Wario shakes his head but, before he can react, the motorcycle plunges itself into Wario’s butt. First hit has good knockback, subsequent hits have gradually weaker strength and knockback and final frames are very punishable. Even by Smash Bros. standards, Wario is a very unique character. It becomes more powerful as time passes, ranging from a tiny "poot" to a massive explosion, which has high knockback and damage. Very fast start-up, but has lots of ending lag that makes it a very punishable move. When the move has been charged for long enough to deal 31%, it has incredible KO potential, being able to KO middleweights under 60% at the center of Final Destination. Among one of the worst neutral attacks in the game, due to its slow startup (frame 8) and lack of range, although it provides more reward than down tilt at lower percentages since down tilt cannot combo reliably until then. The Rose-Scented Waft can be useful for putting extra damage on an opponent over time. Wario wiggles his butt at the screen with his hands extended in each direction, and he teasingly snickers. Any number following the Smasher name indicates placement on the Fall 2019 PGRU, which recognizes the official top 50 players in the world in Super Smash Bros. Fair – Sticks his foot a short distance forward. are we plain minions? Thus Wario starts to pick his nose. Chomp is one of the best command grabs in the game, having deceptively long range and decent startup. This is a great move to use on floaty characters with poor aerial defense. Neutral – Left hook, then right hook.

A bright light begins appearing near his butt and his stomach swells up.

Wario also benefits from having a frame 3 jumpsquat greatly as he can now make more use out of his air game. Hits 1-6 for 2% and the seventh hit does 4% damage thus totaling at 16% if successfully hit. Similar to his down tilt. After 15 seconds, Waft reaches its second stage.

Wario's grabs are not particularly fast but have above average range. Edge (100%+) – Crawls up the ledge and slides his hand across the ground. If used after a fast fall, it can lead to an aerial and Wario Waft at low-mid percents. The first hit does 4% damage while the 2nd hit does 6% damage. In Brawl and Smash 4, Wario-Man possesses a Waft of his own with unique properties. Credits roll after completing Classic Mode. Among the fastest ledge attacks in the game. With the Waft in his arsenal, any match can be turned around with the right read. Hits most ledge hangs, although it possesses high ending lag, and the poor range makes it an unsafe move to use for the most part, although it is Wario's fastest smash attack at 8 frames. Also great when short hopping with it out of shield. This overall makes quarter Waft more effective although the move is still rarely useful and the move also has increased ending lag to compensate. Additionally, due to the changes to hitstun cancelling and DI, Wario now has reliable ways he can combo most of the cast into a fully charge Waft and if he has rage (which he can easily build up to the his high weight), Waft can KO even earlier. When he landed, he found himself face to face with a hoard of bright shiny gold. Wario Bike gives Wario an unorthodox approach option that covers for his fairly slow ground movement, and the bike itself continues to move forward and hit opposing fighters even after Wario dismounts it. Wario Waft is Wario's most unpredictable move, having low startup and end lag and being capable of KO'ing at 50% as well as giving Wario a massive vertical boost.' Half Waft has become noticeably less effective. Another notable nerf Wario received is that his forward throw, previously his only throw with consistently good KO potential, is much weaker due to its redistributed damage output. Ultimate), Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, https://supersmashbros.fandom.com/wiki/Wario_Waft?oldid=583441, The Wario Waft begins charging once Wario enters the stage. Uncharged Waft was unchanged from Brawl, still being an extremely slow and extremely weak attack. Decent knockback. Uair – Claps above his head with hands and feet. In his classic overalls, Wario has his arms out while making his signature "W" with his fingers. It becomes more powerful as time passes, ranging from a tiny "poot" to a massive explosion, which has high knockback and damage. Corkscrew easily traps opponents into multiple hits, and serving as a useful out of shield option. His up smash has respectable levels of range and power, and his down smash has decently fast startup, although both are offset by laggy cooldown periods, and down smash's power is mediocre at best. Although Wario still has the same voice actor (Charles Martinet) as in his own games, in.

Hits the opponent at a low angle behind Wario, which can lead to follow-ups via reading the opponent's options afterward. Overall, players must remain creative in their approach with Wario, taking advantage of his unpredictable moves and aerial mobility to bait opponents into making moves that can be punished, as well as remain out of reach of other characters with better range.

