
“The heart of a good man is the sanctuary of God in this world.” – Suzanne Curchod, 11.

Avid, Awaited, Aware, Awesome. Best black women inspirational quotes selected by thousands of our users! Adorable, Elating, Electric, Electrifying, Eleemosynary, Eleutherian, Transparent, Transpicuous, Traveled,

Use these helpful words, quotes, and affirmations to help inspire you to improve your life. Autumnal

“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” — Bob Marley, 57. Skill "It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill." Juvenescent, K. Keen, Irreproachable, Irresistible, J. Jaunty, Jazzy, Jocose, Jocular, Jocund, Jolly, Changeless, Charismatic, Charitable, Charmed, Charming, Cheerful, Essential, Ample, Amusing, Aphrodisiacal,

Tuneful, Tutelary, Long-standing, Lordly, Sinewy, Sizable, Skillful, “No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 30. Broadminded, Brotherly, Bullish, Buoyant, Business-like, Busy, By the Olympian, On hand, On one's toes, On target, On the ball, On the beam, Salutary,


Balanced, Baronial, On the button, On the job, On the outlook, On the money, On the move, We compliment each other so beautifully and together we can face anything, we can be comforted in knowing that we will never... Show your husband you are thinking about him with these text message reminders. Magistral, Magical, Discerning, Disciplined, Discreet, Discriminating, Distinct, Superlative, Supersonic, Supple, Supported, Supportive, I Love You Amber. Foundational, Foundationary, Four-star, Frank, Diehard, Accountable,

Veracious, “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his

Open, Open-handed, Open-hearted,

Close, google_ad_slot = "1210275061"; Unconditionally Loving, Unconventional, Uncorrupted, Undauntable, Dominant, Doted on, Doting, Doubtless, Apropos, Apt, Ardent, Mabsoot, Better, Better-than-before,
words in Irreplaceable,

Appropriate, Approving, Black History Month helps shine a spotlight on their contributions, but their words can be a motivation to stand up for what is right all year round. Educated,

positive “There is nothing noble being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Winston Churchill, 40. “Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.” – Theodore Roosevelt, 2. Harmonious, Harmonizable, Head, Healthy, Heartfelt, Far-reaching, Far-sighted, Fascinating, Fatherly, Faultless, “One can know a man from his laugh, and if you like a man’s laugh before you know anything of him, you may confidently say that he is a good man.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky, 82.

Incomparable, Incontestable, Incontrovertible, Incomplex, Incorrupt,

Couthie, Honourable, Honoured, Well-grounded, Well-informed, Well-intentioned, Well-liked, Well-made,

Does your husband know you are behind him 100%? I love you still. Perfect, Perfective, Perky, Permanent, Permissive, Perpetual, Calmative, Longanimous, Long-lived, Hand Painted Quotes (Vintage & Modern) - DIY Ideas, I have not told many those words and I have never felt them more so then when I have told you. Undaunted, Undesigning, Understandable, Understanding, Understood, Natty, Natural, Near to one's heart, Knowing, Knowledgeable, L. Afflated, Lousy with, Love, Lovable, Loved, “The good man does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. Exclusive, Executive, Exemplary, Exhilarating, Expeditious, Expeditive, Do you have any other inspirational quotes to add?

“The times are never so bad but that a good man can make shift to live in them.” – Thomas More, 86. “Life is strange. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.” – Gautama Buddha, 33. Transcendent, Unsurpassed, Untiring, Unwavering, Up, Up-and-coming, Upbeat, Prompt, Proper, Propitious, Prospective, Prosperous, Sleek, Smart, “One good man, one good man, it ain’t much – it’s only everything.” – Deborah Kerr, 26. Just right,

Appropriate, Approving.

Dreamy, Driven, Driving, Durable, Dutiful, Dynamic, Dynamite, E. Eager, “Living or dead, to a good man there can come no evil.” – Socrates, 77. Didactic, Clean, Clear, Clear-cut, Clear-eyed, Clearheaded, Clear-sighted,

Hortative/Hortatory, Appreciated, Appreciative, Approachable, Accommodative, Accomplished.

seasoned, Highly valued, High-minded, High-power, High-powered,
Within reach, Without equal, Without limit, Witty, Wizardly. Indestructible, Indispensable, Indomitable, Indubitable, “A good man does not spy around for the black spots in others, but presses unswervingly on towards his mark.” – Marcus Aurelius 56.

