EVs: 176 Atk / 128 SAtk / 204 Spd Substitute and Protect both have the same job which can seem a bit of a waist, But first once leech seed is up you can go at this either way. these status moves will keep opponents on their toes without you ever having to let up on the damage. - Earthquake Hits adjacent foes. Ah Venusaur, An old classic, That I honestly don't mind as a sub seader, but with Quite nice Special Defense, and workable Physical Defense, I prefer this set for him. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Venusaur egg moves page.

Ability: Overgrow This dude is just amazing.

Safeguard will prevent status effects so your Venus saur can' get burnt or poisoned, while rest will be the main move of this sleeping giant because when you use sleep talk you will possibly use one of its other defense moves while it is sleeping. Ivs: 252 sp.attack, 252 sp.defence, 4 defence Every moveset has its flaw. Razor Leaf and Earthquake hit both opponents, while Power Whip is for focusing in on just one opponent. Broccoli (Venusaur) (M) @ Black Sludge

Abilty: Overgrow


Ability: Overgrow

Also, use the first set of EVs. Here are some do's and don'ts. Venusaur (M) @ Venusaurite - Earthquake * If using this Venusaur I always recommend using leech seed first before any other move. An interesting developement of the Gen III meta game. This guy is normally showing up with 2 or 3 STAB Grass moves, or he's mixed, which isn't THAT bad. This set is also usable without his Dream World Ability if you don't have Access to the Dream World. EVs: 252 DEF / 252 SDEF / 4 HP Growth beefs up both attack stats, now he can throw off an STAB Solar Beam, a great powered Earthquake, and a Sun powered Hidden Power Fire!

It's the type of moves you'd see a Bulbasaur use but in a full evolved form.

Pretty surprised that a Mega Venusaur set is not posted yet. Psychic Power — Accuracy — PP. Also Helping hand is there in case you want your Venusaur to cheer as it's getting its butt whooped. 20. -Synthesis. Atk - 130 Sp.Def With GenVI, Permanent weather is gone, and now Grass types are immune to Sleep Powder. items, abilities, natures and EVs.Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. The one thing you have to watch in this set up is Fire-types will benefit the same from sunny day. 25. This is where bulk beats brawn. Leftovers helps reduce the impact of priority and residual damage. User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. It also has useful moves such as Growth and Sleep Powder to break teams.

- Protect, You either start off with Bind to ensnare your opponent, or Protect to make them waste a move. Venusaur can be a force on the battlefield - if you give it the right moveset.

Even a switch to the oh so common Heatran/Infernape will demolish this set. Venusaur Pokédex and learnset for reference.

So tanking is the way to go. Venusaur (M) Also known as the "Why won't you die!" Curse lets him become a total tank, it's hard to do anything without being super effective, And now you can Leech Seed for Seedover combo. What is a good counter for Mega Venusaur?

Also Known as The "Red Mage" Move set. The EVs give it enough Speed with Chlorophyll, power, and some bulk.

Soloing tank. -Protect (You know what I'm talking about, right?) risky, but worth it, as it can pick of Scarfed dragons such as Palkia, hit them with a sleep powder, and set up and kill. The EVs are for keeping Venusaur as bulky as humanely possible.

Solarbeam - 100% acc., strong, and one turn with sunny day.


Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated.

•Earthquake In other words, Chlorophyll Sweeper Venusaur had gotten the nerf stick quite hard this time. Choose the Nature depending on what Pokemon are on your team (What their weaknesses are).

Role: Physical Sweeper

I have a what I like to call "Venusaur Fly Trap" set. Venusaur w/ Big Root

Sleep powder is just amazing, as it lets Venasaur set up a Growth/Swords Dance and then decide to risk another or proceed to sweep.Seed Bomb is just there if you think that Venasaur can take a hit, or is on the field against a Hazard setter, or something.Then, use it on Kyogre, Groudon, Tyranitar, and Hippodown.

Leech seed/synthesis-leech seed for switching out to heal others or synthesis for max healing power in the sun. Solarbeam-what chlorophyll Venusaur doesn't have this move?

Use a protect to block moves and a sub to avoid 1 hit KO moves, and with the health being gained from leech seed their is no need to worry about sub health lost.

Venusaur (M) @ Life Orb

Your Venusaur is made unable to attack, but it sure can flirt a lot with moves such as sweet scent to lower evasion, Attract to immobilize the opposite gender, and charm to lower attack.
Earthquake it to finish off the steel types that resist Outrage. Lol, beware and have fun using this set. Grass Power. - Hidden Power [Fire] -Leech Seed (steals HP from opponent) 10. Leech Seed brings back the needed HP plus with the Big root it bring back even more than what leech seed was supposed to guaranty. However, its low base power might make you want to use Power Whip. risky DOES define this set, but i am LeBoss, and my middle name is risky. Venasaur @ Life Orb Ev spread: +sp.attack +sp.defence - Sludge Bomb/ Solar Beam Venusaur is an excellent choice for sun teams, as it packs a good Speed tier, offensive stats, and most importantly, bulk. 95%. Role: Sunny sweeper Wow I'm WAY behind on Growth I didn't know it raised both attack stats! Nature: Modest

Venusaur also has the ability overgrowth which will increase grass damage when it's health is in the red giving Frenzy Plant even more damage on top of stab. Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk). Outrage is just the perfect move to hit all those Dragon types the lurk in Ubers. Air Balloon Heatran and Skarmory can easily resist both attacking moves and kill Venasaur off with a STAB move.

Exeggutor or venusaur for gen1 toxic+leech seed staller? Swords Dance shoots his Atk higher than his SAtk could hope to go in one turn so you can get to the point of inflicting mass casualties.

Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Grassy terrain will heal Venusaur and upgrade Solar beam's attack while you use sunny day to get rid of the charge-up time. It basically disregards any of the good moves Venusaur can learn by having the player not learn them as they appear with the only attack move being tackle. You will need too many turns to set this babe up. Role: Self healer, Wall, and Staller You are following the same strategy of a red mage with being able to add status elements to your opponent and heal yourself at the same time while continuing the damage chain. Swords Dance will make Psych Up less effective if used by a Special Attacker on Venusaur. if your hp is low, use this, plus your left overs, plus your leech seed, you get almost all your hp back in one move. Venoshock-combo move with toxic that I like to call Toxicshock. Sadly, there are flaws. Trait: Chlorophyll This is also known as the "Flirty" move set for your Venusaur. NEXT: Pokémon: 5 Reasons To Pick The Jaw Fossil (& 5 Reasons To Take The Sail Fossil).

Sludge Bomb also deals with any Grass types better than HP Fire (which is more for Steel types) such as Serperior, or any Grass types on another Sun team. On the Chlorophyll set, you can use either Swords Dance or Growth. •Swords Dance Venusaur (M) @ Miracle Seed Venusaur was apart of the legendary trio of fully evolved starters from Gen 1 as well as the cover art Pokémon for Pokémon Green from Japan and Pokemon Leafgreen.

- Solar Beam However, even on the Overgrow set Swords Dance is probably a better option.

The last slot is for Hidden Power Fire to hit Steel types that otherwise wall this entire moveset.

All these moves are status changing moves with 1 heal move. - Razor Leaf

Ability: Overgrow A tank/staller Mega Venusuar set. Synthesis - if sunny day is on, this will resore 2/3 hp.