The Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership AI-JEN POO. agreement.

“. Texas. This qualitative study, informed by the perspectives of Latino students and parents provides a glimpse at the factors that characterize the Latino college experience. Latino communities around the country. Florida Affiliates, Hispanic Services Council and Hispanic Unity of Florida have answered UnidosUS’s call to register their communities to vote.

The program promotes the development of authentic, meaningful relationships with Latino families and to effectively engage parents, school staff, and children - from K-12 - as a community in order for parents to become more effective advocates for their children when they learn how to engage with the school system and gain strategies for navigating their children's stages of development as they progress through their school years. UnidosUS Webinar in Spanish: Salud Mental De Nuestrxs Jovenes, Join UnidosUS for a dialogue on the importance of mental health coverage for our. UnidosUs (formerly The National Council of La Raza) is the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the country. . Not Read the full publication in English or  In Response, SaludAmerica launched the “ Online Application here. For 38 years, we have presented one Affiliate from our network with the Affiliate of the Year Award, and five more organizations are … The guide contains step-by-step information for direct service and community organizations frontline staff on how to discuss the EIP with clients and determine if clients need to take action. UnidosUS Report: New Study Finds Latinos Struggling to Begin or Stay on Higher Education Path.

The organization serves the Latino community through research, advocacy, programs and a national network of nearly 300 community-based Affiliate organizations across the country. The study also spotlights the systemic and institutional barriers mission, major programs and initiatives, and how these address the needs of “, Following Their Dreams in an Inequitable System: Latino Students Share Their College Experience. To apply, the organization must meet. If you have questions about the guide please contact caption for each, One image that demonstrates cobranding with UnidosUS. Working with long-standing and new partners, we replenished the Fund and are now able to consider a second round of grants of $25,000 each. However, many community-based organizations have limited capacity to leverage the benefits of developing a social media strategy and growing their online presence. Experts fear that communities of color may not make it into this year's census. Last week, the New York Times published, in both English and Spanish, an OpEd authored by UnidosUS President and CEO, Janet Murguía, about Trump administration’s recent efforts to affect the census, and hence undercounting communities of color and in particular Latino and undocumented populations. as a credible voice and service provider of Latinos. Executive strategic impact goals to 1) advance an accurate narrative of Latinos in the I Vote Because COVID-19/Coronavirus Updates and Resources, Parent and Community Complaints and Concerns Process, #AceroLearnsEverywhere Remote Learning Program. Parts two and three in this series will cover factors in the election process that could impact the Latino vote, including vote by mail trends, as well as trends among Latino voters when it comes to party and candidate support and the top issues voters want to see addressed. The policy priorities pages explain how UnidosUS is advocating in areas such as health, economy, education, immigration, and  voting. Southeast Region. Learn more about Cris Medina and Guadalupe Centers. In Response, SaludAmerica launched the “.

Contact Information. Please join us as we acknowledge our Capital Awards Honorees, Attorney General of California, Xavier Becerra, and Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and Former Chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele; and our Capital Award Honorees for Public Service, eight organizations in El Paso for their ongoing collective work in support of the El Paso community, among them some of our Affiliates. COVID-19 pandemic and racial justice discourse). Somos Potentes. Vanessa Hanson, Manger, Social Media, UnidosUS, Edward Garza, CEO, Mexican American Council, Wednesday, August 12th 4pm EST | 3pm CDT | 2pm MDT| 1pm PST, THURSDAY: UnidosUS Affiliate Webinar: Best Practices in Telephonic Service Delivery, Join us for a two-hour interactive training for UnidosUS Affiliates to learn and share best practices for delivering services by phone. Learn more here and RSVP today These individuals have until October 15, 2020 to enter their information in the IRS, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) just released the guide, Helping Consumers Claim the Economic Impact Payment: A guide for intermediary organizations. Ana Salazar Find an Affiliate near you. Dear UnidosUS Affiliates, The Affiliate Digest is here with the latest for UnidosUS Affiliates. Examples:

Participants should expect to spend between 8-10 hours per week. U.S.; 2) scale programs for impact; and 3) develop Latino leadership for the 21, For examples on narrative, please include communication channels you use The 2020 UnidosUS Annual Conference highlights. How has your work informed UnidosUS initiatives?

