Hurricane Harvey has brought a long, devastating effect on its path. They can destroy homes, buildings, and other man-made structures, uproot trees, and hurl objects in the air. But of course it’s not that simple–Hurricane Katrina showed that local infrastructure and response matter. Fill bathtubs, washing machines, or large, lined trash cans with water to use for cooking (boil it as you use it), cleaning, or flushing toilets. Did you know that more deaths and injuries occur in the aftermath of a storm than during its outbreak? Plan for evacuation. Listen Back to Discussions on Hurricane Preparedness - Part 1: Planning & Operations During Hurricane Season, Webinar: Discussions on Hurricane Preparedness Part 1 – Planning & Operations During Hurricane Season, Melting the Glacier: 5 Reasons Adoption of Traffic Technology is Accelerating. Present on most recommended emergency kit lists, will be the following essential items: Make sure to also have an emergency kit in your car. There isn’t a one way to stay safe because there isn’t one hurricane or one ‘place’ to protect, much in the same way there isn’t any ‘best’ way to teach or ‘best’ way to assess. What You Must Do After Hurricane Harvey If You Are A Home Owner? Lastly, secure your home. Practice going to a safe shelter for high winds, such as a FEMA safe room or ICC 500 storm shelter. August 30, 2019 -- When a hurricane bears down on where you live, how best can you prepare? Should You Go Under Bed During An Earthquake. Be on the lookout for mold, another health danger. Fill up your car with gas so you'll be ready for evacuation orders. It can be some medicines, some tools, equipment, and some water. Stay away from roadways or train tracks. Melissa Dye, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service says a key task is to make sure you can get information about the storm.Â. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts. Remember that during a hurricane, tornadoes can happen, ''so have a safe place in the middle of the house to go to,'' she says. Protect your windows and doors in advance. Before going outdoors to check the impact of the storm in your home, neighborhood, or community, there are important safety precautions that you should be aware of. After visiting a school in Florida this week, I came within 24 hours of being trapped in the beach peninsula for Hurricane Irma, making it on one of the last flights out. Remember that during a hurricane, tornadoes can happen, ''so have a safe place in the middle of the house to go to,'' she says. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. There are particular areas in the world called hurricane-prone area s like the coastal areas of the United States. The following are the safety precautions against … Take your important documents, medication, some warm clothes, and cash. To be safe, do not use electrical equipment including phones and avoid taking a shower during a storm. Call police or emergency hotlines if you discovered electrical hazards and other life-threatening situations. It is more on staying alert and being quick when it comes to hurricane catastrophe. They are the most damaging natural disasters, having killed thousands of lives and homes for the past 30 years. Usually areas close to water will be evacuated during severe storms, so you should find out if you area is one of these. The debris carried by the strong winds can injure you if you remain outside. Climate change is impacting our planet in very clear and often unpredictable ways. Even if you live in a region where hurricanes are less likely to happen, with global warming and climate change, natural calamities can occur anywhere, anytime. When the hurricane warning is issued, do not panic. It is more advisable to stay indoors when there’s an impending storm. Here are four quick tips that aim to keep you and your family safe. So with so many people's lives and property at risk, we compiled five of the most practical tips to help you stay safe during Hurricane Florence or indeed any extreme weather event. Instead, tune in to your local radio and TV broadcast for storm advisories and announcements. When they strike, they strike harder. Or text APPLE to 43362 on your Apple device or ANDROID to 43362 on your Android device. If you’re outdoors when the hurricane starts, get inside the most secure building and stay away from windows. How To Make Your Household More “Green” And Sustainable? It is for your safety. Do not turn on the electricity to avoid the risk of explosion. Once I realized I could end up stuck, I started doing some reading on hurricanes and hurricane safety and noticed a huge chasm between government resources (dry and full of warnings and written with a very governmental tone) and the spectacle of YouTube videos and ‘deadliest hurricanes ever recorded’ fare. Conclusion Overall, the hotel might not be the best place to stay during a hurricane, but if you are stuck in that place, follow the steps above. Warmer ocean temperatures can intensify the speed of hurricane winds, increasing the risk of damage when they make landfall. Hurricane Harvey showed that one hurricane may dump extraordinary amounts of rain while another overwhelming wind, and that the threat of each is relative to exactly where it is occurring; storm surges are less dangerous than wind the farther you are from coastline and above sea level, and the reverse is also true. Hurricane Florence, which is heading towards Virginia, and North and South Carolina, is no different, with what is currently expected to be a Category 3 hurricane looking likely to affect many millions of residents in the three eastern states. The disaster kit should contain the things that you need to survive for at least three days. What Do You Need to Know About Wooden Fences? Hotels are not immune to hurricane strikes. Do not go outside. Stay inside and keep away from all windows, skylights and glass doors. Do not drive through a flooded area. To clean, mix 1 cup of household bleach with a gallon of clean water. Use portable generators outside only to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning. Agree on a common meeting place where you and your family can meet in case you get separated from each other. If you’re riding out the hurricane at home, there’s a good … Tropical storms or hurricanes have the ability to produce heavy rainfall, which can almost lead to serious flooding or flash flooding. If you’re in a mobile home, choose a safe place near a sturdy building. And those are the big ideas of this post–priorities and personalization. When you have to leave your home, keep your emergency kit close at hand. Listen to our educational webinar on demand. No meteorologist will tell you anything's 100% certain – whether it be the path, strength or potential destruction of an extreme weather event – but most of them will tell you to seriously heed any and all warnings from the National Weather Service, and your state weather or transportation agency, when a storm is approaching. Make arrangements for your pets, since not all hurricane shelters are pet-friendly. Never leave behind your emergency kit. According to statistics, more people drown in cars than elsewhere. Since the primary threats of a hurricane–at least initially– are storm surges, flooding, debris and wind damage, you could develop mini-plans to respond to and mitigate the threat for each. Prepare in advance and have a family disaster plan in place. They know all the safest areas of the hotel and can provide enough water, food, and information.