In Texas, we are witnessing firsthand the effects of climate change. Senator (Democrat) in July runoff election. The gun violence epidemic in this country reaches beyond the tragic mass shootings into our homes through domestic violence, accidental shootings, and suicides. Her husband, Brandon Hegar, is supportive of his wife’s campaign. We cannot go back to the past when insurance companies were able to discriminate against those with preexisting conditions or sell junk plans that leave folks vulnerable when serious health issues or injuries occur. MJ Hegar is standing two stair steps above a couple of dozen supporters squeezed into a home in North Austin. Use of her military rank, job, titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement from the Department of Defense, Air Force, or Air National Guard. I believe a healthy State Department is our military’s first line of defense, and our relationships with our allies are fragile and critical to maintain. Decision 2020: Where US Senate candidates MJ Hegar and Royce West stand on major issues Briana Edwards , Digital Contributor Published: July 10, 2020, 9:38 am (. That’s because far too many of our elected leaders make decisions about what legislation to support or oppose based on who is writing the biggest campaign checks — from the gun lobby to private prisons to Big Pharma — instead of what is best for their constituents. (, "We must pass common-sense gun safety legislation to require background checks on every single gun sale, including closing the gun show loophole — a proposal that a recent Washington Post-ABC News survey found was supported by 88% of gun owners." We must all step up to protect the rights of each and every American and enact the reforms needed to do it.

My heart broke as she picked my buddy who was sitting next to me. We must create a public option to make Medicare available for all those who want it. Sr, Vote Smart's mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to, "I support federal law codifying Roe v. Wade so that reproductive rights are not subject to the whims of an increasingly partisan court system." As senator, I will work to end the federal government’s practice of contracting with for-profit detention companies. That means starting with permanently ending child separation, ensuring asylum seekers are not treated as criminals and their claims are properly processed, securing the border with effective procedures and technologies instead of wasting billions on an ineffective wall that would require robbing our military budget while seizing land from Texans, and building a path to citizenship for undocumented residents that prioritizes our security and reflects our core values as Americans — such as human dignity and our respect for the right of mankind to the pursuit of happiness. “I grew up in a place that didn’t have any Democrats, or if there were Democrats they weren’t talking about it,” Hegar said. A tremendous turnout to support @mjhegar, — Brandon Hegar (@ShuttleDebris) July 23, 2017. He once tweeted sadly about his Whataburger fries not being filled to the top. Angelina Jolie Is in the Running to Play Her in a Movie.

As she approached me, her face lit up.

“When you tell her story, it resonates with people regardless of political party,” Price said. positions are from 2020. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. (, "I will never stop working to repeal the Dickey Amendment, end Citizens United, & enact common sense gun safely legislation." For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses.

Hegar has barely broken from the pack, however, despite raising $1.2 million in the final three months of 2019 — $800,000 more than the next highest fundraiser, state Sen. Royce West of Dallas. Legislative demographic data provided by Aristotle International, Inc. Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (TX) If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. When I think about my fellow soldiers who were with me the day my helicopter was shot down by the Taliban and how we worked together to complete our mission and get to safety, I think about how our government could take some cues from what we learn in the military. We must also ensure that the outcomes of legal cases are not predicated on the legal representation people can afford or their skin color. I will always stand against this type of hateful rhetoric that has real consequences, and will call on elected leaders who amplify white nationalist rhetoric and racist dog-whistles to take ownership of the impact of their words and reverse course. After working as a program manager at Seton Healthcare Family in Austin, and later, as a consultant at Dell Technologies, she published her memoir, “Shoot Like a Girl,” in 2017. Millions of Texans whose health care is at risk would love to know." (, "We must set aggressive goals for the expansion of clean, renewable energy, and invest in clean energy manufacturing and sustainable transportation." She wrote: “Purple Heart plates on my car…people thank my husband for his service Every. Her last race for U.S. Representative gained national attention and she only lost by 3 percentage points. Last year on her campaign website she wrote: “I am the proud mom of two precocious kids, ages 1 and 3, and three amazingly resilient and smart step-kids, ages 9, 11, and 17.”, MJ said one of the reasons she joined the ACLU in a lawsuit over the Combat Exclusion Policy was because her oldest stepdaughter asked her why she didn’t tell her that she couldn’t join the Marines. Matthew Price, an Army veteran who wore the veterans shirt to the January event, supported Hegar in her last campaign. Click here to create your account. MJ Hegar, a former fighter pilot, never wanted to be a politician. At least five others were from the same grassroots group aiming to elect Hegar, a former Air Force combat search and rescue medevac pilot. I fought in Afghanistan, and I can tell you that I didn’t care what the gender identity or sexual orientation of anyone standing beside me was — all that mattered to me was that they had my back and I had theirs. Now MJ Hegar is running for the other available Texas Senate seat. Sr. MJ Hegar has failed to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2020 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart and voters like you. Round Rock, TX 78683, Post Office Box 7156 MJ Hegar (Mary Jennings Hegar) is running for Senate and will be challenging Sen. John Cornyn in Texas. MJ and Brandon first met when they were just kids in the same district where she ran for Representative in 2018, according to her website. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Steals and Deals for her: … Several attendees at the North Austin event wore T-shirts with “Veterans for MJ” written in big, bold letters. On The Ballot: If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately. MJ said she’d never said that, but her stepdaughter thought it was the truth because she’d been told by an adult that being a Marine was”a boy’s job.”, MJ Hegar once told NPR, “I think of myself as a bit of a mother bear, and if anybody poses a threat to my kids they’ll see both my mother’s heart and my warrior spirit. Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (TX) In addition, I know firsthand how difficult the transition back into civilian life can be. “I think she really was putting issues first rather than party platforms and that stuck out to people,” she said, adding that in 2018, she was floored to see signs for U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Hegar in the same yard. Those corporate tax cuts Cornyn voted for are helping his big-money buddies NOT hard-working Texans." Hegar has made a name for herself in Texas politics, first in a bid for a U.S. House district north of Austin two years ago. We must also stop the sale of assault weapons to the public, pass red flag laws limiting access to firearms for domestic abusers — including closing the “boyfriend loophole” — and those who would commit acts of domestic terrorism, and fully fund the CDC to reverse the damage of the decades-long ban on gun violence research. The increasing spread of anti-immigrant, white nationalist ideology is a serious threat to our safety, as proven by the shooting in El Paso that targeted Hispanic members of our community.

We need to raise wages and work to lower the cost of housing to ensure workers can provide for their families, and use tax credits and incentives to support small businesses instead of giving tax breaks to companies that ship their jobs overseas. The private prison industry continues to profit from mass incarceration, the immigration crisis on our border, and historic policies of racial injustice.

We should swiftly overturn the ban against transgender soldiers from joining the military, and put in place policies that welcome anyone of any gender identity.