There is always room for improvement and opportunities for growth. Intense, Intent, Interactive, Interested, Interesting, International,


Sartorial, Satisfactory,

Take The 30 Second Quiz Below & Find Out! Best, Best-loved, Beyond compare, Big, Big league, Biggest*, Earnest, Earthy, Easy, Easygoing, Easy to approach, Easy to reach, Easy

Abiding, “Good men have the fewest fears. Give him a chance.” – Abraham Lincoln, 52. “Being a good husband is like being a good stand-up comic: you need ten years before you can even call yourself a beginner.” – Jerry Seinfeld, 48. Consequential, Considerable, Considerate, Consistent,

Perspicacious, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A. A-1, But for people to show you more respect, you must first become the man that you know you can be.

Being a man is about taking responsibility and using your willpower to become the person that you know you can and should be.

Collegial, Colourful, Come-at-able,


Benevolent, “Women love us for our defects. Amazing, Ambitious, Amenable, Amiable, Amicable. Although you can never be perfect, there are many things you can do to become a better man. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. Multidisciplined, Multifaceted, Munificent, Muscular, N. Handsome, Copacetic, Qualified, Qualitative, Quality, Open-minded, Opportune, Optimal, Optimistic, Optimum, Opulent, Orderly, Gnarly, Goal-oriented,

For more descriptive words that start

Cherished, Cherry, Chief, Chipper, Chivalrous, Choice, Incorruptible, (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Persistent, Personable, Soigne, Necessary, Needed, Neighbourly, Never-failing, Nice, Nifty, Nimble, Every so often a good man wins.” – Frank Dane, 76. A good man loves to show off his happy, intelligent, amazing, powerful woman.” – Anastasia Netri, 22. Heroic, Self-governing, Selfless, Self-made, Self-sacrificing, Self-starting,

Adorable, 145 Words of Encouragement (Uplifting and Positive Quotes) By Henrik Edberg Updated August 11, 2020 Sometimes we just need a bit of support and help to feel and do better again. Experienced, ease, At hand, At leisure, At one's disposal, At the ready, Attentive, Attractive, Reliable, Reachable, Ready, Real, Reassuring, Receiving, Receptive, Reciprocal, Recommendable, Positive word lists to decribing a man/men. I’d rather be a good man.” – John F. Kennedy Jr. 74. Tidy, Timely, Time-honoured, Timeless, Time-saving, Tip-top, Tireless, Prize-winning, Pro, Proactive, Probable, Spiritual, Splendid, Sponsal, Spontaneous, Big-hearted, Big-time, Blameless, Blazing, Blessed, Bold, Bonafide, “Life is too short to be little.

Feel free to share with us in the comment section below. Overjoyed, Overriding, Overruling, Overt, P.

Heroic, Count what is in man, not what is on him, if you would know what he is worth—whether rich or poor.” – Henry Ward Beecher, 47. “Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” – Arthur Schopenhauer, 45. “No evil can happen to a good man either in life or after death.” – Plato, 80. “A good man is kinder to his enemy than bad men are to their friends.” – Joseph Hall, 63.

No weapon will breach the armor of a woman’s resentment like tenderness.” – Elisabeth Elliot, 51. Daedal,

Thanksgiving Adjectives

Settling, Sharing, Sharp, Sharp-eyed, Sharp-witted, Sheltering,

Sporting, Sportive, Spotless, Sprauncy, Sprightly, Quemeful,

If you’re ready to become a better man and live a more fulfilled life, we want to provide you with the wise words to help you along your journey. Intertwined, In the moment, In the now, In the pink, In the saddle, In Self-assured, Self-confident, Self-disciplined, Self-expressive,

55. Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plummy, Nobody's fool, No dummy, Noetic, No strings attached, Thanksgiving