In 1927, 1931 and 1935 Turkish Grand Assembly again elected Atatürk as the president. For this purpose decided to call his war headquarters Qemali Mustafa who was known as one of the generals prepared and laid him drafting the plan of operations.

[119] The PRP was not against Atatürk's main positions as declared in its program; they supported establishing secularism in the country and the civil law, or as stated, "the needs of the age" (article 3) and the uniform system of education (article 49). The bank's creation was a response to the growing need for a truly national establishment and a banking system which was capable of backing up economic activities, managing funds accumulated through policies of savings incentives, and offering resources where necessary to trigger industrial impetus.

)[55] Atatürk did not get along well with General von Falkenhayn and, together with Miralay İsmet Bey, wrote a report to Grand Vizier Talaat Pasha regarding the grim situation and lack of adequate resources in the Palestinian front. He received medical treatment for nearly a month; he attempted to leave the Red Crescent's health facilities after only two weeks, but when his eye's situation worsened, he had to return and resume treatment. [45] He joined a small secret revolutionary society of reformist officers led by a merchant Mustafa Elvan (Cantekin) called Vatan ve Hürriyet ("Motherland and Liberty").

He undertook sweeping progressive reforms, which modernized Turkey into a secular, industrial nation. [219] By 1937, the Turkish road network reached 22,000 km in length. A more lasting multi-party period of the Republic of Turkey began in 1945.

(Vatandaş Türkçe konuş!

Atatürk was said to have scoffed and openly stated, "We shall do it in three to five months".[129]. [51][52] In 1910, Atatürk met with Eqerem Vlora the Albanian lord, politician, writer, and one of the delegates of the Albanian Declaration of Independence.[53][54]. Eleftherios Venizelos, former Prime Minister of Greece, forwarded Atatürk's name for the 1934 Nobel Peace Prize. Atatürk insisted on the protection of secular reforms.

The first part was the education of girls, a feat established with the unification of education. [47] He suppressed the revolt and returned to Constantinople in January 1909. Atatürk reacted to conditions of this period by moving toward integrated economic policies and establishing a central bank to control exchange rates.

The Menemen Incident came to be considered a serious threat against secular reforms. The old medrese education was modernized. Even though he personally promoted modern dress for women, Atatürk never made specific reference to women's clothing in the law, as he believed that women would adapt to the new clothing styles of their own free will. [254] When he died, the All-India Muslim League eulogised him as a "truly great personality in the Islamic world, a great general, and a great statesman", declaring that his memory would "inspire Muslims all over the world with courage, perseverance, and manliness". According to Lord Kinross, Atatürk was the only Turkish general in the war who never suffered a defeat. The young republic began to grow on the twin principles of "Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation" and "Peace at home and peace abroad". Subsequent governments took measures that harmed the economic productivity of Turkey in various ways. In response to such criticisms, Atatürk's biographer Andrew Mango writes: "between the two wars, democracy could not be sustained in many relatively richer and better-educated societies. The Greek and Yugoslav Parliaments ratified the agreement a few days later.

Atatürk first made the hat compulsory for civil servants. He was the first president of Turkey to die in office. Later, it was claimed that Turkey began where the oil ends, as the border was drawn by the British geophysicists based on locations of oil reserves. Due to his military and political accomplishments, Atatürk is regarded as one of the most important political leaders of the 20th century.[7]. [225] The Turkish Aeronautical Association was founded on 16 February 1925 by his directive. Greece renounced all its claims over Turkish territory, and the two sides concluded an agreement on 30 April 1930.

[238], The triangle of Atatürk, Fikriye, and Latife became the subject of a manuscript by Atatürk's close friend, Salih Bozok, though the work remained unpublished until 2005. [194], During the second half of the 1930s, Atatürk tried to establish a closer relationship with Britain and other major Western powers, which caused displeasure on the part of the Soviets. CEMOTI. [202] The policy of the Ankara government in this period was to give moral support in order to reassure Iranian independence and territorial integrity. The Turkish republic cannot be a country of sheiks, dervishes, and disciples. Atatürk took frequent trips around the country and inspected locally the works undertaken by the state, giving directives where problems were faced. [192] In 1935, the pact was prolonged for another 10 years. With the circular he published on June 22, 1919 at Amasya, he declared that "the freedom of the nation shall be restored with the resolve and determination of the nation itself" and called the meeting of a congress. [241], During his lifetime, Atatürk adopted thirteen children: a boy and twelve girls. Leaders of the party strongly supported the Kemalist revolution in principle, but had different opinions on the cultural revolution and the principle of secularism. To be a man it is enough to carry out the requirements of civilization. On 20 July 1936, the Montreux Convention was signed by Bulgaria, Great Britain, Australia, France, Japan, Romania, the Soviet Union, Turkey, Yugoslavia and Greece. In 1934, Afghanistan's relations with the international community improved significantly when it joined the League of Nations. See, Harold Courtenay Armstrong Gray Wolf, Mustafa Kemal: An Intimate Study of a Dictator. ", Atatürk's view of culture included both his own nation's creative legacy and what he saw as the more admirable values of world civilization, and he put an emphasis on humanism above all. The Turkish Assembly later initiated a regular army and achieving integration between the army and the militia, was able to conclude the war in victory. These states had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire for centuries and had proved to be a powerful force. [239] Latife was briefly and literally the face of the new Turkish woman, appearing in public in Western clothing with her husband.

[110] Dewey presented a paradigmatic set of recommendations designed for developing societies moving towards modernity in his "Report and Recommendation for the Turkish educational system". A number of surviving leaders of the Committee of Union and Progress, including Mehmet Cavid, Ahmed Şükrü, and İsmail Canbulat, were found guilty of treason and hanged. Kara Mustafa Pasha's family and descendant tree can be found via Turkey's Directorate General of Foundations. [55][65], In July 1917, he was appointed to the command of the Seventh Army, replacing Fevzi Pasha on 7 August 1917, who was under the command of the German general Erich von Falkenhayn's Yildirim Army Group (after the British forces of General Edmund Allenby captured Jerusalem in December 1917, Erich von Falkenhayn was replaced by Otto Liman von Sanders who became the new commander of the Yıldırım Army Group in early 1918. Mustafa Kemal played a critical role in the battle against the allied British, French and ANZAC forces during the battle at Gallipoli during 1915, where he held off allied forces at Conkbayırı and on the Anafarta hills. industrial bourgeoisie coexisting with the peasantry of Anatolia) that were virtually non-existent during the Ottoman Empire.

"[6], While three inspectors from the League of Nations Committee were sent to the region to oversee the situation in 1924, the Sheikh Said rebellion (1924–1927) set out to establish a new government positioned to cut Turkey's link to Mesopotamia. [4] Andrew Mango, Ataturk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (The Overlook Press, 2002). The new government analyzed the institutions and constitutions of Western states such as France, Sweden, Italy, and Switzerland and adapted them to the needs and characteristics of the Turkish nation. Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk) - Turkey in the First World War Afghan Foreign Minister Mahmud Tarzi was a follower of Atatürk's domestic policy.