After dismounting the bike, Wario can destroy it, throw it at opponents, or eat it with Chomp. Wario Waft (ワリオっぺ, Wario Fart) is Wario's down special move, which makes use of his flatulence to attack opponents. Wario's special moves are also very unorthodox, and they demand practice to be usable at their highest potentials. Corkscrew functions both as a recovery move and multi-hit aerial attack. Because of its speed and power, half Waft is easily one of Wario's most powerful tools, especially if he charges it as much as possible before it becomes fully charged. Pummel – Pokes his opponent in the torso. Dash – Trips and falls flat on his face, sliding a small bit. His strongest aerial damage-wise with the best vertical knockback as well. He then fires at Lucas, who was vulnerable, and Ness is shot when he pushes Lucas aside. Somewhat similar to Wolf’s neutral-air. He reached for the hoard of gold but it slowly disappeared from view as he was dragged into the swirly vortex. Wario is classified as fighter #30. Up Throw: Throws the opponent upwards and headbutts them. A small fart deals 10%-13% with minor knockback that can kill around 150%. Wario spins around, punching with his fist extended. Wario has also received multiple new kill moves, most notably his new dash attack, which deals greater knockback, and can also be used as an effective tech-chasing tool; his back aerial has also received increased knockback, making it more powerful. Does 6% damage. Wario is considered, int he current tier list, as 6th overall. Then, he holds them both out at the same time. Crawls up the ledge and flips onto his back, attacking with his fists. Wario is the opposite in Mario in every sense of the word. Forward Smash – Rams his trademark Dash Attack from the Wario Land games and Wario World. Then, he holds them both out at the same time. Can kill lightweights at higher percents, but struggles to kill mid and heavyweights. Wario is now invulnerable aerial grab releases. It can OHKO at even low percentages. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, only Wario's stomach grows as Waft charges. The move consists of three hits, though only one hit can connect. First hit does 4% damage while the 2nd hit does 3% damage. This page was last edited on October 1, 2020, at 17:07. It also possesses a large hitbox and is disjointed due to the hands not having a hurtbox. His uncharged Waft is similar to Wario's although it stuns grounded opponents and it pushes aerial opponents back. Bair – Throws his head backwards, hitting with it, entire body horizontal. Overall, Wario Waft is one of Wario's greatest tools due to the speed and strength of his half charged Waft.

Stage Entrance – Crashes in sideways on his bike while laughing, jumps off, and his bike explodes while he dusts himself off. It does 60-70% damage has a very high knock back. Wario Waft: 0% (no charge), 12%-15.5% (minor charge), 20%-29.9% (moderate charge), 27% (maximum charge), 20% (maximum charge headbutt) Flatulence that grows in strength and knockback the longer it goes unused. Does 10% damage. The lighter the character the faster he spins them. While riding Wario Bike (in any direction): Wario faces to his right and does his signature "W" sign at the screen with both hands and then picks his nose with his left hand. Wario winds back greatly with his fist, and delivers an enormous backhanded punch. The Princess who the player saves will escape with the player; the other will be injured and trapped beneath their wrecked cage. Using his high mobility and versatile aerial attacks, Wario is able to dip in and out of the fray to bait attacks and punish. The move deals 21% initially and has decent KO power however, its damage scales up to a massive 31% depending on how long it has been charged for. Crashes in sideways on his bike while laughing, jumps off, and his bike explodes while he dusts himself off. He also flies into the air a distance that is nearly unrivaled by any other recovery move. Wario does not gain any horizontal distance whenever he jumps from a ledge. It has high ending lag and the slowest startup of Wario's smash attacks, but is very powerful. Does 8% damage. If the fully charged waft is used near the upper blast line, Wario will be KO'd by the upper blast line.

On the other hand, this makes it more difficult for Wario to self destruct in the upper blast zone after performing the move. Launches the opponent forward with his rear-end. having the most enthusiasm.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His range is rather mediocre, especially in moves such as neutral aerial and forward aerial, and he lacks projectile attacks outside of a dismounted Wario Bike and thus must take a risk to deal damage.