Hit 2 does 50.0 damage in the center or 35.0 damage on the outer hitbox. All this frame information makes me wonder what grab releases would actually work. Then theres the stuff you can do to fellow wario players but that is like the forbidden fruit. (Since Wario grabs high, he can force jump breaks on many characters, making him viable for this sort of testing. i would have to study all the other characters Frame Rates so i know what moves i have that are faster/slower than theirs. Moved from base slot. You can expect results as early as tonight. Ultimate Edition, Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Mario alt-skin given Fire/Electric GFX on forward air, Removed the inability to shield during interruptible frames, Adjusted arm rotations on forward smash to arc more naturally, Release point and throw animation adjusted to resemble melee. For all Smashville slots for this stage, hold Y to guarantee getting a KK Concert!! Ganon can cancel Dead Man’s Drift slightly later in the animation with Cape 49 > 59, Hitboxes reworked to hit notably lower, and KB stats lowered to cause a true jab reset until around 50%-60%, Start up slightly faster, first active frame 11 > 10, Fixed a bug that prevented down/side special wall interactions when B-reversed, Fixed a bug that caused aerial side special to not fully connect with certain characters, Warlock Punch returns! Late Hit: BKB 20 > 30, KBG 100 > 90, Late hit Sakurai angle hitbox removed (it almost never hit anyway). Alternatively, this ad may have just failed to load. You’ll know you’ve got it if Survival Fever plays! Added an additional hitbox on her leg during <100% ledge get up attack. [Eon], Double jumping immediately after releasing ledge no longer forces a walljump [Eon], Debug mode stability updated and now properly functions in Dolphin [Eon], Clone Engine characters can become muted while metal [DukeItOut], 'Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience', Training Mode received new options and QOL features [Eon], New Selectable CPU Behaviors: Shield, Crouch, DI in, Slight DI In, No DI, Slight DI Out, DI Out, and Slight DI (which picks between middle 3 options), Holding Z when pressing Finish on the training mode menu will instead restart the stage + settings, Combo Meter is more lenient with what counts as a combo, now allowing for chaingrabs and techchases to count, If someone has a tag containing the word “BOSS”, “boss”, “Boss”, or “ボス”, then only players with those tags will experience special mode behaviors. Project+ is a balance patch for Project M, a popular Super Smash Bros. Brawl mod That's good to know; I thought that eating multiple items with one Neutral-B (which Wario is capable of doing in Smash 4) caused a multiplier of some sort and that a single item was one second, but that makes more sense. Mashing and attacking will still cause them to fall off earlier. That would be ridiculous. Stage featuring grabbable piranha plants that can attack and pursue! R no longer toggles pages, Start alts have been moved to R, hidden R alts have been moved to Y (including concert Smashville), Respawn points on Battlefield and Final Destination centered, Stage crate and barrel aesthetic themes have been normalized so that they are appropriate to the stage they run on, Many codes moved out of sound resource, significantly reducing memory leak crashes [DukeItOut], Collision memory leak fix code added, which should drastically reduce the overall number of freezes [DukeItOut], Fixed a bug where characters could unsnap from the ledge frame 1 when the game considered them both grabbing the ledge and onstage [Fracture], Game crashes now display an error log and do not play the loud beep of death [Fracture & Uncle Punch], Mario’s cape no longer applies super armor [Eon], Platform drop momentum after getting your shield hit fixed to work normally [Eon], Smash and Attack stick work properly during crawl [Eon], Crawl momentum behaves normally in both directions [Sammi Husky], Fixed numerous Subspace Emissary bugs related to Pokemon Trainer [Eon], Teletether glitch fixed, Randall no longer interferes with tethers, tether displacement glitch fixed [Eon], Nana no longer counts toward a victory star [Eon], Using an aerial during knockback no longer causes missed techs [Eon], Fixed a bug from LTE where All-Star mode CPUs would spawn in the break room [Eon], Changed tap-jump meteor lockout timer to trigger on all jump inputs > 0.7 instead of > 0.715, fixing inputs that ignore meteor lockout, which are abusable by Smash Box, Box-likes, etc. Fixed issue where the Poké Mart sign was not animated correctly, Made the shadow movements of the characters follow the day-night cycle of the stage, Moved from Pokémon Stadium 2 to avoid confusion, A stage on an electric train featuring a rail hazard, Competitively-oriented stage with slanted platforms. Use Smashboards links to get your gaming stuff and support the site, Super Smash Bros. