External Websites. Instead of scutes and barbels, paddlefish developed a bony skull and long paddle-like snout. © 2019 Copyright © کلیه حقوق برای «شیلات فرد» محفوظ است. This fish, known in Iran as the elephant fish, has the largest, most expensive and the rarest type of caviar.
This fish resembles Acipenser GueldenStaedtii, except it has gill blades, a short, slightly flat snout and a deeper lower lip. Also known as the river beluga, they are claimed to be the largest freshwater fish in the world, with a maximum size of at least 1,000 kg (2,205 lb) and 5.6 m (18.6 ft). They will suffocate at temperatures above 33 degrees Celsius and get sick below 12 degrees Celsius and hibernate below 8 degrees Celsius. The caviar is very high-calorie and energetic and its various types such as golden, red and black caviar but of course black caviar is of considerable value. Having poor vision, paddlefish use a series of sensory pores extending from their gills to the tip of their snout for detecting movement of prey and navigating the depths of muddy rivers. Its maximum lifespan, weight and length are: 80 years, one ton and 6 meters respectively. To register for a free consultation, enter your email or phone number: Address : Super dense breeding this method is specific to high-value fish such as salmon. Starry sturgeon means long nose and its color range from light gray to dark gray and sometimes black. The most expensive, sought-after caviar comes from the eggs of the Beluga and the Huso Huso (from the Eurasian Huso family – which have the largest eggs). The world's largest sturgeon, a female beluga, was almost 3,500 lbs and 24 feet in length. … The two remaining closely related non-sturgeon species, Polyodon spathula (American paddlefish) and Psephurus gladius (Chinese paddlefish) are also at risk of extinction. At grocery stores, a few red caviar seeds are served on a slice of bread with a parsley leaf. A sturgeon that takes about 12 years to produce in the growing environment and its color range from light gray to dark gray and even black. Indian Carp includes: Catla, black ghost, kalpasi. It is 34 to 50 cm long in nature and weighs 6 to 8 kg and rarely reaches 125 cm and 16 kg. A very common sturgeon hybrid is a Bester, which is a cross between a Beluga and a Sterlet. Semi-dense breeding is provided by 60-90% of fish feed through fertilizer and natural feed and the rest will be manually fed. image: abirishtiaq.blogspot.com. Dauricus Schrenckii is a combination of this fish and Kaluga fish. These sturgeons produce the three main types of caviar, which bear their names. If the size of the caviar is less than 5 mm, it is called blouge, and if its size is greater than 2.5 it is called royal or imperial. Their bills are equipped with ampulla hair cells that can pick up electrical signals from even the smallest marine creatures. Acipenser Nudiventris are usually migrants who come to the Iranian coast for spawning and lay eggs in the Caspian rivers. It resembles a Acipenser Nudiventris fish, but is distinguished by a cut in the middle of the lower lip. Dense breeding which about 50% to 60% of fish feed comes from fertilizer and natural feed, and the rest will be hand-fed. Extensive and non-condensed breeding using natural water products and not using handmade food. Sturgeon, paddlefish and a vast number of relatives from the Chondrostei suborder dominated water systems during the Triassic and early Jurassic Period with some of the greatest diversity of any species group at the time. As black caviar is best known in Iran and southern Russia, red caviar has more supporters in Siberia and the Far East.

The most important species of hydrothermal fish farming in the country are: Temperature: It is suitable for breeding hydrothermal fish above 18 ° C and they are well nourished, grow and multiply. Next comes Osetra caviar with medium-sized eggs.

There are 26 species of sturgeon and paddlefish in the Acipenseriformes group and many of these species are harvested as food. The three main traded species of sturgeon produce distinctive caviar: Beluga, Osietra (Russian sturgeon) and Sevruga (stellate sturgeon).

