X2 liberated the Ewoks and was told by Serra to meet him at the shield generator bunker. Seeing an opportunity to download the encrypted data from the Death Star's mainframe, Ackbar dispatches X2 inside the station. Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Nicht Mein Tag Imdb, The two are busy working at the outpost when the Separatist attack begins, and they are completely surprised by it. Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron is a third-person shooter video game based on the Star Wars franchise. X2 and his men proved to be a valuable asset to the Rebellion, participating in many engagements throughout the Galactic Civil War, including the crucial Battles of Yavin, Hoth—during which X2 faced off against X1, who was still serving the Empire—and Endor. The two brothers served in Galactic Republic. This is the model of X1, from the games "Star Wars: Elite Squadron" on the PSP and Nintendo DS, and the unreleased game "Star Wars: Battlefront III" from Free Radical.

On his way there, however, he stumbled upon a conference room and saw a holographic transmission from X1, who reported that he was soon going to deliver the tributary laser to the Death Star. Ard Mittagsmagazin Philipp Menn, Still, he sensed the Force resonating in X2 and made him an offer to join the Rebellion, which X2 accepted. Eventually, X2 came to be considered to be a respected figure in the Alliance. [3], Faced with a challenging enemy, Grievous had to commend X2 for lasting longer against him than expected. Corrupted by power, X1 began to have dreams of galactic domination, hoping to achieve this by creating hispersonal clone army. He then shot Grey with his blaster and cut X2 with Grey's lightsaber, leaving his brother to die as he and the stormtroopers departed the planet. Aboard the ship, he again met X1, corrupted and disfigured by the dark side. X1 ordered X2 to abandon his ship, X2 jumped quickly and just as he did X2's ship blew up. On his way there, he received a communication from Col Serra, the commander of the newly formed Renegade Squadron, who told X2 that he needed his help in space.

He then landed inside, fought his way to the weapons control room, and destroyed Desolation Station with the tributary beam, effectively halting the construction of the Death Star. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Around 19 BBY, X1 and his brother, X2 were sent to Tatooine to inspect new clone troopers.

X2 himself acquired the reputation of a reliable figure in the Rebel Alliance. After the battle, the rescued Skywalker promoted X2 to Jedi Master.

After X1 ordered X2 to destroy the recon, he discovered an army of battle droids. Grey Squadron arrived there as part of the Rebel force. Taking a snowspeeder, X2 reached the station and used its defensive network of DF.9 anti-infantry batteries to repel AT-ST attacks. During this time, Kota recommended a female bounty hunter named Shara to be inducted into Grey Squadron, and X2 accepted her commission, trusting Kota's judgment. They make their way to an invaded Republic garrison and clear it from droids.
He liberated them from the detention block and deactivated the station's tractor beam. [4] There, X2 was tasked with holding off the invading Imperials until Princess Leia Organa could escape.

During thistime, he also gathered around him a sizable military force, including an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The data on the holocron helped track X1 to Mustafar. [3] After fighting off the attack with Grey and the militia members, X2 manned the village's anti-aircraft turret and destroyed incoming LAAT/i gunships. X1 ordered X2 to take it scout ahead for more enemies, but just as X2 took off a Confederate cruiser jumped from hyperspace. Palpatine, claiming that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic, ordered the clone troopers on Cato Neimoidia to execute X2 complied, and the brothers, along with other troopers, took ARC-170s and headed for the planetary surface. X2's first mission on behalf of the Alliance was to go to the asteroid-based Desolation Station[3] in the Atrivis sector,[9] where components of the Death Star's superlaser were being assembled and later transported to the Death Star itself. X2 escorted Calrissian to a computer terminal, and the former administrator located Lobot, held inside one of the prison cells. Hoping to rescue Skywalker and defeat X1, X2 and the New Republic—the Rebel Alliance's successor state—attacked the planet in a climactic battle. Although X2 still believed that he was just a soldier and not a Jedi, Skywalker convinced him that at such unconventional times, they were all forced to become someone they had never expected to be. While the X-wings engaged the TIEs in a dogfight, X2 flew to the transport and destroyed its turbolaser defenses.

