targets to be considered 'AoE' for this spell. Run unlimited free simulations and contribute to the global network. Leave blank if there is no cooldown on this spell. If set to something other than None, only spells and effects that match this spell school will pass the filter. gains stacks over time. If true, if this buff is refreshed, its duration is not extended, but its stack can go up. Overrides the parent Spell ID with a different Spell ID, usually corresponds to an actual spell ID in-game. In other words, the amount of time spent at Min Stacks. Display name for the NPC spawned by this spell. At the moment this is only evaluated once at the start of the simulation. 2. It is removed from the simulator and display if have any of these azerite powers. If this spell makes the player move, this is how long it takes to move (in seconds). Only necessary if the value of this buff at a given stack is not always the same, and not a function of another stat like Mastery that is explicitly referenced in the buff stat's formula. The time between ticks. This needs to be set or the spell won't load. If specified (non-zero), only dismiss this many instances of this pet instead of all of them. An extra condition required to use this action (e.g. The game has two different kinds of crit healing modifiers that combine differently, these are the more confusing ones because the tooltip generally shows half of the actual value. Check this to attach to hostile targets instead. Most pets follow the master's target. If specified, this item has the exact same effect as another item, and will use that other item's spell/effects in place of this one. For corruption effects, the effect this is associated to. How many times to execute the triggered effect(s). This must match in addition to whichever AoE mode is chosen. For display only. If true, this will be hidden from autocomplete in the editor. Amount of power that the pet has when summoned. If true, this is classified as an auto attack, and can be targeted by procs that only happen on auto attack. required to use this ability. The amount of resource gained from a Resource effect. Note that getting the spell ID 'wrong' will not cause the simulator to fail, just might mess up report display. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. All specified minor heart essences are required for this action. If true, will only match spells with at least one damage effect (direct or periodic). If specified, this is the max % of any single attack that this shield can absorb, e.g. Override the default global cooldown length for special cases such as a warrior's Wild Strike. The target or targets that this effect applies to, e.g. Flagging a spell as a cooldown will ensure that if the fight is about to end and the cooldown is ready, the simulator will use it. If specified, the named pet should execute this action instead of the current actor. The code name of the target to which this effect applies. If true, becomes a priority queue where the smallest value is always at the head of the queue. The maximum number of units to which this effect can be applied. Only trigger from effects initiated by the specified units. Amount of the stat to add. For an enchant this must be the (usually 4-digit) enchant ID. These corruptions both scale with item level, so try to get them on high ilvl gear. If true, snapshot tick damage or healing when the DoT/HoT is applied or refreshed. retain just values from the last 5 seconds. Type of action. The time until the first tick of this Periodic effect. Minimum number of targets to be considered 'AoE' for this spell. Used only for items. For Timers: by default, Timers will attach to the player or pets. Must be CamelCase, no special characters, start with a letter. If true, the healing formula for this AoE heal effect is total healing, and it is split evenly with all targets hit. Whether this causes more total ticks to happen depends on the kind of DoT. If specified, a buff that trinkets should try to be aligned with. If the pet targeting mode could result in multiple valid targets, these priority rules are used to choose between them. If true, this action will only be tried on the target that will die the soonest, and is in-range and targetable. If true, also modify the total duration of the cooldown (rare). For essences, the essence this is associated to. 'Restart' essentially means it can't be refreshed, will completely restart the DoT on refresh. If true, when a periodic effect is refreshed, any remaining damage/healing of the clipped effect is distributed over the ticks of the new effect. Dwarf/Dark Iron Dwarf is a decent alternative for removing a shadow priests Silence or a balance druids root + Solar Beamcombo Use this spell ID to get the right use count for an effect from the spell that is directly used. TriggerSpell is the name of the trinket being tried, can be used to customize logic per-trinket. Not required if the spell itself is an item, that is handled automatically. Random will pick N random pets to dismiss. A custom condition that must be met to execute this action. If true, this pet will not attack the same target as the player. By type will go in order by the ally target types specified first. If true, this action will not be used on the current target; it will instead check for and be used on an available and in-range secondary target. If this action is non-trivial in any way, explain it with a comment. Disable unlucky streak prevention for RPPM triggers. rage, mana, etc.). Twisted Appendage I; Twisted Appendage III: Mistweaver Monk (Damage), Windwalker Monk, Holy Paladin (Damage), Disc Priest (Damage), Holy Priest (Damage), Assassination Rogue, Outlaw Rogue, Sub Rogue, Elemental Shaman, Restoration Shaman (Damage) Racing Pulse 2; Racing Pulse II: Unholy DK, Resto Druid (Raid Low Gear), Arcane … show AoE actions as inactive when using a single-target script. = (CorruptionItemEffectBudget2(TwistedAppendage, 1, 4.807629) + CorruptionItemEffectBudget2(TwistedAppendage, 2, 16.824213) + CorruptionItemEffectBudget2(TwistedAppendage, 3, 31.728027)) * TotalDamageMultiplier. The default value is Player, meaning triggers only fire when the current actor is the player. Indicates that this action is used on ally targets instead of enemy targets. 'Random' will randomly choose targets within range with no or a smaller DoT of the same kind. If true, will only match spells affected by CDR: most actively-cast spells with a cooldown.