Population trend: declining. It spawns every 2 or 3 years and matures between 10 and 17 years and named the best caviar, the most expensive fish and caviar in the world. The main name of this fish is the Shrinki, which is the last of the acipenser. They also mature to adulthood much slower than other fish, taking an average of 10 years before reaching maturity. After each egg hatching, it begins to hatch again about two years later. Water soluble oxygen comes from the following three main sources: Through mechanical operations (aeration), this device injects oxygen into the water by pumping the surrounding air into the water. Most of their head and rostrum are covered in electroreceptors that help locate food. While some sturgeon species only grow a couple of feet in length, others can get quite large, commonly ranging 7–12 feet and up to 1,000 lbs. Each genera is made up of mostly critically endangered specimens. Paddlefish, sturgeon, and African bichirs and reedfish, are the three oldest species of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) in the world. Atlantic sturgeon researchers take small fin clips from every sturgeon they catch to better understand the genetic composition of all populations. In biological terms, the sturgeons form the Chondrostei group. دیجیتال مارکتینگ جامع و تخصصی توسط: Chinese Carp includes: silver carp, grass carp, ordinary carp, bighead carp. Husos are also divided into 4 categories: Here’s a detailed description of each of the above species of sturgeon: The fish is named after its Latin and scientific name, and has similar characteristics to other sturgeon, including Acipenser Persicus, but because of the differences between this fish and Acipenser Persicus and Acipenser GueldenStaedtii, It can be pointed that this species is not cultivated (for economic reasons) as well as the small and small size of its caviar. Victim of over-fishing and of their late-developing sexual maturity, these fish have largely disappeared from the wild.
Only in regions where sturgeon species are properly regulated and protected from man-made threats do they start to make their slow recovery. The exact number of sturgeon, sturgeon subspecies and sturgeon hybrids surviving in their natural habitats remains unknown.

History of sturgeon breeding in the world; Breeding of sturgeon; General characteristics and life cycle of sturgeon; Sturgeon reproduction; Feeding Sturgeon; Section and power; Caspian sturgeon species; The caviar trade and the status of the sturgeon trade; Features and supplies needed to produce 500,000 baby Beluga; Shrimp ; Tilapia Fish. These 25 sturgeon species are grouped into four genera: Acipenser, Huso, Scaphirhynchus and Pseudoscaphirhynchus. It is found primarily in the Caspian and Black Sea basins, and occasionally in the Adriatic Sea. Kaluga caviar (sometimes called “River Beluga”) is the most popular replacement to beluga and European sea sturgeon caviars. The colour and size of the caviar are influenced by the species and the stage of maturity of the roe. Bester. Kaluga Sturgeon Caviar.

One of the prominent features of hydrothermal fish breeding is their acceptance of heat conditions.

Even in this modern age, with most sturgeon caviar coming from the farm-raised fish roe of only 10 to 12 different species, the majority of the Acipenseridae family is at a risk of extinction in the wild. In the United States, the American paddlefish is the most common species harvested for caviar. The IUCN believes that 85% of the Acipenseridae family faces critical endangerment and up to 4 species may already be extinct. 2, 1st Floor, Unit 11, Seafood Production Capacities on the Iranian Shores, A few important tips for growing fish in a cage, History of sturgeon breeding in the world, General characteristics and life cycle of sturgeon, The caviar trade and the status of the sturgeon trade, Features and supplies needed to produce 500,000 baby Beluga, History and types of breeding species in Georgia, Statistics, feed and fish market in Georgia, Sources of energy supply in aquatic rations, Vitamins and minerals in the aquatic diet, Food components and nutritional needs in aquatic life, Aquaculture Nutrition and Diet Management, The process of making and maintaining aquatic food. One common mistake among the populace is to name ‘Starry Sturgeon’ to refer to this category of fish instead of the sturgeon and ‘Taas Mahian’ names. The beluga / b ə ˈ l uː ɡ ə / or European sturgeon (Huso huso) is a species of anadromous fish in the sturgeon family (Acipenseridae) of order Acipenseriformes.