* [See Wheel 73, "The Blessings of Pindapata."].

He praised reserving the uposatha days for such activities in these words: ‘Pearl, crystal, beryl and gold are not worth a sixteenth of the uposatha made whole with the eight Precepts.

followers of the elder monks Ven. Each half is therefore of 14 or 15 days and in each half the days are numbered from the first

Depending on the speed of the Patimokkha chanter (one of the monks), the recitation may take from 30 minutes to over an hour. So the Wanderers gained support. in the Buddhist calendar: This day, sometimes called "Sangha Day," commemorates
Our version includes the following eight elements.

For monastics, these are often days of more intensive reflection and meditation. For our 21st century American culture, our founding teacher has provided an updated version of Uposatha by identifying eight elements that members and friends can easily practice once a week on Sundays. general measure for ordinary life and in practice people have a flexible attitude towards minor infringements of some of them. ", The Blessed One instructed the king with a talk on the Dhamma; after which the king departed. This day, sometimes called "Buddha Day," commemorates way on these days and some short periods devoted to some of the recollections might be possible -- it depends on each person to find his own ways and means.

On this day, lay disciples and monks intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment … given over to Dhamma. could be added such popular suttas as the Discourse on Loving- kindness (Karaniya-metta Sutta) and the Discourse on the truly Auspicious (Mahamangala Sutta).

At all times a Buddhist is trying to increase in the quality of heedfulness --. It is the same on Uposatha days. on Treasures (Ratana Sutta) and the Discourse on Setting in motion the Wheel of Dhamma (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) would be appropriate if one has time.

The Buddha taught that the Uposatha day is for "the cleansing of the defiled mind," resulting in inner calm and joy. The Buddha explained that this day was meant to purify the polluted mind which would in turn lead to inner tranquility and happiness. Apart from this regular observance, some bhikkhus may undertake an 4. :/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ganeshji/public_html/buddhism/uposatha.html on line 25. in them.

complex traditional formula that is loosely based on the lunar calendar, day and night.

them to see whether they were profitable. Monks and nuns use the full and half moon uposathas to chant the Pātimokkha in congregation.

To mark The second half of the precept is directed against vanity and conceit arising by way of the body. But under this precept "unchaste conduct" means that all kinds of sexual behavior are to be avoided whether they are wrong conduct or are allowable in normal lay life, In any case, their food is finished before noon. hearing the Buddha's delivery of the Fire Sermon; the remaining 250 were For monastics, these are often days of more intensive reflection and meditation. The uposatha are the days of the full moon, half moon and the two quarter moons of each month in the ancient Indian calendar. Ucchasayana-mahasayana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

An enemy that one has not seen and known cannot be defeated, but an enemy well known and attacked with the weapons of Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right

In this case he saw that there were advantages for Dhamma-practice in the Uposatha days, so he allowed them.

is curtailed.

three key events in the Buddha's life that took place on this full-moon A keen effort to eat vegetarian or raw food meals. of the Buddha, in Pali or in English, they should be chanted or read through. The Buddha taught that the Uposatha day is for "the cleansing of the defiled mind," resulting in inner calm and joy. companions late into the night.

None of these

Dhamma has all these qualities and one's speech should be in accordance with it.

On this day, lay disciples and monks intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment through millennia-old acts of lay-monastic reciprocity. Then the Blessed One made this the occasion for a discourse on the Dhamma and he addressed the Powered by, Meets at 343 Washington Terrace, Middletown, Ct, Buddhism 1.0: The Buddha – His Life and Teachings, Buddhism 1.0 Seminar: Disciples of the Buddha, Buddhism 1.0: A Tool box of Practices and Teachings, ONLINE STOA BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY GROUP MEETING, ONLINE Groups resume meetings in September, Tribute to Dharma Teacher Harry Kisen Simonsen (1949-2020), BFF Wesleyan University Activities are Suspended Until Further Notice (March 13th).

The most common days of observance are the full moon and the new moon. On New Moon and Full Moon days the fortnightly confession and recitation of the Bhikkhu Patimokkha …

In the following month, the kathina ceremony is held, during which on the Half Moons of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth and the Quarter Moon of the Eighth, I allow preaching of the Dhamma.

Just as all the other luxuries have been cut out, so the luxury of a large, soft bed should be dispensed with for this night.

Since our Fellowship is not part of a monastic order, but is non-denominational, and completely lay-oriented and controlled,  our updated Uposatha practice naturally differs from what is traditionally experienced in Buddhist countries.

A concerted effort to practice the Five Precepts.

He encouraged them to pay homage to their parents on such days, to do good works, spend timein quiet contemplation and abide by the eight Precepts (A.I,143; 207).

Buddha gave to the assembly before sending them out to proclaim the This seems reasonable looked at from the teaching given on the elements by the Buddha: " Whatever is internal liquid element and whatever is external

Depending on the monastery, lay people may or may not be allowed to attend.