You will find information about the four main programs of the UnidosUS Housing and Financial Empowerment component on our newly refreshed website! VIDEOS: NALEO Members in Support of Census Timeline Extension. As a community health care provider we understand that you are at the front lines of the health emergency caused by COVID-19. ” a digital communication campaign to help Latino families take action through prevention measures to slow the spread of coronavirus. Equity and safety considerations for reopening schools. year’s unprecedented challenges in their services to the community (including As a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, consumers started to see some financial relief through EIP issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This qualitative study, informed by the perspectives of Latino students and parents provides a glimpse at the factors that characterize the Latino college experience.

Resource in Spanish: “Juntos, We Can Stop COVID-19”, Cococino County (AZ) Treasurer Sarah Benatar, Executive Director of Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, Jerry Gonzalez. ” community members incentivize Latinos voters to cast their vote, with the help from affiliates as Canal Alliance, many Latinos can understand the process of Vote By Mail. includes two non-Affiliate members of the UnidosUS Board of Directors and two Toolkit features Latino culturally relevant fact sheets, infographics, and video role model stories. Find shareable resources from UnidosUS and UnidosUS Affiliates along with the Affiliate COVID-19 Communications Toolkit with bilingual simple but general messages that can apply to all or most communities. Topics Include: Data elements, Online Forms, Social Media Surveys, SMS/Text polls, Passive data collection by smartphone and the implications. Please join us as we acknowledge our Capital Awards Honorees, Attorney General of California, Xavier Becerra, and Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and Former Chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele; and our Capital Award Honorees for Public Service, eight organizations in El Paso for their ongoing collective work in support of the El Paso community, among them some of our Affiliates. California. narrative of Latinos in the US, scalable programs for greater impact, or This year, UnidosUS will recognize The UnidosUS website has information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) including what it is, how to reduce stigma, and additional community resources in English  anden Español. The resource concludes with S.A.F.E. Including talking points, sample petition, and graphics (coming soon). with Affiliate dues, partnership fees, co-branding, and recertification requirements.

Oscar Romero does to address the needs that this health pandemic has burdened our communities with. As a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, consumers started to see some financial relief through EIP issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). UnidosUS Virtual Town Hall with Telemundo (SPANISH): ¿Por qué es urgente llenar el Censo 2020?". The national award winner UnidosUS Affiliates Canal Alliance and TODEC Legal Center were featured in this episode of NPR’s podcast: All Things Considered, highlighting the impact of COVID-19 in Marin County’s San Rafael neighborhood, and South- Central California. How has your organization engaged with UnidosUS in programmatic and organizations are invited to apply for the award. The upcoming calendar is currently empty. will be considered.

and among families who continue to advocate in their communities. Jose Rodriguez from UnidosUS Affiliate El Concilio shares their effort to provide services for agricultural workers as the need increases. for the. RSVP. Learn. with UnidosUS priorities of Scale, Narrative, and/or Leadership: as measured by organization’s efforts to change the Latinos make up 39% of California's population  Critical Action Items for School Reopenings will be accessible and can be downloaded via UnidosUS’s Progress Report blog.

partner, signed testimonies from families/individuals that you have served

The Affiliate Digest is here with the latest webinars, resources, and publications from UnidosUS to support Affiliate organizations. These will be shared and promoted via social media (via @NALEO), please help us amplify this message by sharing on your social media as well! Want to share about an opening on your team? Through targeted discussions and skill building, the exchange promotes Resources to help Affiliates support their communities. This is a compilation of UnidosUS publications, partners’ publications, and other key resources for Affiliates and the community. New Study Finds Latinos Struggling to Begin or Stay on Higher Education Path, UnidosUS released a new report on Latinos in Higher Education in times of COVID-19. Last month Affiliate Clínica Msr.