Vesta was the goddess of fire, home and family. Vesta was particularly important to women of the household as the hearth was the place where food was prepared and next to it the meal was eaten with offerings being thrown into the fire to seek the future from the way it burned. The reason why religion played such an important part in those times of human history is because people didn’t have any other way of explaining natural events and things that happened around them.

premières familles de Rome pour entretenir le feu sacré de la déesse.

In today’s text, we will look deeper into the mythological and symbolic meaning of the Vesta, Roman virgin goddess and goddess of fire and hearth. [10] The atrium Vestae too is frequently called regal. Hestia is usually defined by description, for she is known for these virtues: calm, secure, stable, welcoming, mild, gentle, forgiving, serene, and, above all else, centered. Her hearth was also called Trojan hearth.

"[9] and their accompanying the Pontifex Maximus in various rites. It burned until 391, when the Emperor Theodosius I forbade public pagan worship.

Even Roman consuls knew the importance of this deity, so they would often bring her sacrifice and ask for her mercy. In the fire of the temple of Vesta of year 241 BCE L. Caecilius Metellus, consul, dictator and at the time Pontifex Maximus, saved the pignora Vestae by entering the penus, to which men were not allowed, and according to tradition was blinded in the incident. Roman consuls and later on emperors needed to bring sacrifice to Vesta, or to her Temple in Lavinium.

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Areas of Influence: Many Roman homes contained small shrines to the Goddess Vesta as she protected the hearth and home. She was rarely seen in a human form and most of her depictions paint her as a fire or as a presence we can feel around us.

Another interesting thing about gods in Roman mythology is that they had the ability to decide whether to be good or bad. Her birth place was Alba Longa, as the first Trojan settlement. After their service to Rome, Vestal Virgins received a rare social status including the choice to marry—or not, though according to Britannica, many chose not to wed. Astrologically, Vesta was discovered in 1807, and is officially classified as a dwarf planet even though it orbits in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Vesta in Leo or in aspect to the sun: Sacred space for creating and even revering yourself in some way can allow energy to move through in more a self-expressed rather than dominating motion. The cult of Vesta started in Bovillae, Tibur and Lavinium. Vesta was the Roman goddess of home, hearth and fire. Vesta had no official mythology, and she existed as an abstract goddess for a very long time. The third fire had the function of protecting the offerers from attacks of evil spirits and was placed to the South, considered a dangerous direction. Vesta was a guardian of the Roman people and was often depicted as a flame. Every temple however had to have two fires of which one was a hearth (foculus), representative of the fire of Vesta as the hearth of the city, and the main was the sacrificial ara. He remarks that the temple of Vesta was the only ancient temple in Rome to be built in a round shape and covered with a dome to protect the sacred fire from rain, other temples being quadrangular. In Vedic ritual such kind of fire must be round as Earth itself is round and also because on Earth there is no distinction in direction without reference to Heaven. She was never depicted in a human form and was mostly painted as a presence or as a presence of fire.

Such sacrifices included the removal of an unborn calf from a pregnant cow. They were Trojan gods who were first introduced to Romans by Aenas. [31] Romans needed a strong connection to the gods, and whenever their faith slipped, Vesta’s presence was felt around them. Their relationship with the king is also apparent in the ritual phrase: "Vigilasne rex, vigila!" The purity of the flames symbolised the vital force that was the root of the life of the community. It was believed that she was the protectress of Rome and maintained and cared for homes for every citizen. According to Ovid, Vesta was indeed the Earth itself, the sacred sphere (orbs) that makes life possible as we know it: "Vesta is the Earth itself, both have the perennial fire, the Earth and the sacred Fire show their see." Traveling and humanitarian work can offer new outlets for exploration. id: "7c5da776-7ab8-4803-b010-b7fc7d3a4476", Vesta belongs to one of the minor deities and it is not too complex deity in Roman mythology.

Vesta est la déesse protectrice du foyer domestique et du foyer public, qui fut assimilé à la déesse grecque Hestia. These two fires were laid on a West-East line. They all lived together, all six of them, in a house near the Forum. This deity had an important symbolical meaning for ancient Romans, and many worshipped her. This amplified root has two possible forms: *(e)eu-s, to be found in Greek 'heuei', Latin. Dans toute l'antiquité, le foyer était considéré comme le symbole de la vie domestique, dont le bonheur repose sur la chasteté de l'épouse. In the light of this theology it is noteworthy that Vesta is always invoked as the last in all ritual formulas concerning one or more gods (Vesta extrema), while Janus, the god of beginnings and passages, associated with Heaven, is always invoked at the beginning. It did not need to be inaugurated as other temples since it was an aedes, not a templum, its power and function being totally limited to Earth and bearing no relationship to Heaven or its directions. Continuous learning or writing may be the key to uncovering your spiritual path.

It was also because the virgins' ritual concern extended to the agricultural cycle and ensured a good harvest that Vesta enjoyed the title of Mater Mother. The space within which men lived had to be marked and protected by a sacred fire. Il y a une contradiction dans Ovide à ce sujet ( Fastes IV, 317 ; VI, 295 ).

It also expresses itself through the ways we channel sexual energy and potential.

This use is comparable to that concerning Agni in the Rig Veda: Agni is invoked first or last or at both places. She was the embodiment of the Phallic Mother: she was not only the most virgin and clean of all the gods, but was addressed as mother and granted fertility. Her counterpart in the Greek mythology was Hestia.

Vesta in Cancer or in aspect to the moon: Feeling and honoring your feeling is a divine act—perhaps even creating daily or monthly rituals to bridge your inner and outer worlds of emotion.

Her closest Greek equivalent is Hestia. The sacral function of fire is reflected by the peculiar relationship of the Vestals with the king whom they ritually apostrophated once a year with the phrase: "Vigilasne rex? Vesta in Aquarius or in aspect to Uranus: Vesta craves ideas and shifting perspectives in this placement. cb: (new Date()).getTime() + qs;

})(); (function(d) { Vesta represented one of the minor Roman deities, but her significance to Romans wasn’t small.

Vesta was certainly the goddess that leaned on to the positive side and her role was to protect the most important things and those are family and home. Every March 1 the fire was renewed.

According to Roman beliefs, Vesta was present in every Roman wedding and her presence was acknowledged by not stepping on the threshold of the home. Il parait qu'à Rome on ne voyait pas non plus son image dans le temple qui lui était dédié, ou du moins que cette image, qui se trouvait avec celle des autres Pénates, n'était vue que du grand pontife et des vestales.

They were called the Vestals virgins and were known for wearing a particular type of clothes or dresses. rcel.type = 'text/javascript';

Some deities were good while others weren’t. Vesta became even more of a “household” name in ancient Roman times with the cult of the Vestal Virgins. Diving deeply into taboo themes or shadow work may unveil the numinous.