The tradition in the East is for Buddhists who undertake

On the This will not be possible for the lay Buddhist who goes out to work, but on such days jewelry could be left at home,

If one wants to read then it should be a A fairly new branch of biology, called chronobiology, studies the rhythmicity in nature and appears to support the importance of the Uposatha

The day of the full moon (puṇṇamā) was the most important uposatha and marked the beginning of the month. Uposatha days falling on the phases of the moon? Or if they are to be undertaken one day a month this will usually be on the Full Moon.

Source: Access to Insight: A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms Observance day, corresponding to the phases of the moon, on which Buddhist lay people gather to listen to the Dhamma and to observe special precepts. Uposatha Days are special days to dedicate ourselves to the practice of Buddhism as a philosophy of life. is curtailed. The Uposatha (Sanskrit: Upavasatha) is Buddhist day of observance, in existence from the Buddha's time (500 BCE), and still being kept today in Buddhist countries.

dying Buddha before he finally passed away.

It is usual for lay people to go to the local monastery and to spend all day and night there. He made this the occasion for a discourse on the Dhamma, and he addressed the bhikkhus thus: "Bhikkhus, when there is a meeting

In order to imitate monastic life, lay members would practice the Eight Precepts instead of the original Five, forgo eating meals after noontime, and practice meditation late. In some communities, such as in Sri Lanka, only the new moon and full moon are observed as uposatha days. The Pali names of the uposatha days are based on the Sanskrit names of the nakśatra (Pali: nakkhatta), the constellations or lunar mansions through which the moon passes within a lunar month. fortnightly confession and recitation of the Bhikkhu Patimokkha Bi-weekly recitation of the Vinaya rules by a chapter of Buddhist monks. are all ways of escape from being quiet.

So the whole of this day and night (and enthusiastic lay people restrict their sleep) is given over to Dhamma....".

Depending on the speed of the Patimokkha chanter (one of the monks), the recitation may take from 30 minutes to over an hour. New Moon and the two Half Moon days). Lay people observe the Eight Precepts on Uposatha He encouraged them to pay homage to their parents on such days, to do good works, spend timein quiet contemplation and abide by the eight Precepts (A.I,143; 207). A committed effort to practice sitting and/or walking meditation.

is curtailed. The Buddha has said: And when this abstinence is to be practiced only for one, two or four days a month there should be no great difficulty. Until the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in most Buddhist countries, the uposathas were public holidays. the Buddha's first discourse, which he gave to the group of five

Available online at http://www.bbvt.org.uk/ The Eight Precepts to be discussed below are part of the same way of practice, a discipline for a lay person's temporary renunciation. Mindfulness of Breathing.

In the Muluposatha Sutta, the Buddha established the observance days called Uposatha Days as the “days for the cleansing of the defiled mind.” Originally Uposatha Days were held during the Full Moon in which the monastic and lay members would fully dedicate themselves to the practice of the Buddhist …

In Japan, these six days are known as the roku sainichi; (六斎日; Six Days of Fasting?). On these nights an effort should be made to restrict sleep to the minimum. He urged the monks to disseminate the teachings to the lay people and recite the Patimokkha every second day Uposatha Day themselves. Warning: include(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 in /home/ganeshji/public_html/buddhism/uposatha.html on line 25

(From: "The Life of the Buddha", trans.

Monks and nuns use the full and half moon uposathas to chant the Pātimokkha in congregation.

For a 2012 calendar of Thai uposatha days, see John Bullitt's "Calendar of Uposatha Days.". Kondañña) gained his first Audio | A Burmese lady who used to live in Kendal and attended our Group observes the Navanga Uposatha Sila (The Nine Uposatha Precepts) where a Ninth Precept of Metta (practice of Universal Loving Kindness taught by the Buddha in the Karaniya Metta Sutta, the discourse on Loving-kindness to all beings), is the Ninth Precept. Layperson: With your permission, Venerable Sir, I ask for the Nine Uposatha Precepts together with the Three Refuges. London, British Mahabodhi Society, 1990). According to tradition, one may practice the Eight Precepts on the Full Moon, New Moon and two Quarter-moon days. Appendix). The word means "entering to stay," in the Buddhist sense, in a vihara or monastery.

During Uposatha days, Buddhist monks at each monastery assemble and recite the Patimokkha (a concise compilation of the Vinaya. ogether with the Three Refuges, strive with diligence Navanga Uposatha Sila (The Nine Uposatha Precepts) are listed in the Pali Canon in The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaya) Volume IV The Book of the Nines, viii Amity, pages 259-260.

During this period, Uposatha is more commonly observed by Buddhists than during the rest of the year. about. At the end of one rains retreat (vassa), the