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Casual tri-plat stage with a twist: all three platforms are walls, and two are underneath the ledge! Features pipe entry noises and piranha plant hazards, 1:1 of Green Hill Zone, with a mixture of aesthetics from the NES era, Reverted to 3.0 to avoid similarities to the new Metroid Lab arrangement, Icy stage featuring a broad plane to fight across and platforms below the ledge, Hazard-filled stage based on the factories of Donkey Kong Country, Fixed issue where telephone lines were culled incorrectly. Ledge occupancy normalized with the rest of the cast: Ledge occupancy on roll from ledge <100%: 56 > 46, Ledge occupancy on roll from ledge >100%: 80 > 55, Ledge occupancy on attack from ledge <100%: 56 > 43, Ledge occupancy on attack from ledge >100%: 70 > 51, Ledge occupancy on stand from ledge >100%: 60 > 45, Mewtwo now has costume-specific tail trail graphics, Mewtwo moved to his own soundbank, granting him higher quality audio, Tail swing sound effects increased from 2 to 3; a lighter swing is used for up tilt and up air, Final Smash voice lines changed, given audio effects to match other characters, Eye adjustments made to forward smash, up smash, forward air, and forward throw, Fixed issue where most Mewtwo eye animations did not trigger while having a final smash glow, Active frames modified: strong hit 10-14, weak hit 15-29, IASA 38, Hitbox duration reduced by 5 frames, animation adjusted to account for fewer active frames, Grounded hitbox damage 12 > 10, BKB 65 > 34, KBG 100 > 127, Hitbox shrunk down into two smaller hitboxes to better match the animation, Animation modified so that the manhole stops flipping when hitboxes terminate, Damage 18 > 16, BKB 50 > 35, KBG 100 > 108, Damage 21 > 20, KBG 100 > 95, head intangibility and active frames lowered from 5 > 3, Looping hitbox damage 4 > 3 KB compensated, BKB lowered by 10 after compensation, Frames 28-38 damage 14 > 8, size 3.52/5.08 > 2.11/3.48, Landing hitbox on grounded opponents angle 270 > 290, Release point modified to be in front of him, Frames the meat article spends flashing after coming in contact with a surface 30 > 20, Angle control has been improved, holding up/down generates one of the two highest/lowest angles, holding nothing generates one of the middle three angles, Small bacon no longer prevents a large bacon from spawning, Only one bacon can be generated per Neutral B press, Initial hit transfers into second hit 2 frames earlier in the animation 11 > 9, If used within 3 frames of Double Jump, your double jump will be preserved, Tech roll animation modified to be less ambiguous, Fixed a bug that caused his Up Special to not refresh when being grab released, High knockback pain noise behavior matched to Melee, Active frames increased on each hitbox from 1 > 2, Head intangibility increased to match hitboxes 2 > 5, 4 frame delay added before pillar activation. Animation overhaul made to Wario. Woops! go premium to hide all advertisements and this notice. Innermost sourspot (hip) > sweet spot > middle leg sourspot. Pikmin will now attack a maximum of 5 times. The rate at which he loses vertical height increases over time but much more slowly than vanilla. Competitively-oriented platform arrangement, Wide, transforming stage similar to Green Hill Zone in design, Platform arrangement converted to a more competitively-friendly, 5-phase format, Lighting improvements made to make the background elements more pronounced against the foreground, Yoshi’s Island (Melee) renamed to avoid having two slots with the same name, Mirrored stage featuring pipes on both sides and no walkoffs, Returns from Project M 3.0 in all of it’s glory, Features own tracklist with wintry theming, 1:1 of Final Destination (Melee) based on Project M concept art, Features own tracklist based on the music on Final Destination in Brawl, Altered to have a fixed camera, similar to Flat Zone 2, 1:1 of Dream Land, featuring unique animations, Stationary version of phase 2 of the base stage, Competitively-oriented layout with two platforms stacked above each other, Based on the background section of the layout, only, Static version of base stage on the deck of the Halberd, Static version of base stage when in flight, Modified collisions on right wall to lessen the invisible gap, Is now always situated within the sea, as was originally planned, Features new sound effects for the Zingers and Squawks the Parrot, Casual stage with sticky walls and flooring to get stuck within. Now, Up = Blue, Side = Red, Down = Green. Plays Spear Pillar’s tracklist, instead of PS2’s, Version of Port Town that flies above the track, 1:1 of Kongo Jungle, but without the barrel. (That and momentum cancel.). The changes are as follows: Strong hit active frames increased from 2 > 3, Initial hit priority swapped between strong hit and weak hit (strong hit now has priority). Ledge Stats. It would be sweet delicious irony if Wario got to use grab releases on the rest of the cast. Height restriction lowered from 3 units to 0.1 units, Early Hit: Damage 8%, Angle 90, BKB 30, KBG 90, Late Hit: Damage 6%, Angle 90, BKB 25, KBG 100, When grounded, Down + Special will now perform a slide kick attack. The grab release tricks I know of are free DACUS on MK and free forward smash on ness. Wild Mode: Play on stages up to twelve times faster than the original while you’re moving at normal speed!