Regrouping with two members of Grey Squadron—a Human and a Mon Calamari—X2 proceeded further into X1's base and found a laboratory there, where X1 had attempted experiments with cloning. Throughout his years of service to the Republic, X2 earned the reputation of a brave and skilled soldier, a fact reflected in his receiving of a medal from the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself. X2 survived[3] and spent the following fifteen years working as a simple farmer on Dantooine. The Empire attempted a counterattack, but X2, Calrissian, and Lobot intercepted all Imperial forces—including some dark troopers—at the landing platforms and eliminated them. In the Nintendo DS version of the game, the New Republic lands forces on the planet, but they are stalled by an energy shield protecting X1's base. Star Wars Games is a FANDOM Games Community. Ladyfingers Gemüse, Knoblauch Gegen Wespenstich,

Alongside the Jedi, X1 and X2 make their way to the hangar and take ARC-170s into space. Once the array was destroyed, Serra and X2 landed inside the ship itself, destroyed its reactor core, and evacuated from the doomed vessel before it exploded. Matthias Killing Schwester, Claude Heinrich Agentur, Palpatine, claiming that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic, ordered the clone troopers on Cato Neimoidia to execute Order 66 and kill Ferroda. X2 destroyed the Imperial starfighters with the base's anti-aircraft defenses and, along with some Rebel troops, took a T4-B heavy tank to the communications tower. To this end, he had traveled to the planet Vjun and had occupied Bast Castle, the former residence of the late Darth Vader. [3], Like his genetic father, Falon Grey, X2 had light skin, brown hair and brown eyes. During this time, Ferroda sensed X2's Force potential and promised to take him to the Jedi High Council when they returned to Coruscant after the battle. [3], Once on the planet, X2 is faced with reactivated Separatist battle droids left after the Clone Wars. They fled seconds before the ship had blown. Following the outbreak of theClone Wars in 22 BBY, X1 and his brother joined the Grand Army of the Republic and fought in many battles of the war, helping to trainyoung clone troopers under the eye of Jedi Master Ferroda. Oliver Welke Bitcoin Code,

Soon after becoming a member of the Rebellion, X2 rescued a captured group of Rebels on the planet Geonosis, and they pledged their allegiance to him. Galactic Empire Eventually, X2 came to be considered to be a respected figure in the Alliance. X1, however, did not turn from his evil ways and went on to live a more sinister way of life.

Making his way back to the hangar, X2 collapsed the rocks behind him, sealing the way into the caves from the Empire's troops.

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There, Skywalker tells X2 to proceed alone, stating that he has to pass this final test by himself. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Too Good To Go Würzburg, Dark Side Adept The two fought in many battles of the Clone Wars, earning the reputation of valuable and skilled soldiers. X2 engaged Fett's ship, Slave I, in the asteroid ring around Geonosis and ultimately defeated him, forcing the bounty hunter to retreat. [3], During this time, the Rebel Alliance was conducting a campaign against the new Imperial superweapon, the Death Star. While X2 and Grey Squadron defend the village, the strike team defeats the Imperials and starts planting explosives in the bunker. Along with his brother, X2, he was created by the Kaminoans from the DNA of a Jedi Knight, Falon Grey, and grew up in secret on the planet Kamino.

Reaching the space above the planet, X2 infiltrated an orbiting Star Destroyer, trying to find some information about Skywalker's location.
At some point between 2 BBY and 0 BBY,[7] the Alliance to Restore the Republic sent Jedi Master Rahm Kota to recruit Falon Grey to their cause, whom they still thought to be alive. Together with the village militia, X2 and the Jedi repelled the attack. On his way there, however, he stumbled upon a X2 and Shara witness the beginning of the Imperial attack on Yavin 4.X2 and Shara destroyed all of the jamming beacons and, after clearing the base of the invading enemy forces, took X-wings to join the battle in space against the Death Star, which had arrived at Yavin 4 and—with its superlaser now fully functional—was preparing for a devastating shot to destroy Yavin 4. It also introduces Spaarti cloning technology, which is different then the Kamino ones and was commonly used to perform the aforementioned rapid cloning (although they could also vary the growth rate like the Kamino ones could). Having witnessed X1's usage of the Force, X2 began to reflect on his own Force-sensitivity and whether he should use it to aid the Rebellion. As the Jedi closed in on the Invisible Hand, however, they noticed that another destroyer was moving in to assist the flagship. Cato Neimoidia is also protected by an energy shield powered by three satellites in orbit, but X2 and X1 manage to deactivate them. First, they fight enemy droid fighters, and eventually X2 and some clone troopers board a Providence-class carrier/destroyer. [4] In gratitude for his long service to the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic, X2 was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master by Skywalker. X1, however, did not turn from his evil ways and went on to live a more sinister way of life. X2 and Shara were among the handful of pilots who had survived the battle. Star Wars Universe Fan Fiction Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. This article tries to incorporate elements from both console versions, noting elements exclusive to one or another edition. After theBattle of Endor and the death of Emperor Palpatine, X1 became one of the many Imperial warlords fighting for control of the shattered Empire. X2 executes his plan; however, only the base shield goes down, so he rams the massive Star Destroyer into the shield, destroying it in the process, but making it through to the planet's surface.