R-E-Y Mysterio, here we go!” The song was catchy and fitting.

And every time "Macho Man" emerged to this iconic tune, it was simply impossible not to smile.

Cancel Culture Theme Song and Entrance Video. It's one of those songs you just can't help singing along to. Whether it's a cocky, arrogant theme tune to reflect someone of that type, or a highly intimidating piece of music to add to the demeanor and swagger of a wrestler, finding the right theme can lift a professional wrestler from a half-decent level right into mega stardom.

Switching from the red and yellow to the jet black didn't sit easy with everyone, but Hollywood Hogan's theme tune was simply awesome.

His theme tune when he was part of arguably the greatest tag team in WWE history - with long-time friend Christian - was awesome, but his theme song as a solo star was even better. It was one of those theme tunes that worked whether Punk was operating as a face or a heel, and it made him even more popular than he was prior to his infamous "pipebomb" promo. It's really a brilliant piece of entrance music.

It made a return when the stable reformed in 2014, and it continued to sound just as good as it did ten years ago. Although his spell in WWE didn't quite work out as well as his time in WCW, his music still had the exact same effect.

Flair is one of the legends of the wrestling business, and his iconic theme has followed him everywhere he goes. Thicc Mama Pump Jordynne Grace has a whole new sound.

Some of the best and most memorable theme songs include such classics as Hulk Hogan’s “Real American”, D-Generation X’s “Break It Down”, The Undertaker’s “Rest In Piece”, and Stone Cold Steve Austin’s “I Won’t Do What You Tell Me”. Sure, part of it was down to the suspense, given how we used to see Goldberg make his way through the back before finally emerging, but the suspense surrounding the music instantly got fans excited, chanting his name in tune with the beats of the drum.

Whether it's the screams at the start, or the brilliant guitar solo in the middle, "Sexy Boy" is one of those wrestling theme songs that will live forever.

And whilst most of that has been down to his high energy inside the ring, his equally energetic theme certainly helps stir the crowd before his matches. It's arrogant, but has a real touch of flair to it, and it makes for a spine-tingling prelude to The Rock making his entrance into the arena. The song (entitled “Pa-pa-pa-pa-party”) is repetitive and obnoxious, coming off as any generic electronic club song than that of a WWE Diva.

Music in professional wrestling serves a variety of purposes. It all begins with the glass shattering; and then you know what's coming next. Even in the scripted world of professional wrestling, Lesnar cuts a pretty mean figure every time he steps into the ring.

Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts.

Although it was clearly right for his character, it’s one of the most disturbing theme songs ever. Auto-Tune is intended to disguise or correct off-key inaccuracies, allowing vocal tracks to be perfectly tuned despite originally being slightly off-key.

However, after the whole Bella Twin split storyline (which we are apparently not supposed to remember) it was used exclusively by Nikki Bella as Brie received her own theme song. And judging by the crowd's reaction, it seems they felt exactly the same, too.

Do yourself a favor and just take my word for it, you don’t want to listen to it. History Talk (0) Trending pages. While he worked for the WWE he was a great performer and was definitely underrated. The concept of a theme song is part of a wrestler's overall package that is sometimes overlooked.

Back before the leader of The Fabulous Freebirds convinced promoters to pop a cassette tape of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Freebird” into the PA system to accompany Hayes and his flock of rebels to the ring, most pro wrestlers didn’t even have theme songs. Edge has always had a knack for good theme songs, it seems. Honestly, it is almost difficult to even call it entrance theme music. And whilst their talent inside the ring should not be forgotten, nor should this awesome theme tune. The most common uses of music in professional wrestling is that of the entrance theme, a song or piece of instrumental music which plays as a performer approaches the ring. Vibe out on the sounds of the self-proclaimed TNA World Heavyweight Champion. This was used as the basis for a gimmick change for Funaki; he then came to the ring dressed in a gi and tweaked his moveset to incorporate theatrical martial arts moves. Check out the new theme song and entrance video for The Hottest Flame.

