See for some commentary on this source. Brown (1987) in Wolffe (1993). These figures only reflect Sunday attendance; some denominations and churches have experienced increased numbers mid-week, but only involving small numbers compared to the overall decline. “When I asked the Very Reverend David Edwards, the author of over thirty books on modern Christianity, for his assessment of the state of spirituality in England, he just told me bleakly that 'The English have lost any sense of what religion is'.”.

Between 1960 and 1982 the actual number of confirmations taking place each year declined by more than 50%. Infidel Within: The History of Muslims in Britain, 1800 to the Present, Muslim In data revealed in a Mori poll from 2003 Aug, only 55% of the English population could name one of the four Christian gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). Britain: Religion, Politics and Identity Among British Muslims, The Now in 2011, with slight growth in terms of percent of the population since 2001, an estimate of 3850 seems sensible48.”, "How many Satanists are there in the UK?" Public Faith? A paperback book. 29% of churchgoers are 65 or over, compared with 16% of the population35.

To read about this, click here: "Institutionalized Religions Have Their Numbers Inflated by National Polls" by Vexen Crabtree (2009). As 1525 were counted in the 2001 Census, an estimate of 3050 seems sensible. 6.3% of the population go to church on an average Sunday, compared to 7.5% in 199835. Belief that (1) God, if it exists, is by nature unknowable and will always be unknowable, or, (2) that the individual being asked cannot conclude if god exists or not for lack of evidence one way or the other, Beliefs include non-violence and equality of all living things, An organized form of atheism where moral and ethical goodness is emphasized, Neo-pagan organisation based around reconstructed elements of folklore, Souls are part of the divine and proper living allows us to realize God, God (called Jah) fathered a black Jesus; marijuana use in rituals, A campaign saw many heavy metal fans put this down as their religion on the UK census in 2011 Its sudden appearance hints that metallers encouraged each other to put that answer much like, Belief that a series of prophets have come from God, and that Bahá'í is the latest religion founded by God.

59% never or practically never go to church. As a result, Methodism has dropped to fourth place behind Pentecostalism. Published by Reed Business Information Ltd, London, UK. Which are the Best and Worst Newspapers in the UK?

Paxman, Jeremy(1998) The English. The decline from then to the 1960s was marked, but slow. Britain: Communities Under Pressure,,, The Christianity is the main religion amongst British people, but there are (a basic introduction) Listing these as non-religious is probably a mistake, unlike the Jedis. Actual measures of church attendance have shown that Church attendance in 1999 was 7.5%, down from 10% in 1989 and 12% in 1979 (declining by about an absolute 2% per decade). Between 1979 and 2005, half of all Christians stopped going to church on a Sunday.

If only 33% believe in an afterlife, and yet, 59% of Brits put down "Christian" as their religion in the 2011 Census, it is clear that many as half of all those who say they are Christian are actually wrong or are completely ignorant of even the most basic Christian beliefs. New Testament (CDs) The decline since the 1960s has been rapid and shocking. Part of the neo-pagan range of religions, An atheist religion that uses dark and evil symbology for self-development and anti-religious purposes - Satan itself is not a real being, just a symbol, A description of various cultural practices, which are often part of a parent belief system, Belief in a single creator god who is not "personal" and does not have human emotions, and which many believers say does not interact with the world, Official collection of practices in Japan, more cultural than religious, A disparate and diverse collection of popular beliefs and practices, Belief that Shamans need to keep good relations with tribal ancestor spirits for the good fortune of the whole tribe, A range of Churches ranging from mostly Christian, to those mostly encapsulating native African spirituality, The belief that all objects contain spirits. The decline in this number from the 1930s was slow, from a peak of about 70%, but the decline in the number of Anglican baptisms from the 1950s has been rapid. The 90s saw the rate of decrease begin to decrease.

The UK's Office for National Statistics concluded that this was a parody (a joke) and included those who wrote Jedi Knight in the "no religion" category44,45. The main religion in Britain is Christianity. Sociologists know that if they count heads and ask about beliefs, more people say they belong to a religion, and say they have the beliefs of a particular religion, than actually do. Asatru, Odinism and other Northern religions are likely to have followers who identify themselves as heathens. A paperback book. Others put "atheist" or even Christian denominations as their religion. also large communities of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews, The number of Satanists is notoriously difficult to estimate. Only 7% think that Britain would be a better place if more religious leaders held public office19. Abolishing faith schools will decrease social tension between ethnic and religious groups, increase the fairness of the schools system (as religious schools accept fewer poor and disadvantaged students), and reduce the scope for religious extremism and indoctrination.”, "Faith Schools, Sectarian Education and Segregation: Divisive Religious Behavior (UK Case Study)" by Vexen Crabtree (2010). Often a form of Shamanism, Peaceful Christian fundamentalist group famous for its rejection of technology and strict adherence to OT and NT laws, 64,000 representative adults polled. There is no similar law placing requirements on Mosques or Synagogues. "I couldn't believe that figure myself, and had to check it again," said Peter Brierley, the director of Christian Research"37. Much is made of the increase in the numbers of ordinands (those training for the priesthood), but this, the only good news on the table at the time of writing, seems an odd criterion of renewed life - many chiefs and few Indians will scarcely solve the problem.”, "The C of E: The State It's In" by Monica Furlong (2000)53, “A report on youth published for the General Synod Board of Education in 1996, which says that 'the total Sunday attendance at Anglican Churches amongst 14- to 17-year-olds is 60,739', a drop of 34.9 per cent since 1987. The marriages graph has "Anglican" mean "Church of England" or "Church of Wales", and also shows the % as the total population of England and Wales (excluding the Isle of Man and Channel Islands).65 You might expect that the National Secular Society would have found statistics that show lower attendance, therefore supporting their cause that organized religion should not be an official part of public politics. The Roman Catholic Church suffered a similar decline in the same period in mass attendance. That is, many profess belief but do not take part in organized religion.

It] is a phenomenon one might call 'believing without believing'. Some stark truths of Church attendance between 1998 and 2005: Between 1998 and 2005, half a million people stopped going to church on Sunday7. In 2007, Tearfund published the following results of their comprehensive review of British Christian religion in 2006: Self-disclosure polls of church attendance are generally twice as high as reality. Indeed even churchgoers can reveal an ignorance of the main elements of Christian belief.”, "The C of E: The State It's In" by Monica Furlong (2000)24. News and information about the various faiths is at the BBC's Religion and Ethics Sedgefield, Knowsley, Blaenau Gwent, Merthyr Tydfil and Wear Valley all show less than 0.2 per cent of respondents quoting 'Jedi'.”, The campaign was not maintained, and in 2011, less than half of the total number put down "Jedi Knight" as their religion - 176 632 people.”, "The Jedi Knight Religion, Inspired by Star Wars (Jediism): 1. Author: Laurie Rosenberg More importantly, the Census would have been a radically different context for people to answer as to their religion. I believe that the data of the next decade or two will show us the true numbers of Church of England affiliation. Although religious faith in Britain is predominantly Christian, most of the world’s