They feed mostly during dawn and dusk, and slow down during midday, particularly during the hotter summer months. The adult yellow perch is golden, while the juvenile is whiter.

Waters above 79 degrees will start to cause them stress and above 91 degrees will become lethal. Their metabolism gets sluggish and they become less aggressive than usual. From experienced anglers to first-timers, there’s nothing quite like filling up a cooler with these tasty panfish.

It goes by several different names including American perch, striped perch, lake perch, coontail, and most often is simply called ‘perch’.

The perch are typically 6 to 10 inches long and weigh 1/2 to 1 pound. Schools can consist of 50 or more fish. Their strikes are fairly subtle, so keeping an eye on your rod rip and keeping a finger on the line will help you detect their soft bites. It’s what lead me to start this site and share my passions for fishing, diving, kayaking and more. They also don’t interfere with strike detection, which will help you feel the perch’s subtle bites. Enjoy! Perch can also be distinguished by their bright orange lower fins.

Yellow perch are poor swimmers.

You’ll often catch the largest perch of the year during this season.

Like most fish, the females tend to be a bit larger than the males. Because of their preference for cover and shallower water, perch make a great target for shore, pier and dock fishing.

This is a highly prized food fish in North America.

When it comes to bait, yellow perch can be caught on a variety of live and dead bait – but are particularly partial to live minnows, fly larvae, mealworms, crawfish, and small nightcrawlers. The edges of weed beds, structures, and rocky points near deep drop-offs are ideal places to target perch during the summer. This means that you should also stay on the move.

Schools typically don’t stay in one place for a long period of time, so when you catch one perch, you’ll want to get your bait back into the water as soon as possible as more will be nearby. You’ll find perch moving into shallower water near weed beds and shallow, rocky areas to spawn. Their meat is soft, tender, slightly sweet and perfect for a big ol’ fish fry. Highly versatile, yellow perch can be pan- and deep-fried, baked, sautéed, poached, grilled or used in chowder. These fish are native to most of the northeastern United States, as well as much of the Midwest. If you’re fishing from a boat, you’ll be able to cover more area and zero on where the perch are hanging out. Fun Facts. Because of its mild but distinctive flavor, yellow perch can be prepared with minimal seasoning. Catching yellow perch is fun, but the real joy of perch fishing is devouring a delicious plate of fried perch fillets!

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While perch are similar to other panfish like crappie and bluegill, their mouths are actually harder and will require a needle sharp hook to penetrate. Interestingly, they’re not particularly good swimmers, which mean they have a hard time escaping from predators in open water.

Most of the time, perch can be found on the bottom, or within a foot of the bottom. You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

Today, commercial wild fisheries are limited to Canada and a few U.S. sites.

Slip floats are excellent for this (we’ll get into this more below). Mix flour, paprika, and salt together and set aside. Yellow perch above 8 inches really start to shift their diet to more fish-based food and minnows are the prime meal on the menu. They’re still fairly active though, and make an excellent target for ice fishermen.

We'll keep you in the loop with the latest tips, gear info, how-to articles, and giveaways. Unlike other freshwater fish, perch do not hug the bottom during the winter months. Hailed by many as “the ultimate pan fish,” yellow perch is rivaled only by walleye as the most popular freshwater fish on restaurant menus. However, the fish has adapted well to pond culture and intensive tank rearing. Juvenile perch begin by feeding on zooplankton until their large enough to begin feeding on smaller insects and larvae.

This handy size guide is excellent for school field trips and family trips to your favorite aquarium! For my money, yellow perch are right up there with walleye for the best tasting freshwater fish.

With fun facts about more than 100 animals, this long-awaited Aquarium Guide includes beautiful pictures and reveals the incredible facts and design features that point to our amazing Creator. They do require bobber stop beads though, so make sure you pick those up as well.

This fish has darker bars that run vertically on its body.

Like many fish, perch feeding habits change over the course of their life cycles. Like most freshwater fish, perch behave differently depending on the time of year.

Light and ultra-light tackle makes detecting bites much easier. The fish are gearing up for the long winter ahead of them by eating as much as possible and will snap at almost any bait or lure you put in front of them.

Sized #6 hooks will work well – the smaller you can get away with the better, as perch are more likely to snap at smaller bait presentations. An estimated 40 aquaculture operations in the United States raise yellow perch to food size.

Various jigs and lures can be used – particularly in chartreuse, yellow, orange and white. Because they’re fairly heat sensitive, successfully locating perch will require you to consider the season and conditions.

Perch are typically most active in the early morning and in the late afternoon/evening.

As mentioned previously, the best setup for perch fishing is light to ultra-light equipment.

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Heavier test will have too much line memory – which can interfere with your setup. These work best once you’re already into a school, other baits are better for attracting them in the first place. If you’re fishing from shore, look for places with good cover – like felled trees, rock piles or underwater manmade structures.

Spreader rigs and running multiple lines work well this time of year, as the perch school will stay put as long as you’re offering them something to bite at.

When they reach maturity, their diets are primarily made of fish eggs, crayfish, shrimp and smaller fish. CARES Act spend approvals clears USD 13.2 million for fishery aid in four states, US Trade Commission hears testimony on CETA's impact on US lobster exports, Mauritius oil spill cleanup efforts gets funding boost, DSAR Requests / Do Not Sell My Personal Info.

Yellow perch are known to live as long as 13 years.

Your best bet is to find an ideal location, drop anchor off the front of the boat, and drift downwind until you reach your desired location. Perch will venture out into deeper water (particularly larger ones), so areas near a deeper drop off points are often great for locating larger perch.

Instead, it is adult yellow perch which consume the most minnows. This fish has darker bars that run vertically on its body.

The yellow perch (Perca flavescens), is a freshwater perciform fish native to much of the eastern United States and most of Canada.It’s closely related to other perciform fish like walleye, sauger, darters and European perch. They begin to spawn when water temperatures approach 50 degrees. Like all freshwater fish, perch slow down somewhat during the colder winter months.