Well if Stephanie McMahon had that option she definitely has poor musical taste or potentially made this selection knowing it would be annoying and despised by fans across the planet. Category page. The whole song merely consists of words relating to him and his moveset. Johnston achieved fame for producing many of the memorable entrance theme songs for the WWE Superstars, including the likes of The Undertaker, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Big Show, and Vince McMahon amongst hundreds of other superstars, many of which have been released on commercial albums and through iTunes. When McMahon blossomed into a true on-screen figure of authority towards the beginning of the Attitude Era, the WWE needed to devise a theme which made McMahon instantly recognizable.

WWE Draft 2020.

The song itself is an abomination and it makes no sense why the WWE would even allow its use in the PG era. Wrestling Tier List Templates.

Is this song just a Randy Newman rip-off?

Although Jeff Hardy is a great in-ring performer and actually a very good visual artist, his music is just plain awful and he should really just stick to what he does best and leave the music selections to someone else.

It's another example of wrestlers taking a song from a rock band, with Alter Bridge's "Metalingus" providing the entrance music here.

… Over time, theme songs have become one of the most important factors of every professional wrestler’s identity.

"Pomp and Circumstance" is well known across the world, having been played at some of the biggest sporting events in the world. Just go ahead and avoid it, trust me. It's one of those songs that just works perfectly in professional wrestling; it has suspense and hype, as well as having a perfect riff that just seems to suit Triple H's classic ring entrance. Savage was a true legend of the wrestling business, and his legendary theme tune played a big role in that.

The most LOL-worthy things the Internet has to offer. No feature or article about a wrestler’s entrance music can even begin without some acknowledgement and a tip of the bright, red cowboy hat to the one and only Michael “P.S.” Hayes. It's a theme tune that stands the test of time, and was perfect for a guy who had bundles of energy, and simply loved to perform in front of thousands of excited wrestling fans. To be fair, for all those reasons, this entrance theme song was perfect for Right To Censor.

It’s like the most bothersome alarm clock of all time. In some ways, their theme tune was perhaps what made them so famous, as well as the patented pre-match promo Road Dogg and Billy Gunn cut prior to every match they competed in.

It certainly sounds like it. Where do you start with Shawn Michaels' iconic theme tune? I have no idea.

Guerrero's character was built around lying, cheating and stealing, and that's exactly how his theme music goes. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. It's got plenty of lyrics that everyone can sing along to, and when Hogan emerges, the crowd often go wild. Many of these songs have become iconic and instantly result in huge responses or reactions from the audience. The most LOL-worthy things the Internet has to offer. OKURRR! It's instantly recognizable when you hear the guitar at the beginning, and it only gets better and better. View Mobile Site It might not sit too comfortably with people that John Cena's theme tune is so low down on this list, but there are a few reasons why.

The Bellas recently reunited and hence now both use this theme again. Every time you hear it you want to smile, and it's a perfect reminder than when a theme song fits someone beautifully, it makes for wrestling perfection.

Every WWE 2K. Hulk Hogan – Real American (80’s & early-90’s) This is arguably the most iconic theme song in wrestling history. Unfortunately not every theme song falls within the same category as all those timeless gems. Every time you hear the iconic "Can you dig it, sucka? Another of Triple H's many alliances with Motorhead, but this one is without doubt his most famous theme tune.

Again, the WWE seems to insist on using these generic sounding club/dance music themes for their Superstars and Divas, particularly their Divas. Of all the theme songs wrestling fans mark out to, Steve Austin's iconic theme song has to sit at the very pinnacle of this illustrious list. Additional Note: Brie Bella’s recent individual theme song also is one of the worst theme songs I’ve heard in recent memory but I wouldn’t go as far as to put it in the top 15. The song sounds like the most annoying car alarm left blaring for countless minutes in your nearest parking garage. Every time Michaels emerged in a midst of rockin' guitar and plenty of fireworks, the crowd were immediately entranced with HBK. Sure, it's helped by the fact WWE fans shout "YES!" Maybe it was appropriate for his gimmick but still.

This techno-rave inspired garbage is not even a good representation of Kaitlyn, that is unless of course she only spends her time playing middle school games like Spin The Bottle.

There's also something to be said about the longevity of the theme. No feature or article about a wrestler’s entrance music can even begin without some acknowledgement and a tip of the bright, red cowboy hat to the one and only Michael “P.S.” Hayes.

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