Someone near the apex of the bridge lowers a rope to the outstretched arms of the crew below. It is also the only solar term on Chinese lunar calendar that is also an important traditional festival. /VCG Photo, Chinese people sweep the tombs of their relatives on Qingming Festival.

Along the River During the Qingming Festival, also known by its Chinese name as the Qingming Shanghe Tu (Simplified Chinese: 清明上河图 Traditional Chinese: 清明上河圖), is a painting by the Song dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan (1085–1145). On the contrary, in the original Song version, the leftmost side is still the busy city. In Zhejiang Province, people like to eat snails growing in the rivers and throwing the shells onto rooftops. The Tomb-Sweeping rituals were also derived from it. [6] A large modern reproduction is displayed in the entrance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing. In April 1742, a poem was added to the right-most end of the Qing remake. Today, it is on permanent exhibition at the China Art Museum, Shanghai.

{{familyColorButtonText(}}, {{carousel.total_number_of_results}} Ergebnisse anzeigen. The computer-animated mural, with moving characters and objects and portraying the scene in 4-minute day and night cycles, was one of the primary exhibitions in the Chinese Pavilion, drawing queues up to two hours with a reservation. As a day for both Tomb Sweeping and Spring Outing, it is a time when the admiration for life mixed with sorrow of death.
Das Getty Images Design ist eine eingetragene Marke von Getty Images. It is, therefore, called “the dessert for Qingming Festival”. People make steamed buns in the shape of animals for "Hanshi Festival" in Shaanxi Province. The Spring Outing on Qingming Festival has been inspiring many artists throughout the Chinese history, and the descriptions could be found in literary works, paintings, and other forms of art. /VCG Photo, People go to gardens during the Qingming Festival. Scholars have studied the painting carefully in the second half of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first century but do not agree on many basic points.[6]. Instead of burning paper money and incense for the dead, people in many areas inherited the ancient tradition of avoiding fire on the day, offering fruits and deserts only. The Song wooden bridge is replaced with a stone bridge in the Ming remake. A country path broadens into a road and joins with the city road. The Hanshi Festival was designated to pay tribute to a loyal statesman during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) [13] A 12 meter long copy from the late Ming period is kept in the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna in Austria. An early copy, generally considered to be very faithful to the original, was made by Zhao Mengfu during the Yuan dynasty. Scholars have disputed the accuracy of the translation of the painting's name; the word Qingming may refer to either the Qingming Festival or to "peace and order". To pay tribute to the abundance of a myriad of families. Although the Hanshi Festival is no longer widely marked, in many areas, people has maintained the habit of eating cold food. Qingtuan, made of glutinous rice and red beans, is among the most popular. The entertaining ways are even more diversified in modern days. Qingming Festival, or Tomb-Sweeping Day, is the fifth solar term of a year, known as Pure Brightness in English. The Qingming Festival occurs as spring blooms, making the holiday an interesting mix of somber tomb sweeping and celebratory outdoor activities.
[5][12] These emperors commissioned copies, or reproductions, reinterpretations and elaborations, over forty of which are in museums in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, North America, and France. This version, shown below, was later moved, along with many other artifacts, to the National Palace Museum in Taipei in 1949.[15]. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), for instance, the ruler arranged four to seven days’ holidays for government officials so that they could return to their hometowns and sweep the tombs. The glutinous rice is steamed and pounded with green mugworts or bromegrass juice, and then filled with sweet red bean paste. The poem apparently was composed by the Qianlong Emperor; the calligraphy is in the running script style, and is in the hand of Liang Shizheng (梁詩正), a prominent court official and frequent companion of the Qianlong Emperor. Many of these details are roughly corroborated by Song dynasty writings, principally the Dongjing Meng Hua Lu, which describes many of the same features of life in the capital. In recent years, as the awareness for environment protection raised, local governments also encourage people to choose more eco-friendly ways to pay tributes. [1] The painting is considered to be the most renowned work among all Chinese paintings,[2][3][4] and it has been called "China's Mona Lisa.

The arc of the stone bridge is much taller than that of the wooden original, and where the original had a boat about to crash into the bridge, the reinterpretation has a boat being methodically guided under the bridge by ropes, pulled by men ashore, several other large boats dutifully waiting their turn, undisturbed. As of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Hanshi Festival was slowly replaced by Qingming Festival, despite a few areas where the two are still marked separately. In east China’s Shandong Province, people eat boiled eggs, cold sorghum rice or cold pancakes scrolled with fresh vegetables.

The Chinese people did not cook on the day of the Hanshi Festival and ate only cold food. [6] Over the centuries, the Qingming scroll was collected and kept among numerous private owners, before it eventually returned to public ownership. Click here to request Getty Images Premium Access through IBM Creative Design Services. The left half is the urban area, which eventually leads into the city proper with the gates. The theme is often said to celebrate the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival, rather than the holiday's ceremonial aspects, such as tomb sweeping and prayers. It also replaced the scenery from the Song dynasty to that of the Ming dynasty based on contemporary fashions and customs, updating the costumes worn by the characters and the styles of vehicles (boats and carts). Three things have been accepted about the original painting: Some recent scholarship challenges each of those assertions: In 2003 a further interpretation was presented:[25], An interpretation published in 2013 proposed that the painting was the artist's subtle entreaty to the emperor to discern dangerous trends beneath the surface of prosperity, and some of the suggested hints were:[26], The wooden bridge depicted in the original version was reconstructed by a team of engineers and documented by the PBS television show NOVA during their Secrets of Lost Empires series.[27].

In a rare move, the Song original was exhibited in Hong Kong from June 29 to mid-August 2007 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's transfer to the People's Republic of China. A boat approaches at an awkward angle with its mast not completely lowered, threatening to crash into the bridge. In its length there are 814 humans, 28 boats, 60 animals, 30 buildings, 20 vehicles, 8 sedan chairs, and 170 trees. Traditional games on the day include flying kites, playing swings, playing Cuju (the ancient Chinese football) and planting willows. /VCG Photo, Qingtuan, a dessert for Qingming Festival /VCG Photo, Copyright © 2018 CGTN.

Pinnwände sind ideal zum Speichern von Bildern und Videoclips. © 2020 Getty Images. The right section is the rural area of the city.