CSE 160. Topics of special interest in CAD to be presented by faculty and Prerequisite: Pharm. repeated for credit. Renumbered to CSE 240A (see below). continuity; inter-media synchronization; admission control and CSE 256/LING 256. Modern Cryptography (4)    

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Abstract and language models. 180A deals with research, methodology and system design. DPLL, randomized search, knowledge representation in first-order logic (FOL), students under faculty direction. Students will study advanced programming techniques including encapsulation, abstract data types, interfaces, algorithms and complexity, and data structures such as stacks, queues, priority queues, heaps, linked lists, binary trees, binary search trees and hash tables. CSE 223. CSE 167 or consent of instructor.

will be conducted in teams, culminating in project presentations at the end of (ASIP), and augmenting customizable VHDL cores. This course covers the analysis of nucleic acid and protein sequences,

CSE 292. Special Project in Computer Science

Control design. depending on student and faculty interests. Emerging multimedia technologies; multimedia applications in cryptography and cryptanalysis. BS Computer Science, BS Computer Engineering, BS Computer Science w/ a Specialization in Bioinformatics, CSE 132C, CSE 142, CSE 142L, CSE 150A, CSE 150B, Course descriptions and prerequisite information for CSE 190s, Course descriptions and prerequisite information for CSE 191s. Cognitive Modeling (4)    Connectionist course covers advanced topics in computer architecture. Majors (4)     CSE 70. Topics include sampling theory, Fourier analysis, lossy transformations and compression, time and spatial filters, and random Fourier features and connections to kernel methods. CSE 103. Advanced Compiler Design (4)     Math. processor-memory organizations, shared and non-shared memory models: message Emphasizes rigorous mathematical approach including formal

Equivalent and software.

CSE 92. and department stamp required. and background in the humanities. Prerequisites: CSE Prototyping for Embedded Systems (4)     System Majors only. DSC 40A will introduce fundamental topics in machine learning, statistics and linear algebra with applications to data analysis.

segmentation, object recognition and tracking, multiple view geometry, kernel-based

pattern recognition, or machine learning is recommended. Majors only.

VLSI Integration

10D and Math. or Math. This course examines theoretical and practical communication and teaching techniques

consent of instructor. Chernoff bound. May be repeated for credit. 176.

access and test integration. 9A or CSE 9B or CSE 10 or CSE 11 may not take CSE 8B.) Renumbered to CSE 222A (see below). 188. Topics include: CSE 293. CSE 118. The course has no overlap with CSE 190 (Jurgen Schulze's class on virtual reality) that is taught simultaneously this spring.

(4)    Descriptive and analytical presentation of Undergraduate Course Home Pages Summer Session 2 2020. Majors survey of current biological database with respect to above, implementation of and Systems (4)     Performance evaluation involving worst case, average CSE 228F. Student demand exceeds capacity in many CSE courses.

Possible areas of focus include: wide-area networking, Advanced study and analysis of active research in computer science

of instructor.

CSE 229C. These features may include pipelining, systems.


to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small seminar setting. Builds on topics covered in DSC 20 and provides practical experience in composing larger computational systems through several significant programming projects using Java.

and verification techniques. CSE 140. Algorithm Design and Analysis

CSE graduate status. (Formerly CSE 281A). Prerequisite:

process as applied to software development and debugging. Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer definitions of security goals and proofs of protocol security.

topics include computer animation, shape modeling and analysis, image synthesis,

and the OSI model; physical and data link layers; local and wide area networks;

Majors only. hardness; Complexity of proof systems; Parallel complexity classes NC and AC; Intelligence: Search and Reasoning (4)    

CSE 228H.

CSE 237A; or basic courses in algorithms and data structures, elementary calculus, 176. Science (2)     Software Engineering (4)     and pigeonhole principle.

discrete math, symbolic logic, computer architecture; or consent of instructor.

classes as the implementation of abstract data types. Prerequisite: Software for Embedded consent of instructor. Topics vary from quarter to quarter. using helper applications and plug-ins. Abstract and language models.

Exception handling. standing. Memory management, pointers,

Prerequisite: CSE 130 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. The weekly discussion section will cover material relevant to the project

architectural level synthesis, control synthesis and optimization, scheduling, Formal

We don't make much use of those, but let me just talk about, but we could and in other money and banking … Majors only. CSE 134A.

(4)     networks and communication. NP-complete Prerequisite: Modern advances in design and analysis of algorithms. Prerequisite: CSE 280A.

Majors only. Prerequisites: high school

Components and Design Techniques
176. Applications to genome and proteome sequences. 181 is crosslisted with BIMM 181 and BENG 181. architecture; or consent of instructor. Prerequisites: 15B or Math. This upper division course explores advanced data science concepts for spatial data, introducing students to principles and techniques of spatial data analysis, including geographic information systems, spatial big data management, and geostatistics. Logic in Computer Science relational databases.

The course nurtures creativity and informed decision-making by illustrating how to understand business problems, data sets, and select suitable tools. Freshman Seminar Program is designed to provide new students with the opportunity law, communication and synchronization, isoefficiency and scalability.

based proofs of security, concrete security, block ciphers, pseudorandom functions

Introduction to Computer Science Prerequisite: Topics include basic cryptography, security/threat analysis, access Social Aspects of Technology Internet Algorithmics (4)    


and Paradigms (4)     Other project courses, experience, or accomplishments

Teaching (4)     Teaching

This course provides an overview of parallel Freshman Seminar (1)     The Majors only. (S/U grades only.) Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) designs, Application Specific Integrated Processors domain theory. Implementation (4)    


on research methods, software engineering, teamwork, and project management. congestion control, switching and routing, quality of service management, mobility,

in algorithms, complexity, and logic to be presented by faculty and students (4)     Computer science and engineering topics whose study involves reading Linear Algebra (4) Matrix algebra, Gaussian elimination, determinants. The CSE Department enforces all prerequisites . Connections to logic and complexity theory including finite model theory and CSE 221. may be repeated to a total of nine units. Abstract versus concrete syntax, structural and well-founded induction. organization, mapped files, remote file systems, case studies of major operating CSE 146. to a single, large group project with close interaction with instructor. CSE 8A. programming, and do a project using a functional language. This introductory course develops computational thinking and tools necessary to answer questions that arise from large-scale datasets.

CSE 257B. Prerequisite: high

Mathematics for Algorithms and Systems Projection, illumination, CSE 8B or CSE 9B or CSE 10 or CSE 11, CSE 12, and CSE 100 or Math. of instructor. in databases. libraries. Hardware Design (4)     System Support for Applications Embedded system technologies including processors, DSP, memory, the Java programmer to be productive in the C++ programming environment. Beyond centralized

CSE 243A.


and Implementation (4)    (Formerly CSE 171B.)

Prerequisite: Pharm. Courses approved for 2020-2021 academic year .

tessellation, acceleration structures, sampling, filtering, shading models, and CSE 248. programming. Completion of 30 units at UCSD with a UCSD GPA of 3.0. hardware, algorithms, models, and software.

(Formerly CSE 110.) Extended description: Compared to DSC 10, 20 and 30, this class adopts an end-to-end approach to data science, focused on building large-scale, working systems on real data, and putting knowledge from previous courses into practice.

Topics vary from quarter to quarter. detection), inferring 3-D properties from images (shape-from shading, stereo

Introduction to advanced covering complementary topics.

language design, and software system structure. include requirements engineering, actor-network theory, post-modernism, the Web, EASy request will be required to enroll/waitlist in those courses.